Daily Horoscope Monday – November 7, 2022

Daily Horoscope Monday – November 7, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Monday – November 7, 2022

The universe will give you permission to indulge in the slower side of life today, dear Aries, as the moon continues its journey through earthy Taurus. These vibes are all about finding your center, which can be accessed by indulging your senses with good food, music, and fine fabrics. Intense conversations could illuminate new truths when Mercury cozies up to the Scorpio sun, so don’t be afraid to scratch beyond the surface. However, the vibe will intensify as the witching hours near, and exhaustion could inspire you to head to bed at an earlier hour than you’re used to.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Monday – November 7, 2022

The moon moves through your sign today, sweet Bull, giving you permission to do things your way. Though Mondays are typically thought of as a busy and hectic time, you should feel free to stop and smell the roses as it pleases you. However, you may begin to sense the tension in the air as Luna gears up for the full moon eclipse early tomorrow morning, so you may want to avoid stressful exchanges. You’ll have an opportunity to peer into the future as the moon crosses over the north node, so be sure to use your third eye later tonight.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Monday – November 7, 2022

Though it may be difficult to escape your colleagues and work responsibilities today, dear Gemini, don’t be afraid to fly under the radar when the opportunity presents itself. You’ll find peace through solitude as the moon continues its journey through Taurus, activating the sector of your chart that governs introspection. The vibe will feel exhausting and tense as Luna gears up for tomorrow’s full moon eclipse, so you may want to prepare yourself for a rocky night ahead. If you find it difficult to fall asleep, you may want to consider journaling your thoughts and feelings.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Monday – November 7, 2022

The Scorpio sun and Mercury align in the sector of your chart that governs creative expression, dear Cancer, asking you to feel confident within your hobbies or creative work. This cosmic climate is perfect for finding inspiration in unlikely places, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for moments of beauty that you can draw from. The Taurus moon aligns with the nodes of fate later this evening, getting up for tomorrow morning’s full moon eclipse. These vibes can bring out temperamental attitudes within both yourself and others, so be sure to find relaxing ways to release stress or grief.

Leo Daily Horoscope Monday – November 7, 2022

Communication within your domestic affairs should flow smoothly today, dear Leo, as the Scorpio sun and Mercury align in your solar fourth house. These vibes are perfect for airing grievances with your roomies, though you’ll need to be extremely grounded and compassionate if you want to avoid a conflict. Tensions could brew later tonight as the Taurus moon connects with the nodes of fate, gearing up for tomorrow morning’s lunar eclipse. You may feel compelled to put up a few guards in order to stabilize your emotions, but try not to run away from the people who truly nurture your heart.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Monday – November 7, 2022

You’ll be extra chatty throughout the day, dear Virgo, as the Scorpio sun and Mercury join forces in the sector of your chart that governs communication. This cosmic climate is also poised to trigger your investigative side, helping you find the answers to any questions or theories your mind has been playing with recently. These vibes will also ask you to evolve your thinking, so don’t be afraid to change your mind. Meanwhile, the moon continues to move through Taurus, gearing up for tomorrow’s lunar eclipse. Be sure to lean into your spiritual side, as the universe will be eager to connect with you.

Libra Daily Horoscope Monday – November 7, 2022

The idea that “money talks” will feel especially true for you today, dear Libra, as the Scorpio sun and Mercury align in your solar second house. This cosmic climate will ask you to take a clear and impartial look at your financial situation to make necessary changes to your budget, especially if you’ve been spending more than usual lately. Luckily, these vibes will also give you permission to spoil yourself a bit, though you should be mindful that you’re choosing small pleasures over elaborate extravagances. Pay special attention to any brilliant ideas that pop into your head throughout the day, as they could lead you to new money-making opportunities.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Monday – November 7, 2022

Big ideas will flood your psyche today, dear Scorpio, as the sun and Mercury align in your sign. These vibes will elevate your confidence, especially when it comes to asking for the things you want. Don’t be afraid to use your voice, especially since your unique thoughts and ideas will only add to your magnetic allure. Socializing will also bring you much joy, making it a good time to put on a friendly face. Just watch out for tension later tonight as Luna connects with the nodes of fate, gearing up for tomorrow’s intense full moon eclipse.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Monday – November 7, 2022

You won’t be able to hide from your deepest thoughts and feelings today, dear Sagittarius, as the Scorpio sun and Mercury cozy up in the sector of your chart that governs the subconscious. Sudden realizations could cause you to see the past in a different light, though you should try to find comfort in the present if you begin to struggle with your emotions. Though it may come with a few rude awakenings, this cosmic climate will ask you to see yourself with transparency so that you can break away from any patterns or situations holding you back.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Monday – November 7, 2022

You’ll be the center of attention wherever you go today, dear Sea-Goat, as the Scorpio sun canoodles with chatty Mercury in the sector of your chart that governs community. This cosmic climate will encourage you to use your voice, as it will be easy to win the support of those you encounter. Use this energy wisely to boost your popularity, which can help you in professional, creative, or social matters down the line. Meanwhile, the Taurus moon aligns with the nodes of fate later tonight, gearing up for tomorrow morning’s lunar eclipse, making it a great time to focus on passion projects.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Monday – November 7, 2022

Take extra steps to be seen and heard around the office today, dear Aquarius, as the Scorpio sun and Mercury join forces in the sector of your chart that governs career ambitions. This is the perfect time to divulge your professional ideas and plans with the people that can give you a leg up, so don’t be afraid to request a private meeting with your superiors. Meanwhile, the moon continues its journey through grounded Taurus, helping you feel centered and calm within your heart. However, the vibe could get a little rocky later tonight as the stars gear up for tomorrow’s lunar eclipse.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Monday – November 7, 2022

It’ll be important that you find time to go within and tap into your spiritual side today, dear Pisces, as the Scorpio sun forms a cosmic alliance with communicative Mercury. This celestial exchange will sharpen your third eye, helping you see your situation with perfect clarity so that you can move forward with confidence. Meanwhile, the Taurus moon will bring a stabilizing energy to your mind, allowing you to have patience in your progress. However, the air will thicken later tonight when Luna aligns with the nodes of fate, pressuring you to make important decisions that can alter your path.


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