Daily Horoscope January 12, 2023

ARIES Daily Horoscope January 12, 2023
The Virgo moon faces off with hazy Neptune this morning, sweet Aries, causing you to feel out of sorts and as though your head is stuck in the clouds. Do your best to stay grounded right now. However, you may want to draft a to-do list if you become forgetful. Meanwhile, Venus and Chiron share a sweet exchange, helping you find encouragement through your community. You may see glimpses into your financial and professional future when Mercury aligns with the nodes of fate, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for opportunities. You’ll feel a shift this evening when Luna enters Libra, redirecting your focus toward love and harmony.
TAURUS Daily Horoscope January 12, 2023
The universe will deliver important lessons around boundaries today, dear Taurus, as Venus and Chiron align in the skies. Luckily, the energy at play will bring forth positive change as long as you’re willing to put your needs first and draw lines as necessary. Good vibes will flow later in the afternoon as the Virgo moon blows a kiss to Pluto, bringing forth a transformative energy that’s perfect for building yourself up or working on a creative project. You’ll notice a shift later tonight when Luna enters Libra, inspiring you to focus on health and wellness throughout the next two days.
GEMINI Daily Horoscope January 12, 2023
A spirited and social energy will manifest today, dear Gemini, as sweet Venus shares a supportive connection with Chiron. Though your schedule may be busy, be sure to take a few moments to connect with your circle of friends, as doing so will dramatically elevate your mood. Good vibes will flow later in the afternoon when the Virgo moon blows a kiss to Pluto, asking you to nurture your heart and most intimate relationships. A harmonious energy will permeate the air later tonight when Luna migrates into Libra, encouraging you to access your creativity in the coming days.
CANCER Daily Horoscope January 12, 2023
Try not to let optimism cloud your judgment today, dear Cancer, as the Virgo moon faces off with dreamy Neptune. These vibes could also make it difficult to focus on the present, making it important that you keep a handle on your tendency to daydream. Meanwhile, Venus blows a kiss to Chiron helping you overcome success-related insecurities that may have been plaguing you recently. Opportunities to strengthen your romantic connections will manifest later in the afternoon, thanks to a sweet exchange between Luna and Pluto. You’ll feel a shift tonight when the moon moves into Libra, putting you in a nurturing mood while drawing you to the comforts of home.
LEO Daily Horoscope January 12, 2023
Consider indulging in a heart-centered meditation today, dear Leo, as Venus and Chiron share a supportive exchange in the sky. This cosmic climate is all about finding harmony from within while strengthening your bond with the universe. Don’t be afraid to call on your higher power for help right now, especially if you’ve been struggling recently. Consider tidying up your desk or home later in the afternoon when the Virgo moon aspects Pluto, encouraging you to discard any unwanted items. You’ll notice a shift later tonight when Luna migrates into harmonious Libra, sharpening your wits and communication abilities throughout the next two days.
VIRGO Daily Horoscope January 12, 2023
Don’t be afraid to step into your power and direct others today, dear Virgo, as Venus and Chiron align in the skies. These vibes are perfect for tightening the ship at work without alienating your peers in the process. A playful energy will manifest later in the afternoon as the moon blows a kiss to Pluto, helping you let loose after an agenda-focused morning. Meanwhile, Mercury aligns with the nodes of fate, marking the perfect occasion to meditate on both the past and future, as the universe will be eager to provide guidance and clarity. You’ll notice a shift later tonight when Luna migrates into harmonious Libra.
LIBRA Daily Horoscope January 12, 2023
You may experience emotional and vivid dreams in the very early hours, dear Libra, as the Virgo moon faces off with Neptune. Take a moment to meditate on your astral realm encounters before starting the day, so that you may decode any messages being sent from beyond the veil. Good vibes will flow when Luna blows a kiss to Chiron, encouraging you to unapologetically love yourself. Meanwhile, Mercury aligns with the nodes of fate, helping you release that which no longer serves you. You’ll notice a shift tonight when the moon enters your sign, elevating your mind, body, and soul throughout the next two days.
SCORPIO Daily Horoscope January 12, 2023
The universe will encourage you to examine your habits today, dear Scorpio, as Venus aligns with the healing asteroid, Chiron. This celestial exchange will ask that you take health and wellness more seriously. However, you should avoid beating yourself up for making poor choices up until this point. Luckily, a sweet exchange between the Virgo moon and Pluto can help you feel supported by your community, especially if you’re involved with a special interest group or yoga studio. Meanwhile, Mars ends its retrograde motion, reinvigorating you after two and a half months of cosmic resistance. You’ll notice a shift later tonight when Luna migrates into Libra, putting you in a quiet and private mood throughout the next two days.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Horoscope January 12, 2023
Stepping into your voice and sharing your truth will be cathartic today, dear Archer, as Venus and Chiron share a supportive exchange in the sky. These vibes can also elevate your friendships, so be sure to let your nearest and dearest know how much you care. Meanwhile, Mercury aligns with the nodes of fate, asking you to get organized within your financial goals by paying down debt and budgeting for the future. The energy will shift later tonight when Luna migrates into Libra, elevating your popularity throughout the next two and a half days, so be sure to network whenever the opportunity arises.
CAPRICORN Daily Horoscope January 12, 2023
Sweet vibes will flow today, dear Capricorn, as Venus and Chiron share a sweet connection in the skies. This celestial exchange will bring peace and harmony to your heart, especially when you connect with nature or put your needs first. Keep your eyes peeled for signs and synchronicities later in the afternoon, when the Virgo moon blows a kiss to Pluto, helping you evolve toward a new and improved version of your already fabulous self. You’ll feel a shift later tonight when Luna migrates into Libra, asking you to get more serious about your professional ambitions in the coming days without abandoning grace.
AQUARIUS Daily Horoscope January 12, 2023
It’s okay to talk about yourself and feel proud of your achievements today, dear Aquarius, thanks to a sweet exchange between Venus and Chiron. Meanwhile, Mars ends its retrograde journey in Gemini elevating your confidence and marking the ideal occasion to flirt with someone special. A transformative energy will manifest later in the afternoon when Luna aligns with Pluto, helping you break free from any bad habits or behavioral patterns you’ve been trying to shake. You’ll feel a shift later tonight when the moon migrates into harmonious Libra and your solar ninth house, helping you reconnect with your spirituality in the coming days.
PISCES Daily Horoscope January 12, 2023
The universe will ask you to remain present and open-hearted today, dear Pisces, as Venus and Chiron align in the skies while Mars ends its retrograde reign of terror. This cosmic climate is perfect for unpacking your psyche, while outdoor activities such as hiking or cycling can help clear any cobwebs that have collected in your mind. You’ll have an opportunity to strengthen your relationships later in the afternoon when Luna blows a kiss to Pluto, though you’ll need to be vulnerable if you expect others to do the same. A harmonious energy will find you when the moon enters Libra later tonight, marking the perfect occasion for a cleansing salt bath.
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