Daily Horoscope Monday – February 28, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Monday – February 28, 2022
Avoid getting sucked into your phone this morning, dear Aries, or you could end up losing track of time, thanks to a harsh connection between the Aquarius moon and chaotic Uranus. Luckily, the stars will bring cosmic favor to your career, thanks to a series of sweet connections between Venus, Mars, and the nodes of fate. This energy is perfect for making professional headway, especially if you’re able to demonstrate a passion for the work you do and a desire to move forward accordingly. Using your voice to articulate your ambitions will also be an important factor to consider, as the moon connects with Mercury, asking you to vocalize the evolution you seek.
Taurus Daily Horoscope Monday – February 28, 2022
Work could feel like a chaotic place this morning, as the Aquarius moon forms a harsh aspect to wild Uranus, who is currently camped out in your sign. Try your best to stay calm and grounded right now, as you’ll likely need to act as the voice of reason amongst your colleagues. Luckily, the universe will find ways to have your back, thanks to a cosmic alliance between Venus, Mars, and the nodes of fate. A strange turn of luck can manifest from any choppy waters you hit, giving you a chance to stabilize your heart and mind once calm returns in the afternoon.
Gemini Daily Horoscope Monday – February 28, 2022
The moon continues its journey through Aquarius today, lighting up the sector of your chart that rules personal philosophies and spirituality. The world will come alive with signs and synchronicities under this cosmic climate, particularly in the late afternoon, when Luna cozies up to communicative Mercury. Meanwhile, Venus and Mars share sweet aspects with the nodes of fate, helping you understand and come to terms with any habits or behavioral patterns that need adjusting to help you find your highest and healthiest path. If you’re feeling uncertain about the way forward, try to get in a meditation session this evening to find clarity.
Cancer Daily Horoscope Monday – February 28, 2022
Be mindful of who you confide in this morning, dear Cancer, as the Aquarius moon forms a harsh aspect to chaotic Uranus. While you’ll certainly be in the mood for deeper connection, this cosmic climate cautions you not to let your guard down around someone you’re not fully sure you can trust, as it may come back to haunt you. Luckily, these vibes are set to break up as afternoon rolls in, and a helpful alliance between Luna and Mercury a few hours later will give you the green light to converse to your heart’s desire with whomever you please.
Leo Daily Horoscope Monday – February 28, 2022
Unexpected walls could manifest in your relationships this morning, dear Lion, as the Aquarius moon squares off with rebellious Uranus. If your partner or bestie seems to pull away from you, try not to take it personally, as they are likely dealing with irritations or frustrations on an internal level that have nothing to do with you. Luckily, a cosmic alliance between Luna and Mercury later in the afternoon can help you get to the bottom of any issues that arose earlier in the day as the proverbial clouds part, making it easier for open and honest communication to take place.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Monday – February 28, 2022
Sticking to your typical routine could feel like a pipe dream this morning, dear Virgo, as the Aquarius moon forms a harsh square to chaotic Uranus, shaking up the morning in unexpected ways. Luckily, these vibes will break up as afternoon rolls around, and a helpful alliance between Luna and Mercury will give you a chance to reconnect with your mental clarity and organization. Your personal structures will continue to stabilize as evening manifests, thanks to a helping hand from responsible Saturn. If you’re still contending with messes that found you earlier in the day, these vibes will help you restore order.
Libra Daily Horoscope Monday – February 28, 2022
Your ego could take a slight hit this morning, dear Libra, as the Aquarius moon forms a harsh square to rebellious Uranus. If you do find yourself being humbled by the universe, try to roll with the punches, as these vibes will clear before the afternoon rolls in. Luckily, Venus, your ruling planet, will cozy up to passionate Mars while aspecting the nodes of fate. This cosmic climate will motivate you to work past any hurdles, helping you shake off any upsets that may have manifested for you so that you can stay focused on the path ahead.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope Monday – February 28, 2022
This morning, dear Scorpio, tensions could brew within your home life as the Aquarius moon forms a difficult aspect to wildcard Uranus. Try not to engage or trigger any housemates that seem more tense than usual, giving them their space until the afternoon rolls in, and these funky vibes have had a chance to dissipate. A helpful alliance between Luna and Mercury later in the day will inspire you to organize your space, especially if your chores have been piling up lately. A sense of satisfaction will find you once order is restored when Luna cozies up to responsible Saturn, helping you feel satisfied with all the hard work you put in today.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Monday – February 28, 2022
Even the most well-meaning advice can backfire if it’s given unsolicited, dear Archer, a difficult lesson this morning’s cosmic climate may remind you of. Avoid giving your two cents to friends or family going through a tough time, and instead, ask them if there’s anything you can do to help them. If you feel as though your words really can make a difference, a cosmic alliance between the moon and Mercury later in the afternoon will act as the most opportune time for you to bestow your knowledge. Just remember to do so without crossing any boundaries, and you should be able to get your point across with grace and class.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Monday – February 28, 2022
Though the temptation may be there, try to avoid impulsive spending this morning, as the Aquarius moon forms a harsh aspect to wildcard Uranus. Unfortunately, these vibes could also result in unexpected expenses, making it essential that you exercise caution when working with important or delicate electronics. Luckily, order will be restored later in the afternoon when the moon forms a cosmic alliance with Mercury, helping you feel more collected and organized within your finances and thoughts. The material realms will begin to catch up to such stabilization as nighttime rolls around, and Lady Luna crosses paths with orderly Saturn.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Monday – February 28, 2022
Chaos could manifest at home this morning, dear Aquarius, as the Aquarius moon squares off to rebellious Uranus. Try to stay calm and grounded as you prepare to take on the workday, even if your day gets a rocky start. Luckily, this energy won’t linger for long. And with the moon camped out in your sign, it will be easy to keep a positive disposition. A chatty vibe will find you later in the afternoon, causing your phone to light up with messages and calls from your nearest and dearest. However, try not to let a desire for socialization detract you too much from your duties, or you could be stuck playing catchup later in the evening.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Monday – February 28, 2022
Your mind may illuminate some truths that are difficult to swallow this morning, dear Pisces, thanks to a harsh connection between the Aquarius moon and chaotic Uranus. While the vibe certainly will carry a funk, try not to be overly critical of yourself or the people you are about. You’ll notice a shift later in the afternoon when Luna cozies up to Mercury, allowing you to sort through your psyche in an organized and healthy way. More cosmic aid will come your way later in the afternoon, when the moon crosses over pragmatic Saturn, helping you stabilize your mind and the thoughts that fly through it.