Daily Horoscope March 14, 2023

ARIES Daily Horoscope March 14, 2023
Prepare yourself for plenty of movement today, dear Aries, as the moon continues its journey through explosive Sagittarius and your solar ninth house. Though this lunar placement can help keep you in good spirits, overstimulation, growing fears, and pressing challenges could cause you to enter a cerebral and overstimulated headspace. Work closely with your higher power as you move through the hours, asking for support or guidance whenever you feel a bit lost or overburdened. Positive mantras can also help you rise above any heavy energy surrounding you, so be sure to say reassuring things to yourself!
TAURUS Daily Horoscope March 14, 2023
You could become frustrated by the games other people play today, dear Taurus, as the Sagittarius moon pushes you to see past facades. Though it’ll be important that you maintain a certain level of optimism, a harsh square between Luna and Mercury this afternoon could conjure your cynical side, especially if you’re forced to contend with phony coworkers or social acquaintances. Keep tabs on your screen time as the hours continue to pass, and avoid shopping online as Mars and Neptune square off this evening, which could cause you to ignore the reality of your budget in favor of luxury.
GEMINI Daily Horoscope March 14, 2023
Try not to let personal issues prevent you from embracing love this morning, dear Gemini, as the Sagittarius moon forms an unbalanced aspect with Uranus. Though you may feel like closing off, connecting with people who appreciate you can help elevate your spirits. Check in with your sense of clarity later in the afternoon when Luna squares off with Mercury, taking care to set boundaries and initiate self-care if you’re feeling worn out or off balance. Watch out for tension as evening settles in and a harsh t-square forms, and avoid approaching conflict from a stubborn or authoritative disposition.
CANCER Daily Horoscope March 14, 2023
Take a moment to set clear wellness goals for yourself this morning, dear Cancer, or an unbalanced connection between the Sagittarius moon and Uranus could tempt you to make unhealthy choices. Your intuition will benefit from a serious boost when Luna squares off with Mercury this afternoon. However, it’ll be important that you nurture your spirit in the process, or you could become overwhelmed by an abundance of thoughts and emotions. Plan on devoting time to solitude and self-care as evening winds down and a harsh t-square forms overhead, making good on any promises you made to eat well, exercise, or soak in the tub.
LEO Daily Horoscope March 14, 2023
You won’t find yourself in a shy mood today, dearest Leo, as the moon continues its journey through fiery Sagittarius and the sector of your chart that governs ego and self-expression. Don’t be afraid to use your roar right now, though a square between Luna and Mercury later in the afternoon suggests you may want to steer clear of tense topics or competitive peers. Tension could brew within your social sphere when Mars squares off with Neptune, making it important that you stay true to yourself, avoiding gossip or behaviors that don’t serve you, even if your friends are caught up in the mix.
VIRGO Daily Horoscope March 14, 2023
Your heart will pull you in many directions today, dear Virgo, as the moon continues its journey through expansive Sagittarius. Watch out for miscommunications within matters of the heart later in the day when Luna squares off with Mercury, taking care to choose your words wisely when flirting, addressing conflict, or expressing your desires. Career obligations could add an element of stress to your evening when a harsh t-square forms between the moon, Mars, and Neptune, but try not to take the office home with you once you’ve clocked out for the day, recognizing the importance of boundaries between your personal and professional life.
LIBRA Daily Horoscope March 14, 2023
It would be easy to get carried away by your thoughts and in conversation today, dear Libra, as the Sagittarius moon continues its journey through your solar third house. Though you should certainly engage with your social and analytical side, consider moving from a more reserved position when Luna squares off with Mercury this afternoon, taking a moment to organize your mind and agenda. It’ll also be important that you find harmony between your hopes and reality, or a harsh t-square between the moon, Mars, and Neptune could cause your motivation to falter when it comes to reaching such goals.
SCORPIO Daily Horoscope March 14, 2023
The Sagittarius moon forms an unbalanced connection with Uranus this morning, dear Scorpio, threatening to catch you off guard with a sense of disharmony while shaking up your love life. Take a moment to check in with your heart and your significant other, using kindness and grace to diffuse any emotional funk that finds you. Your ego may experience some bruising later in the afternoon when Luan squares off with Mercury, especially if you speak before thinking through your words. Tension and confusion could threaten your evening with dark clouds as a t-square forms overhead, marking the perfect excuse to lay low from the bathtub.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Horoscope March 14, 2023
Prepare to feel a bit bounced around by the cosmos today, dear Sagittarius, as the moon continues its journey through your sign while forming a series of challenging aspects in the sky. Try not to let your emotions get the better of you when Luna squares off with Mercury this afternoon, even if the day has been trying as a whole. Watch out for confusion or passive-aggressive behaviors within your domestic and romantic relationships, taking care that you’re communicating clearly and kindly if you feel there are unspoken issues at play. However, you’ll need to honor the emotions of your companions as well if you truly want to facilitate harmony.
CAPRICORN Daily Horoscope March 14, 2023
Don’t feel guilty about playing the role of wallflower today, dear Capricorn, as the Sagittarius moon continues to move through your solar twelfth house. Be extra mindful of your words when Luna and Mercury square off this afternoon. Also, be sure to guard your secrets closely, especially when it comes to people you don’t yet fully trust. A sluggish vibe could find you as evening starts to emerge and Mars enters a harsh connection to Neptune, threatening to trigger brain fog and depleted energy levels. Check in with your body if you start to feel faint, taking care to replenish your nutrients, rest, and hydrate.
AQUARIUS Daily Horoscope March 14, 2023
You may feel a bit distracted by your emotions or home life this morning, dear Aquarius, as the Sagittarius moon forms an unbalanced connection with Uranus. Do your best to stay grounded as you continue the day, especially if your agenda requires you to venture away from home. Try to fit in a few quiet moments outside later in the afternoon when Luna squares off with Mercury, threatening to trigger miscommunications or confusion. Consider taking a break from your screens later tonight when a harsh t-square manifests, which could lead to unpleasant exchanges online if you’re not careful.
PISCES Daily Horoscope March 14, 2023
Boundaries may blur as the moon continues its journey through Sagittarius, dear Pisces, making it important that you check in with yourself throughout the day. Unfortunately, you may find it difficult to use your voice and advocate for yourself when Luna squares off with Mercury this afternoon, but try not to let others push you around. Conflict could arise at home as the evening unfolds and a series of harsh aspects manifest overhead, especially if you or your housemates are struggling with their sense of authority. Try not to get swept up in themes around respect, passive aggressiveness, or stubbornness, even if you need to lay low in order to find peace.
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