Daily Horoscope Monday – August 29, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Monday – August 29, 2022
The moon moves into harmonious Libra this morning, dear Aries, forming a cosmic alliance with communicative Mercury in the sector of your chart that governs matters of the heart. Use this energy to speak openly about your feelings, and don’t be afraid to get a bit of flirting in. Good vibes will continue to flow when Luna blows a kiss to Mars this afternoon, bringing a passionate vibe to the table that’s perfect for romance. Just remember to cut some time out for self-care and personal balance as the day continues to unfold, or you could begin to feel overstimulated.
Taurus Daily Horoscope Monday – August 29, 2022
Your mind and body will work well together, dear Taurus, as the moon enters Libra and the sector of your chart that governs wellness. A cosmic alliance between Luna and Mercury will amplify these notions, giving you an opportunity to work quickly and efficiently as the morning unfolds. Unfortunately, an unbalanced aspect between the south node and Chiron could throw you for a loop, threatening to dust up relationship history you’d rather forget. Try not to fixate on small details this evening when the moon forms a harsh opposition to Jupiter, or you could overwhelm yourself with minutia.
Gemini Daily Horoscope Monday – August 29, 2022
You won’t find yourself in a quiet mood today, dear Gemini, as the moon begins its journey through Libra and the sector of your chart that governs self-expression. Luckily, your words will travel with grace this morning when Luna cozies up to Mercury, so feel free to open your mouth and speak what’s on your mind. You’ll feel motivated to work on projects you feel passionate about this afternoon, thanks to a supportive alliance between Luna and Mars. Feel free to blow off some steam with your friends after work, but try to keep the circle tight to avoid drama.
Cancer Daily Horoscope Monday – August 29, 2022
The moon makes its way into Libra and your solar fourth house this morning, dear Cancer, cozying up to Mercury as the morning unfolds. This cosmic climate will give you a fresh perspective when it comes to matters of the heart, providing you with an opportunity to make peace with any friends or loved ones you’ve hit rocky waters with recently. An urge to update the aesthetic of your space could also come into play, and domestic duties such as cooking or cleaning will feel more satisfying than usual. Plan on spending your evening at home, reveling in the cozy vibes lingering within your four walls.
Leo Daily Horoscope Monday – August 29, 2022
Your wit will benefit from some cosmic sharpening today, sweet Lion, as the moon enters Libra and the sector of your chart that governs communication and thought process. These sentiments will become accentuated as the morning unfolds and Luna cozies up to Mercury, making it a great time to share ideas and process new information. Your words will have a particularly inspiring tone as afternoon settles in and the moon connects with Mars, helping you establish yourself as a leader or go-getter. Look for ways to stimulate your psyche as the day comes to a close, as your mind will be hungry for fresh concepts.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Monday – August 29, 2022
You’ll feel more in tune with the world around you today, dear Virgo, as the moon begins its journey through Libra and the sector of your chart that governs the material realms. Meanwhile, a cosmic alliance between Luna and Mercury will sharpen your observation skills, so be sure to keep your eyes open for opportunities, new information, and tricksters. A problem-solving element will also come into play this afternoon when the moon aspects Mars, which can help you make major headway within your profession, so don’t be afraid to step up and share your ideas if you think your colleagues or employer might benefit.
Libra Daily Horoscope Monday – August 29, 2022
The moon makes its way into your sign today, dear Libra, bringing a euphoric grace to your aura that will be hard for others to resist. You may feel like the center of attention when Luna cozies up to Mercury this morning, putting others in the mood to reach out for a chat. This celestial exchange can also help you draw attention to your own talents and successes without the risk of sounding egotistical. Try to indulge in positive mantras or a bit of manifestation work this afternoon when the moon aspects Mars, elevating your connection with the other side.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope Monday – August 29, 2022
You may feel like quieting down and taking a back seat today, dearest Scorpio, as the moon makes its way into Libra and the sector of your chart that governs the subconscious. A cosmic alliance between Luna and Mercury will accentuate these sentiments as the universe asks you to take a deep and honest look at yourself and your current situation. Luckily, going within will yield positive results as the moon aspects Mars this afternoon, motivating you to make personal changes that can help elevate you towards your highest potential. Try to get some meditation in before bed tonight, opening yourself to healing from beyond the veil.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Monday – August 29, 2022
Don’t be surprised if you wake up to an inbox filled with messages this morning, dear Archer, as the moon enters Libra and your solar eleventh house. Meanwhile, a cosmic alliance between Luna and Mercury will open the floodgates for gossip, friendly banter, and news, though you should avoid getting too sucked into your social media pages. A flirty and passionate energy will fill the air this afternoon, making it a great time to check in with your sweetheart or latest crush. Take some time to catch up on world events before the day comes to a close, finding ways to support causes that are important to you.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Monday – August 29, 2022
You’ll have a calming effect on your colleagues and coworkers today, dear Sea-Goat, as the moon enters Libra and the sector of your chart that governs career. Meanwhile, a cosmic alliance between Luna and Mercury will empower your voice, making it a great time to pitch new ideas or ask for more challenging work. Your problem-solving skills will come in handy this afternoon when Luna blows a kiss to Mars, and your efficiency is poised to score some major points with your superiors. Give yourself permission to set boundaries to indulge in some self-care before the day comes to a close.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Monday – August 29, 2022
Take a moment to open yourself up to messages from the universe this morning, dear Aquarius, as the moon enters Libra and the sector of your chart that governs spirituality. A cosmic alliance between Luna and Mercury will make you particularly open to signs from beyond the veil. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for strange coincidences and mystical synchronicities. Creative inspiration is liable to strike when Luna blows a kiss to Mars this afternoon, so you may want to keep a notebook on hand so you can jot down any brilliant ideas that find you.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Monday – August 29, 2022
You’ll have an easy time letting go of negative vibes, situations, or people today, dear Fish, as the moon moves into Libra and your solar eighth house. Meanwhile, a cosmic alliance between Luna and Mercury will bless you with a profound sense of clarity, helping you tap into your personal power while embracing transformation and the destruction that so often comes with it. Allow yourself to be fueled by passion this afternoon when the moon connects with Mars, asking you to tap into your emotions in a raw and unfiltered way. Try to fit in a cleansing bath before bed to shake off any intense energy from earlier in the day.