Daily Horoscope Monday – 18 April, 2022

Daily Horoscope Monday – 18 April, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Monday – 18 April, 2022

The moon continues its journey through Scorpio today, dear Aries, putting you in a transactional headspace. Unfortunately, a harsh t-square between Luna, Saturn, and the nodes of fate might make it difficult for you to conduct your business, which could leave you feeling stuck and frustrated. Luckily, you’ll have a chance to reconnect with your optimism this afternoon when Luna blows a kiss to auspicious Jupiter. Use this energy as an excuse to head back to the drawing board and brainstorm new ways to approach your personal and professional goals. Luna makes her way into Sagittarius this evening, elevating your spirituality and intuition.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Monday – 18 April, 2022

Your love life may feel a bit overwhelming this morning, dear Taurus, as the Scorpio moon enters a harsh t-square with Saturn and the nodes of fate. This cosmic climate threatens to plague you with uncertainty about the path ahead when it comes to matters of the heart, creating internal pressure to make important decisions on how to move forward. Luckily, a sweet connection between Venus, your ruling planet, and communicative Mercury can help you find clarity if you listen to your heart. However, you may need to seek counsel from a friend if you’re truly struggling with the situation.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Monday – 18 April, 2022

Tension will brew in the sky this morning as the Scorpio moon triggers a harsh t-square between Saturn and the nodes of fate. Luckily, a connection between Mercury, your ruling planet, and Venus will help you focus on the sweeter side of life, as long as you don’t let others get the better of you. A surreal vibe will find you at work later in the morning as Luna blows a kiss to dreamy Neptune and auspicious Jupiter, helping to dissolve any funk that may have found you earlier in the day. Romance will hang in the air tonight when the moon enters Sagittarius and the sector of your chart that governs love.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Monday – 18 April, 2022

You may need to shield yourself from others this morning, darling Crab, as the Scorpio moon enters a series of rough aspects in the sky. Luckily, you won’t have to lay low all day as Luna blows a kiss to dreamy Neptune and auspicious Jupiter, breaking up any harsh energy that may have manifested earlier. This cosmic climate could also trigger messages from beyond the veil, as the spiritual center of your chart is activated. Getting a meditation session in can also provide major healing while giving your subconscious a chance to quiet down and find clarity.

Leo Daily Horoscope Monday – 18 April, 2022

You may need to bribe yourself into going to work this morning, sweet Lion, as the Scorpio moon enters a series of harsh aspects, tempting you to lay low at home. Luckily, the vibe won’t feel so rough by mid-morning, thanks to a sweet connection between Luna, Neptune, and Jupiter, helping you shake off any funk that may have found you earlier. You’ll notice a shift this evening when the moon enters fiery Sagittarius, which is poised to elevate your aura and creativity over the next couple of days. Give your ego permission to come out and play during this time, and be sure to have some fun!

Virgo Daily Horoscope Monday – 18 April, 2022

Though your ambitions are high, try not to demand perfection from yourself this morning as the Scorpio moon makes a series of harsh connections in the sky. Luckily, a sweet alliance between Luna, Neptune, and Jupiter by mid-morning can help you find compassion for yourself and those around you, but you’ll need to make the conscious decision to lean into love. The ambiance of your home will begin to feel elevated this evening when the moon enters glimmering Sagittarius and your solar fourth house. Use this energy as an excuse to celebrate your space and the people that fill it.

Libra Daily Horoscope Monday – 18 April, 2022

Your financial situation could bring you stress this morning, dear Libra, as the Scorpio moon hits a few celestial bumps in the road. Avoid exacerbating this energy by spending unnecessarily, or you could end up paying for it later. Luckily, a sweet alliance between Venus, your ruling planet, and Mercury can help you find clarity with your resources, but you may need to analyze your bank account and spending habits. These vibes are also great for paying off and collecting debts, so don’t be afraid to hit up your bestie for that cash you lent them over the weekend.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Monday – 18 April, 2022

The moon continues its journey through your sign today, dear Scorpio, bringing you a sense of power and control. Unfortunately, a rough series of aspects in the sky could cause others to react poorly to your intense aura, making it important that you focus only on yourself — and not how others are spending their day. A wave of inspiration will find you as the morning continues to unfold, presenting you with an opportunity to hide away and work on a personal passion or art project. Later this evening, Luna moves into Sagittarius, giving you permission to indulge your senses.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Monday – 18 April, 2022

This morning might not go as smoothly as you’d like, darling Sagittarius, as the Scorpio moon enters a harsh t-square with Saturn and the nodes of fate. Try not to get too upset if you sleep through your alarm, hit traffic, or have a miscommunication with your coworker, as this energy is poised to clear up by mid-morning. Your joyous disposition will find you once more this afternoon when Luna blows a kiss to your ruling planet, Jupiter. You’ll notice a shift this evening when the moon enters your sign, elevating your aura and popularity over the next several days.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Monday – 18 April, 2022

Look for reasons to focus on yourself this morning, dear Capricorn, as the Scorpio moon creates some cosmic tension. Luckily, a sweet camaraderie between Mercury and Venus can help you break away from these messy vibes, but only if you disappear into a world of your own making. It’ll be safe to come up for air as evening rolls in, and Luna blows a kiss to auspicious Jupiter, elevating the collective mood and your desire to socialize. Just try to find your way back to solitude later tonight when the moon enters Sagittarius and the sector of your chart that rules the subconscious.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Monday – 18 April, 2022

The demands of your domestic and professional life could feel intense and overwhelming this morning, dear Aquarius, as the Scorpio moon forms a harsh t-square to Saturn and the nodes of fate. Though the energy will be thick, try to adopt a flexible demeanor, especially if your traditional methods haven’t been as effective lately. A lighter vibe will fill the air this afternoon when Luna blows a kiss to Jupiter, helping you find optimism and perhaps a bit of fun. This is also a great time to reward your senses with a few delicacies, especially if you’re due for a treat!

Pisces Daily Horoscope Monday – 18 April, 2022

Take some time to tap into your gratitude and appreciate what you have this morning, sweet Fish, as Venus shares a soft connection with Mercury. Though others may be having a rough day, you should feel elevated and blissfully unaware of these tensions as Luna blows a kiss to dreamy Neptune, your ruling planet. A sense of peace and spiritual connectivity will find you this afternoon, making it a good time to meditate on your hopes and dreams since the universe is likely to provide you with guidance on such goals. Your focus will shift toward professional ambitions later tonight when the moon enters Sagittarius and your solar tenth house.