Daily Horoscope March 23, 2023

ARIES Daily Horoscope March 23, 2023
Pluto drifts into Aquarius and the sector of your chart that governs community, dear Aries, which is poised to reshape your friendship circle and environment throughout the next twenty years. Meanwhile, the moon continues its journey through your sign, forming a sweet alliance with passionate Mars, inspiring you to put action behind your words and ideas. You’ll sense a shift as afternoon rolls around and Luna enters Taurus, though a harsh connection to Pluto could cause you to feel a bit disenchanted with your surroundings. Give yourself permission to lay low when Saturn becomes active overhead, taking time to decompress in private.
TAURUS Daily Horoscope March 23, 2023
Your ideas around success will transform in the coming years, dear Taurus, as Pluto migrates into Aquarius and your solar tenth house. Meanwhile, the moon continues its journey though Aries, and a sweet alliance to Mars will help you find your inner strength and sense of endurance. The vibe will shift as Luna steps into your sign this afternoon, though a harsh square to Pluto could cause you to feel a bit stuck or restricted. Luckily, Saturn will step in to untangle this web later in the day, though you may need to call in a favor if you’re in need.
GEMINI Daily Horoscope March 23, 2023
Your wisdom, philosophical outlook, and intuition will change throughout the next twenty years, as Pluto take its first step into Aquarius and the spiritual sector of your chart. Meanwhile, the Aries moon shares a sweet exchange with Mars, reminding you to stay focused on the present and the community that enriches your life each day. You may hit a social wall when Luna migrates into Taurus and the sector of your chart that governs privacy this afternoon, marking the perfect excuse to lay low and embrace meditation. Consider placing boundaries when Saturn becomes active, so that you can unwind in peace as the day comes to a close.
CANCER Daily Horoscope March 23, 2023
Pluto makes its debut into Aquarius and the sector of your chart that governs personal transformation, dear Cancer, bringing major changes your way throughout the next two decades. Take time to reflect on your actions and patterns when the Aries moon aligns with Mars, pushing you to evolve and do better. You’ll feel a shift when the moon migrates into grounded Taurus, though a harsh square with Pluto could bring waves of destruction or power struggles to your community. Luckily, you’ll have a chance to reclaim order within your soul as Saturn becomes active, marking the perfect time for quiet meditation.
LEO Daily Horoscope March 23, 2023
Pluto moves into Aquarius and the sector of your chart that governs romance, dear Leo, bringing a rush of transformative energy to your love life. Meanwhile, the moon continues its journey through Aries, forming a sweet alliance with Mars that’s perfect for connecting with others over passions and philosophical beliefs. Your focus will redirect toward professional ambitions when Luna settles into Taurus this afternoon, though a harsh connection to Pluto could cause you to feel overworked or disenchanted by your current position. Luckily, Saturn will step in to help you shake off these funky vibes, though you’ll need to set boundaries with yourself and others.
VIRGO Daily Horoscope March 23, 2023
Pluto enters Aquarius and your solar sixth house this morning, dear Virgo, pushing you to transform your approach to health and wellness throughout the coming years. You’ll feel inspired to climb the ranks within your profession by midmorning when the Aries moon aligns with Mars, pushing you to make bold and decisive moves. The vibe will elevate as Luna migrates into Taurus and the spiritual sector of your chart, though a harsh connection to Pluto could cause you to feel overwhelmed by details if you’re not careful. Plan on working with your mystical side later this evening, when the moon and North Node align to assist with your wishes.
LIBRA Daily Horoscope March 23, 2023
Pluto migrates into Aquarius this morning, dear Libra, ushering in major changes to the collective and your personal life throughout the next twenty years. Meanwhile, the Aries sun blows a kiss to fiery Mars, reigniting the passion you feel within matters of love and spirituality. The vibe will turn serious as afternoon settles in and Luna moves into Taurus, forming a harsh square with Pluto that could lead to power struggles and ego hits. Luckily, you’ll have a chance to stand your ground when Saturn becomes active later in the day, though you may want to organize your thoughts first.
SCORPIO Daily Horoscope March 23, 2023
You’ll sense a shift from deep within this morning, dear Scorpio, as Pluto migrates into Aquarius and your solar fourth house. This planetary placement is set to dramatically reshape your life both within and outside of the home, though these changes will occur gradually throughout the next twenty years. Meanwhile, the Aries moon blows a kiss to passionate Mars, inspiring you to get organized within your goals and how you wish to transform yourself. Consider bringing structure to your creative whims later in the day when Saturn becomes active overhead, helping you manifest your ideas into the material realms.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Horoscope March 23, 2023
The way you think and speak will change drastically throughout the next two decades, dear Archer, as Pluto drifts into Aquarius and your solar third house. Luckily, you won’t have to completely revolutionize your disposition overnight, as these vibes are bound to move slowly. Try to get your flirt on midmorning when the Aries moon blows a kiss to passionate Mars, boosting your confidence while conjuring the affection of others. You’ll sense a shift when Luna enters grounded Taurus, asking you to focus on your physical and mental health. Plan on hiding away at home, as Saturn pushes you toward domestic bliss.
CAPRICORN Daily Horoscope March 23, 2023
Pluto drifts out of your sign and into Aquarius this morning, dear Capricorn, reshaping where you place value and security throughout the next two decades. Focus first on getting your home and affairs in order when the Aries moon blows a kiss to Mars, pushing you to maximize your efficiency through smart planning and tidiness. Your ego will come out to play when Luna moves into Taurus, though a harsh connection to Pluto suggests you should choose your words carefully. Luckily, Saturn will step in to help you set the record straight, allowing you to iron out any miscommunications.
AQUARIUS Daily Horoscope March 23, 2023
Pluto moves into your sign this morning, dearest Aquarius, bringing major movement to you and the collective throughout the next twenty years. Focus on how you hope to transform throughout the time, though a sweet alliance between the Aries moon and Mars will remind you that it’s important to have fun as well. Your emotions could fray as afternoon settles in and the moon enters Taurus, forming a harsh square with Pluto. Luckily, you’ll have a chance to ground and set boundaries when Saturn becomes active overhead, and a sweet alliance between Luna and the North Node will allow you to enjoy the comforts of home later tonight.
PISCES Daily Horoscope March 23, 2023
Get ready to face your shadow and truly know yourself, dear Fishy, as Pluto migrates into Aquarius and your solar twelfth house. Luckily, this energy will move slowly, stretching out over the next two decades, so don’t feel like you have to figure everything out all at once. The Aries moon blows a kiss to Mars midmorning, strengthening your resolve while helping you sort through touchy emotions. You’ll sense a shift as afternoon settles in and Luna enters Taurus, putting you in a grounded, chatty, and thoughtful mood, though a harsh connection to Pluto will cause you to be extra selective of who you confide in.
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