Daily Horoscope Monday – 25 April, 2022

Daily Horoscope Monday – 25 April, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Monday – 25 April, 2022

The moon makes its way into Pisces this morning, dear Aries, taking its place as the fifth celestial body in the sector of your chart that governs the subconscious. For this reason, you’ll likely find yourself in a quiet and profound mood, as the universe asks you to focus on thoughts and feelings that you may have buried under the surface. Luckily, this process won’t be as heavy as you might expect since the universe will support this journey with plenty of healing vibes. In fact, you’ll feel a boost of personal motivation this evening as Luna cozies up to Mars, your ruling planet.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Monday – 25 April, 2022

Major shifts will begin to take place for you today, dear Taurus, as Venus, your ruling planet, forms sweet connections with the nodes of fate. However, don’t expect your life to change overnight, as this energy will unfold at its own pace over time. To better understand how the next several months will play out, watch for subtle clues about where you are headed within your social and romantic lives. Luna connects with passionate Mars this evening, and you may find yourself becoming inspired by the accomplishments of your friends, motivating you to take control of your own destiny.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Monday – 25 April, 2022

You’ll feel as though the floodgates have opened within your career today, dear Gemini, as the moon enters Pisces, joining four other planets in the sector of your chart that governs professional ambitions. Now is the time to strengthen the bonds you share with your colleagues, demonstrating to your coworkers and superiors that you are a team player, leading to more opportunities. Luckily, this cosmic climate can also help strengthen a belief in yourself and your ability to move up on your path. Look for ways to put action behind your goals this evening when Luna cozies up to Mars.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Monday – 25 April, 2022

The world will feel like a beautiful place today, sweet crab, as the moon makes its way into Pisces and the sector of your chart that governs spirituality. Meanwhile, a supportive connection between Venus and the nodes of fate will allow you to lead with your heart, especially when it comes to expressing yourself with family and friends. With so much activity happening in the heavens, now would be a good time to reconnect with your favorite meditation practice to help you make the most of these auspicious vibes while opening you up to messages from beyond the veil.

Leo Daily Horoscope Monday – 25 April, 2022

Any anger, obsessions, or intense emotions that you have been hanging onto will have an opportunity to dissolve away today, sweet lion, as the moon makes its way into healing Pisces. Though you may still be upset over certain aspects of your life and relationships, make the most of this cosmic climate by choosing to accept and release that which you know you cannot control or change. Luckily, doing so will be easier than you may think, especially if you decide to put up healthy boundaries with anyone who has been causing you grief over the last few months.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Monday – 25 April, 2022

Give yourself permission to celebrate life today, dear Virgo, as the moon makes its way into Pisces, joining the ranks of four other planets under this compassionate and sensitive sign. This cluster of celestial bodies will bring a rush of activity to the sector of your chart that governs matters of the heart, overfilling your cup with love, inspiration, and good vibes. You’ll find that connecting with others on a soul level comes more easily right now, though you’ll want to make sure you’re not allowing yourself to become too vulnerable with anyone you’re not certain you can trust.

Libra Daily Horoscope Monday – 25 April, 2022

The day will flow beautifully and without major incidents today, dear Libra, as the moon makes its way into watery Pisces. You’ll find that completing tasks comes painlessly and with ease, giving you extra time to focus on any leisurely activities that elevate your aura. However, you may also feel called to lend a helping hand to your coworkers or loved ones, as sweet Venus connects with the nodes of fate. This cosmic climate is also great for paying off any debts that may have accumulated on your credit, helping you feel lighter as these financial burdens are lifted.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Monday – 25 April, 2022

Your mood will be big today, dear Scorpio, as the moon makes its way into Pisces and your solar fifth house. A sense of wonder and creativity is sure to fill your head with plenty of inspiration and dreams for the future, though you’ll need to take serious action if you want to see any of these fantasies materialize. Luckily, the motivation to make your wildest dreams come true will find you this evening when Luna cozies up to passionate Mars, your ruling planet. Use this energy as a cosmic cue to chip away at your goals, harnessing the power of this planetary alliance.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Monday – 25 April, 2022

The vibe will be so nice and cozy at home right now, darling Sagittarius, that you might just decide to stay in bed all day! As the moon makes its way into Pisces and your solar fourth house, you’ll suddenly become aware of the healing properties your home has to offer, especially if it’s been a while since you’ve decompressed from the comfort of your own abode. This is a great day for lighting candles, opening windows, playing music, and celebrating your space, making it important that you embrace all of the nuances that make your place feel like a sanctuary

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Monday – 25 April, 2022

Though you have a reputation for being closed off or stoic from time to time, you’ll be in a delightfully open and compassionate mood today as the moon makes its way into sensitive Pisces. A planetary party of five will fill the sector of your chart that governs communication, inspiring you to open up to the people around you. You may also find that your mind is more artistically active than usual, as the universe conspires to flood your psyche with visionary concepts. Make the most of these vibes by cutting out some time to journal, especially if you’re not able to vocalize every sentiment that is in your heart right now.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Monday – 25 April, 2022

Abundance will find you today, dear Aquarius, as the moon makes its way into Pisces, taking its place as the fifth celestial body in your solar second house. Though this cosmic climate does give you the green light to indulge a bit, try not to completely ignore your budget if you find yourself perusing the goods at your favorite stores. Luckily the opportunity to earn will be just as pronounced as your desire to spend, especially this evening when Luna cozies up to passionate Mars. Harness this energy by taking action toward any investments or projects that can bless you with monetary riches.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Monday – 25 April, 2022

Your mood and aura will feel elevated today, dear fishy, as the moon makes its way into your sign, joining four other planets that are already camped out in your corner of the sky. You can expect a radical boost to your popularity and opportunities right now, making it a good time to put yourself out there, especially when it comes to personal goals. You’ll feel motivated to be your best self this evening when Luna cozies up to Mars, activating your passionate side. Make the most of this energy by taking action toward your dreams, even if it’s only with small steps.