Daily Horoscope Monday – 23 May, 2022

Daily Horoscope Monday – 23 May, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Monday – 23 May, 2022

Take some time to honor your emotions this morning, dear Aries, as the moon continues its journey through sensitive Pisces and the sector of your chart that governs the subconscious. Pleasant surprises and small blessings could find you this afternoon when Luna blows a kiss to Uranus, though you may need to tap into your surroundings to truly benefit from these dreamy vibes. Meanwhile, a sweet connection between Mars, your planetary ruler, and communicative Mercury will ask you to put actions behind your words, though you should avoid moving impulsively, as Mercury is still in the midst of its retrograde journey.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Monday – 23 May, 2022

A friend may call on you for emotional support today, dear Taurus, as the moon makes its way through emotional Pisces and your solar eleventh house. If you find that your companion is truly in a rut, now may be a good time to invite them out for dinner or drinks, as Mars forms a supportive connection to communicative Mercury. This cosmic climate appreciates movement, meaning both you and your companion are likely to benefit from an excursion this evening. Bonding will also happen more organically, giving you an opportunity to lay down a more solid foundation within your friendship.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Monday – 23 May, 2022

Bonding with your coworkers will come easily today, dear Gemini, as the moon continues its journey through Pisces and your solar tenth house. Unfortunately, this cosmic climate could also make you more absorbent to the energy and emotions of those around you, making it important that you look for ways to protect your aura. Luckily, the vibe should be fairly pleasant throughout the day, and a sweet connection between Mars and Mercury, your ruling planet, can bring major healing to your psyche. The key to making the most of this celestial environment is to marry your actions to your words, even if you’re not sure what the outcome will look like.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Monday – 23 May, 2022

Emotional breakthroughs and moments of enlightenment are likely to find you this afternoon, sweet Crab, as the moon continues its journey through Pisces, forming a sweet connection to revolutionary Uranus. Keep a pen and paper handy to document any epiphanies you may have, lest you forget them later. Meanwhile, passionate Mars and communicative Mercury will enter a supportive aspect in the sky, making it a good time to take a few chances, especially if you feel as though you’re being guided by the universe. Just try not to make any major decisions unless you’re absolutely sure, as Mercury is still in the midst of its retrograde motion.

Leo Daily Horoscope Monday – 23 May, 2022

Emotional release will find you today, dear Lion, as the moon continues its journey through Pisces and your solar eighth house. Give yourself permission to tap into your feelings, allowing them to flow through you without restriction. Luckily, a helpful connection between the sun and Jupiter will bring you strength, though you may need to call upon a friend or two for support. These vibes will also bring through a strong sense of gratitude as you tap into the love that emanates from your nearest and dearest. Meanwhile, a sweet aspect between Mars and Pluto will help you connect with your pragmatic side, allowing you to stay on task throughout the day.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Monday – 23 May, 2022

Pleasant surprises will manifest within your love life this afternoon, sweet Virgo, as the Pisces moon shares a supportive connection with Uranus. If you’re currently single these vibes just might bring through your next great love, making it important that you lead with an open heart. Meanwhile, a sweet aspect between passionate Mars and empowering Pluto will encourage you to love yourself first, making it a great time for having fun and working with a creative outlet. Good vibes continue to flow thanks to a celestial dance between the sun and Jupiter, which can help you get ahead in business.

Libra Daily Horoscope Monday – 23 May, 2022

Open your heart to the beauty that surrounds you today, dear Libra, and you’ll surely be blessed with many surprises, thanks to a sweet aspect between the sun and Jupiter. This cosmic climate can also bring in signs and synchronicities from beyond the veil, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled. Meanwhile, a helpful connection between Mars and Mercury can bring some major heat to your love life, giving you an opportunity to bond with that special someone on a philosophical and soul level. These vibes are also supportive of the law of attraction, making it a good time to recite a few positive mantras.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Monday – 23 May, 2022

Take a few moments to indulge in some radical self-love this afternoon, dear Scorpio, as the Pisces moon connects with revolutionary Uranus. This cosmic climate is also poised to elevate your aura, surrounding you with a glamorous and spunky energy. Meanwhile, a helpful connection between communicative Mercury and passionate Mars will reward any moments of bravery you engage with, making it a great time to ask out your crush. Luck will be on your side as the Gemini sun connects with auspicious Jupiter, though you may need to bring some planning and organization into your personal goals in order to make the most of these supportive vibes.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Monday – 23 May, 2022

The more you love yourself, the more others will do the same today, dear Archer, as the Gemini sun connects with Jupiter, your planetary ruler. These vibes can also bring a little bit of fun and spice into your love life, so be sure to plan an adventurous date night with someone special. Meanwhile, a supportive aspect between Mercury and Mars will encourage you to get organized at home, especially if you’ve fallen behind on your domestic duties recently. Luckily, your efforts to clean up could be rewarded as you find items you thought you’d lost when the moon blows a kiss to Uranus.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Monday – 23 May, 2022

Keep a pen and paper handy this afternoon, dear Capricorn, as a sweet connection between the Pisces moon and Uranus is sure to bring though bursts of creative insight. Luckily, a celestial dance between passionate Mars and communicative Mercury will make it easy for you to execute these ideas, especially if they’re of the artistic variety. Meanwhile, a supportive aspect between the Gemini sun and Jupiter will ask you to cater to your emotional and psychical wellness, though you’ll likely feel motivated to nurture the people around you as well. Look for ways to stimulate your mind this evening, as your mind will be thirsty for new information.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Monday – 23 May, 2022

The universe will ask you to go big or go home today, dear Aquarius, as the Gemini sun forms a supportive connection to expansive Jupiter. These vibes will elevate your words significantly, making it important that you use your voice while unapologetically being yourself. The good vibes will continue to flow between passionate Mars and communicative Mercury, making it an ideal time to invest in your home. This energy is also great for having conversations with your housemates, especially if there are changes you’d like to make around the responsibilities and chores required to maintain the upkeep of your space.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Monday – 23 May, 2022

Unexpected news or conversations could find you this afternoon, dear Pisces, as the moon continues its journey through your sign, forming a soft connection to unpredictable Uranus. These vibes will also bless you with the gift of quick wit and a sharpened mind, making it a great time to journal or work on any creative projects you’ve been playing with recently. Meanwhile, a helpful aspect between the Gemini sun and auspicious Jupiter will bring luck to your finances and home life, so be sure to invest a little bit of time and attention to these areas of your existence.