Daily Horoscope Monday – Sep 30, 2019
Aries Daily Horoscope Monday – Sep 30, 2019
Acting on a quick tip may lead to surprising results today. Whether the financial outcome can be defined as good or bad mostly depends on the relationship between the amount of your risk and the expected return. For instance, spending a large sum of money on credit for a small discount, with no clear path for paying it off, might not be smart business. Yet, if you can see more the upsides to a purchase than the disadvantages, then go for it. Whats key is to look at all the angles before you leap. Benjamin Franklin wrote, An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
Taurus Daily Horoscope Monday – Sep 30, 2019
Raw honesty is the most useful path forward today. The truth is a much-needed transformation in a relationship probably goes better if you both surrender to it. Maybe neither of you wants to admit that your feelings for each other have evolved for fear that your confession could disrupt your current arrangement. However, trusting that you both will find your way to a new normal is easier when you honor the current dynamics without fear. Greek philosopher Heraclitus wrote, Change is the only constant in life.
Adapting to an unexpected upset to your plans becomes satisfying if you can sidestep your initial annoyance. Youre not necessarily irritated by altering your schedule since youre probably flexible, anyway. But its harder to tweak your expectations than rearrange todays timetable. Stay open by releasing yourself from any preconceptions that you know how the day will unfold. Control is a delusion now, while wonder and enchantment are as real as granite rock. Miracles happen if youre willing to stick around more for the magic than to manipulate reality to your liking.
Cancer Daily Horoscope Monday – Sep 30, 2019
Maintain high alert today because you and those around you are prone to hypersensitivity or dramatic reactions. Defensive behavior is likely while receptivity is low. Slowing your response time enables you to be a counter-agent if you think someone else is acting aggressively or suspiciously. Fortunately, you dont have to fight fire with fire even if others do; you can consciously choose to remain emotionally centered, instead. Stop heated exchanges from getting hotter by using your watery compassion and thoughtfulness. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.
Leo Daily Horoscope Monday – Sep 30, 2019
Introducing an element of surprise to a work endeavor can reveal unexplored opportunities. You may break through any resistance by following a flash of insight today. Even if your idea doesnt yield fruit, it lets people know that youre willing to take risks for the sake of originality. Perhaps your eagerness to innovate is whats most important now. Be ready to hazard the new, rather than safely relying on the tried and true. The more you keep everyone guessing, the better you are at putting others on their toes. Novelist Dame Margaret Drabble wrote, When nothing is sure, everything is possible.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Monday – Sep 30, 2019
A stunning fact uncovers new portals of knowledge today. You may end up tunneling through the internet, periodicals, or books to learn more about an out-of-the-blue insight or mind-altering detail. Your research has a way of uprooting and upsetting your feelings about your established beliefs now while the probing Scorpio Moon sheds her light in your 3rd House of Data Collection. However, rushing to conclusions, even if they seem wonderful at first, might inhibit you from gathering more useful information. Staying as flexible and objective as possible gives you the best chance to see the unvarnished truth.
Libra Daily Horoscope Monday – Sep 30, 2019
You cant shop or buy your way out of resolving a lingering inner tension today. Focusing on making any purchases is probably just another tactic to avoid dealing with a troubling issue now. Of course, you also run the risk of complicating your budget with impulse spending. Instead, observe the energy that is freed up once you examine any strong emotions, like feelings of inadequacy or envy. If you feel as light as a feather after facing your worries, then you can safely bargain-hunt to the satisfaction of your heart and pocketbook. You cannot change what you refuse to confront.
Navigating through an emotional storm helps you reach an important milestone today. Perhaps a business partner or love interest earns a deeper level of your trust when they reveal theyre willing and able to be there for you after an unexpected incident. Or you may move past your own fears and doubts about a chancy endeavor. In any event, savor your victory and nurture your self-confidence, since your positive attitude empowers you to vanquish other inner obstacles. Author Anais Nin penned, Life shrinks or expands in proportion to ones courage.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Monday – Sep 30, 2019
One fascinating method for boosting your willpower and increasing your ability can rock your world today. However, it still might be tough to confront a challenging habit thats negatively impacting your life. Perhaps you believe that you cant change or wonder if you even want to do so. Nevertheless, its possible to discover a mind-blowing fact that cultivates self-understanding. Its not necessarily a technique or program that inspires your transformation. Simply remember that your habits are decisions you put on automatic pilot. Take control and make choices now that will lead to new ways of being in the future.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Monday – Sep 30, 2019
Confessing to someone close to you or, in turn, hearing another person untangle a knotted cord in their heart may be liberating today. You might not realize how much of a weight you were shouldering until you unload your burden to a friend. Its likely that you both keep each others secrets now since the Moon is in loyal Scorpio. Not only can you strengthen your bonds of a relationship, but exhuming skeletons from your psyche without fear of judgment is a true blessing that gives you the pleasure to be more of yourself in their presence. Dr. Bren Brown said, Vulnerability is the only bridge to build connection.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Monday – Sep 30, 2019
You may take pride in your ability to maintain healthy boundaries, even if it means keeping your mouth shut. However, experiencing a violation of your privacy in a business or personal relationship can rattle your cage today. Youre reluctant to express your feelings because of the additional exposure that could bring. Yet, any relationship sets you up for vulnerability, so staving off all breaches of confidentiality is unlikely. Discreetly discern how to approach your concerns rather than bottling everything up and alienating yourself from others. Helen Keller wrote, Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Monday – Sep 30, 2019
Your desire to break from stodgy routines and conventional answers is likely irrepressible today. Your restlessness might direct you to investigate distant places and unusual beliefs. You could even make a bizarre statement just for the sake of shocking your colleagues and friends. However, be careful that your craving for the edge doesnt lead to rash behavior. Let your emotions roam free internally but filter your actions to ensure youre heading toward what you want, not merely away from what youre tired of experiencing. Athlete Bo Jackson said, Set your goals high, and dont stop until you get there.
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