Daily Horoscope May 21, 2023

ARIES Daily Horoscope May 21, 2023
The sun enters Gemini and your solar third house this morning, dearest Aries, marking the last stretch of spring and a chance for you to expand your mind. These vibes are perfect for nurturing your curious nature, though your social side will need some attention too. Meanwhile, Mars and Pluto square off overhead, and you’ll want to be on guard for drama within your network of peers, taking care not to get involved if negativity begins to circulate your sphere. You’ll sense a shift this evening when the moon enters Cancer, putting you in the mood to relax at home.
TAURUS Daily Horoscope May 21, 2023
The sun enters Gemini and your solar third house this morning, dearest Aries, marking the last stretch of spring and a chance for you to expand your mind. These vibes are perfect for nurturing your curious nature, though your social side will need some attention too. Meanwhile, Mars and Pluto square off overhead, and you’ll want to be on guard for drama within your network of peers, taking care not to get involved if negativity begins to circulate your sphere. You’ll sense a shift this evening when the moon enters Cancer, putting you in the mood to relax at home.
GEMINI Daily Horoscope May 21, 2023
Happy birthday, dearest Gemini! The sun officially enters your sign early this morning, giving you full permission to seek attention, revel in your popularity, and make things just a little bit more about you. However, you’ll want to be delicate in your approach to adoration as Mars and Pluto face off, and be sure to keep your message positive and attitude light. A grounding and sensual energy will find you this evening when Luna makes her debut in Cancer, asking you to check in with the present, nurturing yourself and the relationships you feel most secure in.
CANCER Daily Horoscope May 21, 2023
Your mind will be a busy place throughout the coming weeks, darling Cancer, as the sun enters Gemini and the sector of your chart that governs introspection. This solar placement will ask you to take stock of your life, meditating on ways to improve your overall happiness while acknowledging what you cannot control. Watch out for bad investments and overspending as Mars and Pluto face off overhead, taking care of your finances by avoiding risky endeavors. A sweetness will wash over you this evening when the moon enters your sign, bringing a sense of peace to your heart.
LEO Daily Horoscope May 21, 2023
Get ready for good times ahead, dear Leo, as the sun enters Gemini and the sector of your chart that governs community. Though you’ll be busy shaking hands and kissing babies throughout the coming weeks, a desire to do something good will also come into play. Be sure to acknowledge the humanitarian that lives within. Watch out for snappy behaviors within your closest relationships as Mars and Pluto face off, and avoid petty arguments that might spoil what could otherwise be a great day. Just be sure to carve out some alone time this evening when the moon migrates into Cancer.
VIRGO Daily Horoscope May 21, 2023
Take extra steps to nurture your professional network throughout the coming weeks, dearest Virgo, as the sun enters Gemini and your solar tenth house. This luminary placement can assist in making headway within your occupational goals, but relationships will be important as you inch your way to the top. Meanwhile, Mars and Pluto face off in our skies, which could create self-doubt if you feel scattered or disorganized. Use this energy as motivation to get a head start on your errands for the work week ahead, and be sure to catch up on household chores as well.
LIBRA Daily Horoscope May 21, 2023
The sun enters Gemini and your house of spirituality this morning, dearest Libra, elevating your spirits and intuition throughout the next month. Lean into the mystic that lives within, and you’ll soon find a universe alive with magick and synchronicity. Unfortunately, a tense opposition between Mars and Pluto could temporarily rain on your parade, especially if your friends try to pull you into their drama. Give yourself permission to bow out of any social theatrics you’re not in the mood to humor, focusing instead on peace of mind and preparing for the work week ahead.
SCORPIO Daily Horoscope May 21, 2023
You’ll be thinking heavily about ways to evolve throughout the coming weeks, dearest Scorpio, as the sun enters Gemini and your house of transformation. Use this energy to make important decisions that will lead you to a higher path, even if doing so requires a few “goodbyes.” Keep tabs on your emotions as Mars and Pluto face off overhead, taking care to set boundaries and nurture your needs if you feel overly stressed. Luckily, the stars will lend some extra support this evening when the moon enters Cancer, promising to lift spirits and strengthen your spirituality throughout the next two days.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Horoscope May 21, 2023
Get ready for lots of love and plenty of flirting, dear Archer, as the sun migrates into Gemini and your solar seventh house. This luminary placement will heighten your charisma and natural wits, providing you with all tools necessary to enchant your latest crush. However, you should focus on maintaining a sense of balance on your own, making time to support your mind, body, and soul in the pursuit of harmony. You’ll feel a shift tonight when Luna enters Cancer, bringing forth a cleansing energy that’s perfect for drawing a bath and letting go of stress or grief.
CAPRICORN Daily Horoscope May 21, 2023
The sun enters Gemini and your solar sixth house this morning, dear Capricorn, asking you to recommit to your health and wellness goals. These vibes are perfect for recommitting to consistent bedtimes, workout regimes, and overall organization, so be sure to direct your focus accordingly throughout the coming month. Watch out for deceptive or gaslighting behaviors later in the day when the Gemini moon squares off with Neptune, but try not to get carried away with your imagination, either. You’ll feel a shift this evening when the moon enters Cancer, helping you reclaim a sense of balance and harmony.
AQUARIUS Daily Horoscope May 21, 2023
A rush of playful and creative energy will wash over you this morning, dearest Aquarius, as the sun enters Gemini and your solar fifth house. This luminary placement will reinvigorate your spirits, especially when you devote more time to the pursuit of fun or the arts. Unfortunately, tensions could mound within your love life as Mars and Pluto face off in our skies, but try not to let small arguments spiral into something bigger. You’ll feel a shift this evening when the moon enters Cancer, forming a sweet connection to Jupiter that’s sure to open your heart and conjure optimism.
PISCES Daily Horoscope May 21, 2023
Your home will feel elevated and bustling when you awaken this morning, dearest Pisces, as the sun migrates into Gemini and the sector of your chart that governs domestic affairs. Use this energy to get organized within your space throughout the coming month, and be sure to host plenty of social gatherings. However, you may want to lay low for now, as Mars and Pluto face off overhead, which could put you in a private and irritable mood. Luckily, you’ll start to perk up this evening when the moon enters Cancer, so be sure to do something good for your soul!
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