Daily Horoscope June 7, 2023

ARIES Daily Horoscope June 7, 2023
There will be plenty of movement in our skies this morning, dear Aries, as the moon moves into eccentric Aquarius while forming a series of aspects overhead. The energy at play may feel a bit overstimulating, especially as Luna faces off with Venus around dawn, so be sure to move slowly and gently as you prepare for the day ahead. Avoid making any impulsive deacons when a harsh t-square forms between the moon and Nodes of Fate, or you may head down a messy path. Watch out for tension or drama within your social sphere later tonight when Mars becomes agitated overhead.
TAURUS Daily Horoscope June 7, 2023
The vibe will be erratic and strange this morning, dearest Taurus, as the moon migrates into rebellious Aquarius while forming a series of harsh aspects in our skies. Watch out for obstacles, emotional upheaval, romantic tension, and power struggles, as the energy at play is sure to stir a few pots. Remember to set boundaries when you need to, and be sure to navigate from a mature and professional place if faced with conflict. Plan on laying low from home in order to recharge and unwind as Luna faces off with Mars this evening, further shaking up the cosmic climate.
GEMINI Daily Horoscope June 7, 2023
You’ll act as a beacon of light for those around you this morning, dear Gemini, as the moon migrates into Aquarius and your solar night house. Unfortunately, a series of harsh aspects overhead will cause others to feel more wound up and temperamental than usual, and you may be called to step in and support your peers. Just try not to let your generous spirit get the better of you, understanding when it’s time to pull back and focus on your own agenda and needs. Messages from beyond the veil may find you when Luna faces off with Mars this evening, so be sure to honor your gut.
CANCER Daily Horoscope June 7, 2023
Your mood may feel a bit prickly this morning, dear Cancer, as the moon enters Aquarius and your solar eighth house. Meanwhile, a series of harsh aspects overhead will rock the collective, and your patience for other people’s drama is likely to wear thin. Though you’ll trigger more easily than usual, try your best to be mindful of what others may be going through, choosing compassion over conflict even when it’s challenging. Invest in yourself with a bit of luxury when Luna faces off with Mars this evening, but try not to go overboard with your spending.
LEO Daily Horoscope June 7, 2023
Your mind will shift to matters of the heart this morning, dear Leo, as the moon moves into revolutionary Aquarius and the sector of your chart that governs romance. Unfortunately, a series of tense aspects overhead could lead you to feel insecure or emotional within your entanglements, and you’ll want to watch out for power struggles with your sweetheart. Check in with your own needs this evening when Mars becomes agitated in your sign, taking care to embrace self-care or a passion project in order to unwind and focus on yourself before heading off to the dream realms.
VIRGO Daily Horoscope June 7, 2023
Confusion, disorganization, and miscommunications could pop up at any turn this morning, dear Virgo, as the moon migrates into Aquarius while forming a series of harsh aspects overhead. Try not to think too many steps ahead, choosing instead to check boxes off your to-do list one at a time. If you feel your stress levels elevate or the vibe gets a bit cerebral, consider taking a few minutes for breathwork and some fresh air. Internal frustrations may bubble up when Luna faces off with Mars, especially if you’ve been putting too many demands on yourself recently.
LIBRA Daily Horoscope June 7, 2023
The stars will ask you to drown out negativity and overstimulating noise this morning, dear Libra, as the moon enters Aquarius and a series of harsh aspects overhead. Though your confidence may falter under this cosmic stress, positive mantras and leaning into the support of your community can help lift you out of any funk that finds you. Consider blowing off steam once you’ve clocked out for the day by meeting your besties for happy hour, though you’ll want to be home by a reasonable hour, as a harsh opposition between Luna and Mars could cause drama and frayed nerves.
SCORPIO Daily Horoscope June 7, 2023
Try not to let your emotions get the better of you this morning, sweet Scorpion, as the moon moves into Aquarius and a series of harsh aspects overhead. Though tension may bubble up for you right now, making the choice to release frustrations as they emerge can help you overcome them. Should you find yourself overly stressed or tense, consider taking a timeout in order to recharge and reclaim a sense of tranquility. Be on guard for domestic within your professional and domestic spheres this evening when Luna faces off with Mars, and try not to take the bait if someone gets testy with you.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Horoscope June 7, 2023
Your mind will be a busy place as Luna minarets into Aquarius and the sector of your chart that governs thought process, dearest Archer, though a series of harsh aspects overhead could cause you to feel overstimulated at times. Do yourself a favor and allow thoughts to pass through quickly, and avoid replaying conversations or scenarios in your head that have already passed. Consider tapping into your spiritual side later this evening when Mars becomes active in your solar ninth house, as doing so will allow you to recover from the ups and downs that came with today’s rocky cosmic climate.
CAPRICORN Daily Horoscope June 7, 2023
Your foundations may shake a bit this morning, dear Capricorn, as the moon enters Aquarius and a series of harsh aspects in our skies. Though you won’t feel very patient when it comes to small talk, gossip, or petty drama, avoid the temptation to get snappy with anyone who rubs you the wrong way. Luckily, you’ll have a chance to ground and center as the day continues forward, though you may need to take a beat for fresh air and leisure. The ambiance will thicken once more when Luna faces off with Mars this evening, marking the perfect excuse to disappear into a hot bath.
AQUARIUS Daily Horoscope June 7, 2023
The moon migrates into your sign this morning, dear Aquarius, elevating your popularity, spirit, and energy levels. Unfortunately, a series of tense aspects overhead could leave you feeling pulled in multiple directions, causing you to feel overwhelmed by the demands of your personal goals, domestic relationships, professional ambitions, and love life. Rather than trying to do it all, take a step back and prioritize your agenda in order to stay focused and ahead of the curve. A passionate energy will emerge this evening when Luna faces off with Mars, which could bring a steamy or salty energy to your romantic entanglements.
PISCES Daily Horoscope June 7, 2023
It’s okay if you want to hide under the covers this morning, sweet Fishy, as the moon enters Aquarius and a series of difficult aspects overhead. This energy will be particularly difficult to navigate if you’re dealing with disorganization, so you may want to prioritize getting your affairs in order first and foremost. Consider working from behind the scenes if it makes you more comfortable, shielding yourself from any unwanted encounters you’d rather not deal with today. Do something nice for your body when Luna faces off with Mars this afternoon, or you may begin to feel burnt out.
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