Daily Horoscope March 26, 2023

ARIES Daily Horoscope March 26, 2023
A thoughtful and witty energy will bless any little rams who awaken early this morning, dear Aries, thanks to a sweet connection between the sun and Gemini moon. Lean into these vibes by exercising your mind before starting the day, taking time to journal, read, or brainstorm fresh ideas. Opportunities for healing will come to fruition this afternoon when Mercury cozies up to Chiron, marking the ideal occasion to speak your truth or smooth out conflict. Good vibes will continue to flow later tonight when Luna blows a kiss to Chiron, bringing peace to your psyche as you drift off to sleep.
TAURUS Daily Horoscope March 26, 2023
You’ll have an opportunity to go deep within this morning, dear Taurus, as the Aries sun shares a sweet connection with the Gemini moon. Direct your focus on feeling grateful and secure in the present moment, and your psyche is sure to benefit from this supportive cosmic climate. A healing energy will wash over you this afternoon when Mercury aligns with Chiron, and moments of enlightenment can help direct you on how to move forward with your life, and what patterns may need breaking. Plan on doing something luxurious before heading to bed as Luna blows a kiss to Chiron.
GEMINI Daily Horoscope March 26, 2023
You should feel like a valued member of your community this morning, dear Gemini, as the Aries sun and Gemini moon align overhead. Don’t be surprised if everyone wants a little piece of you, but remember to set boundaries if you need time or space to focus on other things. Luckily, you’ll feel like chatting and exploring your network of connections when Mercury and Chiron align overhead, though these vibes can also help smooth out any social rifts that you’ve been contending with recently. Look for ways to elevate your environment later tonight, when Luna blows a kiss to Chiron.
CANCER Daily Horoscope March 26, 2023
Your dreams may offer constructive feedback, dearest Cancer, as the sun and Gemini moon align early this morning. Take a moment to journal any new ideas or epiphanies that pop into your psyche when you awaken, especially if they offer solutions to any issues you’ve been struggling with. You’ll have an opportunity to bring discipline to your mind this afternoon when Mercury cozies up to the healing asteroid, Chiron, making it important that you prioritize goals and direct your focus accordingly. Give yourself permission to put up walls and embrace solitude later this evening when Luna blows a kiss to Chiron.
LEO Daily Horoscope March 26, 2023
Lean into your community this morning, dear Leo, as the Aries sun and Gemini moon align in the sky. These vibes are perfect for seeking support from like-minded individuals, as doing so will feed you on a soul level. Opportunities for healing will come to fruition as afternoon rolls round and Mercury cozies up to Chiron, especially if you take a moment to speak with your higher power. Your skills as an intuitive and healer will also benefit from a cosmic boost, marking the perfect occasion to trade tarot readings or exchange meaningful advice with someone you love.
VIRGO Daily Horoscope March 26, 2023
Consider keeping a close circle this morning, darling Virgo, as the Aries sun and Gemini moon share a sweet exchange overhead. While these vibes are perfect for letting down your guard and nurturing deep connections, you may not feel comfortable doing so in the presence of strangers. Check in with yourself this afternoon when Mercury and Chiron form a cosmic union, encouraging you to transform and evolve into a more independent and empowered version of yourself. Good vibes will flow later tonight when Luna blows a kiss to Chiron, giving you a chance to fully unwind before heading to sleep.
LIBRA Daily Horoscope March 26, 2023
You’ll have access to sweet and supportive energy this morning, dearest Libra, thanks to a helpful exchange between the sun and Gemini moon. These vibes are also perfect for mindful meditation and opening your heart to love, so be sure to embrace grace before starting the day. Invest in self-love and your most important relationships this afternoon when Mercury and Chiron align, nudging you to lean into the lighter side of life. Invite your mystical side to come out and play this evening when Luna bows a kiss to Chiron, presenting opportunities to heal though your spiritual practices.
SCORPIO Daily Horoscope March 26, 2023
The cosmic climate this morning is perfect for cleaning house, dear Scorpio, as the Aries sun and Gemini moon share a sweet exchange. These vibes are all about getting organized in order to embrace transformation, though you’ll need to cut away dead weight before you can start laying new foundations. Embrace mind and body connectivity this afternoon when Mercury aligns with Chiron in the sector of your chart that governs wellness, marking the perfect moment for an impromptu yoga or stretching session. Consider drawing yourself a hot salt bath just before bed, as Luna and Chiron align to cleanse your aura.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Horoscope March 26, 2023
A sweet, romantic, and playful energy will rise with the sun, dear Archer, as the Aries sun and Gemini moon align overhead. Use this energy to feed your heart’s content, whether doing so involves prolonged pillow talk with that special someone, an early morning yoga session, or lounging in bed for as long as you please. However, you’ll want to get moving as afternoon rolls around and Mercury aligns with Chiron, beckoning you to embrace your creative mind. These vibes are perfect for working on a passion project or hobby, as doing so will stoke the fire in your soul.
CAPRICORN Daily Horoscope March 26, 2023
Set an intention to fully embrace wellness this Sunday, dearest Capricorn, as the sun and Gemini moon share a sweet exchange this morning. These vibes are perfect for embracing domestic bliss while tending to your physical and emotional needs. Consider showing your home some love this afternoon when Mercury aligns with Chiron in your solar fourth house, asking you to get organized and take pride in your space. Plan on preparing early for the work week later tonight when Luna blows a kiss to Chiron, so that you can drift to sleep free of stress on what Monday may bring.
AQUARIUS Daily Horoscope March 26, 2023
Your mind can take you to some amazing places this morning, dear Aquarius, as the Aries sun aligns with the Gemini moon. Take a moment to embrace your intellectual and creative side before starting the day, as doing so will elevate your confidence and mental wellbeing. Opportunities to soften your thoughts will come to fruition this afternoon when Mercury cozies up to Chiron, marking the perfect excuse to say nice things to yourself. This cosmic climate is also ideal for delivering apologies, so don’t be afraid to suck up your pride if someone you love is owed a heartfelt explanation.
PISCES Daily Horoscope March 26, 2023
The stars give you permission to fully embrace the joys that come with lazy Sundays, dear Pisces, as the Aries sun and Gemini moon form a sweet alliance overhead. These vibes are perfect for staying in your PJs until noon, sipping your coffee with extra leisure, and snuggling up with your favorite read. However, you’ll want to showcase a little more activity this afternoon when Mercury aligns with Chiron, as your body and mind will both benefit from a yoga session or sweet walk around the block. Plan on embracing a bit of decadence later tonight when Luna blows a kiss to Chiron.
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