Daily Horoscope Monday – November 21, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Monday – November 21, 2022
It may take a moment to shake off your fatigue this morning, dear Aries, as the Libra moon forms an unbalanced aspect to Jupiter. Luckily, you’ll have a chance to shed these wonky vibes by midmorning, when Luna moves into Scorpio while bringing forth a cleansing and transformative energy. This luminary placement is poised to empower you throughout the next two and a half days, so don’t be afraid to throw your weight around a bit, especially where business matters are concerned. However, you should try to focus on balance and equality within your most intimate relationships, as doing so will allow your bonds to deepen.
Taurus Daily Horoscope Monday – November 21, 2022
Try to focus on your breath and maintain harmony this morning, dear Taurus, as the Libra moon forms an unbalanced aspect with Jupiter. This cosmic climate could make it easy for you to become overwhelmed, especially if your electronic devices and social media feed cause you to lose track of time. Luckily, grace will descend upon you by midmorning when Luna moves into Scorpio, activating your solar seventh house. Lean into love throughout the next two and a half days as the universe encourages you to open your heart. These vibes are also perfect for romance and self-care, making it a great evening for both.
Gemini Daily Horoscope Monday – November 21, 2022
Try not to let your ego or sense of personal power falter this morning, dear Gemini, as the Libra moon squares off with brooding Pluto. Luckily, these vibes should clear by mid-morning when Luna moves into Scorpio and your solar sixth house, presenting you with an opportunity to focus on your tasks for the day. The energy at play will unlock the efficient worker that lives within, allowing you to kick off the workweek feeling motivated and energized. However, you’ll need to be mindful of your health throughout the next two days, taking care to eat healthily while staying hydrated.
Cancer Daily Horoscope Monday – November 21, 2022
The Libra moon squares off with brooding Pluto in the very early hours this morning, darling Cancer, threatening to disturb your slumber with emotionally intense dreams. Luckily, you’ll feel more elevated and like yourself by midmorning, when Luna moves into Scorpio and the sector of your chart that governs self-expression. Use this luminary placement as an excuse to bring some drama to your wardrobe, opting for a bold approach to your daily duties. Consider scheduling a date or dinner with your besties once you’ve wrapped up work for the day, as your heart will crave companionship and meaningful connections.
Leo Daily Horoscope Monday – November 21, 2022
Watch out for snippy comments within yourself and others this morning, dear Leo, as the Libra moon forms an unbalanced aspect with Jupiter. This cosmic climate could cause you to feel overwhelmed, though taking it out on others won’t make your situation any easier. Luckily, the stars will align to nurture your heart and soul by midmorning, when Luna moves into Scorpio and your solar fourth house. These vibes are perfect for letting love into your life, especially regarding compassionate partners and supportive friends. Give yourself permission to lay low at home, recharging after the long workday.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Monday – November 21, 2022
Try not to fall for targeted ads or online sales this morning, dear Virgo, as the Libra moon forms an unbalanced aspect with expansive Jupiter. This celestial exchange could cause you to go overboard with your spending, and you could end up with buyer’s remorse down the line. Luckily, these funky vibes will dissipate by midmorning when Luna moves into Scorpio, helping you reclaim mental clarity and a pragmatic disposition. However, if you’re still fantasizing about buying yourself something special, you can go ahead and give yourself permission to indulge, as long as you calculate your budget first.
Libra Daily Horoscope Monday – November 21, 2022
You will feel as though you’re floating through your tasks this morning, dear Libra, as the moon takes its final steps through your sign. Be sure to prioritize harmony right now, soaking up the last few hours of this luminary placement. You’ll feel a shift by mid-morning when Luna moves into Scorpio, elevating your senses and connection to the material realms. These vibes are also perfect for romance and passion, making it a good evening for embracing luxury with the object of your desires. You may also want to throw a few spare dollars into your savings account, as the stars ask you to invest in your financial security.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope Monday – November 21, 2022
You’ll start to feel more energized and ambitious as the Libra moon creeps closer to your sign this morning, dear Scorpio. However, an unbalanced aspect to Jupiter could cause you to become overwhelmed by your ideas and dreams. Remember that it’s important to set big goals for yourself, but try not to take on too much at once. Your popularity could see a spike by midmorning when Luna finally moves into your sign, making it a great time to ask for support if you’re in need. This luminary placement will also give you permission to put yourself first, so don’t feel guilty about focusing on your own agenda.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Monday – November 21, 2022
You’ll be particularly sensitive to the energy of the collective this morning, dear Archer, as the Libra moon forms an unbalanced aspect to expansive Jupiter. Be mindful of who you connect with right now, as guarding against the thoughts and emotions of others will be more challenging than usual. Luckily, the stars will give you permission to take a more introverted approach to the day once Luna moves into Scorpio by mid-morning. Use this luminary placement as an excuse to embrace the hermit that lives within, taking time to recharge and unwind after the busy weekend you had.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Monday – November 21, 2022
Try not to overshare when it comes to your plans for success or professional ambitions this morning, dear Sea-Goat, as the Libra moon forms an unbalanced aspect with Jupiter. This cosmic climate could put the people around you in a funky mood, and jealousy or malicious intent could inspire your frenemies to plot against you by throwing obstacles in your path. Luckily, the vibe will shift by mid-morning when Luna moves into Scorpio, helping you find a supportive network of peers. Use this energy to your advantage by planning a group gathering, showcasing your skills as a leader within your community.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Monday – November 21, 2022
The Libra moon forms a harsh connection with brooding Pluto in the very early hours this morning, dear Aquarius, threatening to trigger unpleasant dreams. Try not to let your astral realm encounters shake you too much, but try to examine if there may be a deeper meaning at play. Luckily, you’ll have a chance to shake off any funk that found you in sleepy realms by mid-morning, when Luna moves into transformative Scorpio. These vibes are perfect for temporarily taking a step back from your emotions so that you can focus on your professional ambitions and your path toward success.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Monday – November 21, 2022
Watch out for obsessive behaviors this morning, dear Pisces, as the Libra moon aspects both Pluto and Jupiter in the early hours. This cosmic climate could cause you to get too caught up in your own agenda, causing you to temporarily lose touch with your surroundings. Luckily, you’ll feel more at peace and able to connect with the world around you by mid-morning as Luna moves into Scorpio and the sector of your chart that governs spirituality. Positive thinking will play a vital role in your happiness throughout the next two and a half days, and you should also find time to connect with your favorite mystical practices.
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