Daily Horoscope Friday – September 23, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Friday – September 23, 2022
The moon enters Virgo in the very early hours this morning, dear Aries, pushing you to examine your habits and routines. Meanwhile, Mercury makes its way back into the sign of the maiden, providing you with an opportunity to correct any errors that you may have made within your personal or professional lives recently. These vibes are also great for adjusting your habits, especially if your intentions are to live more mindfully. Unfortunately, a harsh opposition between sweet Venus and deceptive Neptune could conjure unsubstantiated self-doubt, making it important that you don’t play out worst-case scenarios in your mind.
Taurus Daily Horoscope Friday – September 23, 2022
You’ll be in a creative and outgoing mood today, sweet Bull, as the moon begins its journey through Virgo and your solar fifth house. These vibes are perfect for adding a little flair to your style, so don’t be afraid of dressing to impress. Unfortunately, your excellent taste and immaculate appearance could bring some unwanted attention as Venus faces off with Neptune. Though you may sense others discussing you behind your back, try not to pay any mind to these murky vibes, as any negativity sent your way right now is likely rooted in jealousy and insecurities.
Gemini Daily Horoscope Friday – September 23, 2022
Your thoughts will be at home today, dear Gemini, as the moon enters Virgo and your solar fourth house. Meanwhile, Mercury, your planetary ruler, backslides into the sign of the maiden, conjuring up memories from your formative years. This cosmic climate will be a nostalgic one, making it a good time to indulge in your favorite foods, music, and hobbies from when you were younger. Unfortunately, painful memories could creep into your psyche as Venus faces off with Neptune, though you should avoid heading down cerebral paths that leave you riddled with regret and have you questioning the decisions you’ve made up until this point.
Cancer Daily Horoscope Friday – September 23, 2022
Try not to let yourself become overwhelmed by details or responsibilities this morning, dear Cancer, as the Virgo moon forms an unbalanced aspect with expansive Jupiter. Luckily, you’ll have a knack for correcting mistakes and editing your work as Mercury travels back into the sign of the maiden, asking you to retrace your steps from the last month or so. Meanwhile, Venus faces off with dreamy Neptune, elevating your optimism and ability to dream for the future. Just try not to get carried away with your heart and idealistic tendencies, finding ways to marry logic and desire.
Leo Daily Horoscope Friday – September 23, 2022
The world around you will come alive with spiritual meaning and messages from beyond the veil this morning, dear Leo, as the Virgo moon connects with glimmering Jupiter. These vibes are perfect for connecting with the other side, so be sure to honor the universe while asking for guidance where it is needed. Meanwhile, Mercury backslides into Virgo and your solar second house, asking you to reevaluate your finances. Use this energy to collect old debts or pay off your own, as the stars encourage you to nurture your monetary health while building security for the future you desire.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Friday – September 23, 2022
The moon enters your sign in the very hours this morning, sweet Virgo, bringing a rush of cosmic support your way. Meanwhile, a sweet connection between Luna and Jupiter will amplify your personal magick, as long as you’re ready for transformation and the responsibilities that come with it. Watch out for gaslighting or manipulative behaviors within your love life as Venus faces off with hazy Neptune, which could bring deceptive forces into your sphere. You may also want to implement boundaries within your own heart if you’re developing a new relationship, as it would be easy to ignore red flags in favor of nurturing chemistry.
Libra Daily Horoscope Friday – September 23, 2022
Though the sun is fresh in your sign, you’ll be in a solitary and introspective mood today, dear Libra, as the moon and Mercury enter Virgo. This cosmic climate will ask you to review any issues that have been weighing on your psyche, especially if you’re in the process of some personal transitions. Luckily, a sweet connection between Luna and Jupiter will help you tap into your optimism, though you may need to work harder at maintaining logic. Meanwhile, Venus faces off with hazy Neptune, which could cause you to enter auto-pilot within your daily tasks, making it important that you find ways to stay alert and grounded.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope Friday – September 23, 2022
Big shifts will manifest within your social sphere today, dear Scorpio, as the moon enters Virgo and the sector of your chart that governs community. News will spread quickly amongst your connections, making it important to choose your words wisely. Unfortunately, words from the past could resurface as Mercury backslides into the sign of the maiden, and you may be required to undergo some damage control within your relationships. If you do find yourself in hot water for gossiping or speaking unkindly about some you know, let this be a lesson around the power of words and the importance of speaking with kindness.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Friday – September 23, 2022
Look for opportunities to be creative at work this morning, dear Archer, as the Virgo Moon connects with glimmering Jupiter. Though this cosmic climate will inspire you to live authentically, try to be mindful of your audience and sense of professionalism. Projects, coworkers, or collaborators from the past may begin to resurface within your career path as Mercury glides backward into Virgo. Unfortunately, there is a danger you could over-work yourself throughout the day, thanks to a harsh opposition between Venus and Neptune. If you begin to feel your focus or motivation slip, you may want to call it an early day in favor of relaxing at home.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Friday – September 23, 2022
Your psychic abilities will be amplified today, dear Capricorn, as the moon and Mercury enter Virgo and the sector of your chart that governs spirituality. Unfortunately, you could feel overwhelmed by the thoughts and emotions of others this morning when Luna forms an unbalanced aspect to expansive Jupiter. Remember to maintain healthy boundaries with the people you love, but don’t be afraid to use your heightened intuition to give advice when it’s appropriate to do so. Meanwhile, Venus faces off with Neptune in the sky, making it a good time to unplug and indulge in a deep meditation session.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Friday – September 23, 2022
You’ll be in a transactional mood today, dear Aquarius, as the moon and Mercury make their way into Virgo. This cosmic climate will put you in a hyper-efficient headspace, galvanizing your desire to handle business, close deals, and transform your life. Unfortunately, you may need to monitor how you interact with others, as a harsh opposition between Venus and Neptune could cause you to rub others the wrong day. While you appreciate directness, your agenda-driven approach right now may have a negative impact on your ability to move forward. Issues could also arise when it comes to executing your plans, so you may want to move more slowly and methodically for now.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Friday – September 23, 2022
Brace yourself for some Mercury retrograde shenanigans today, dear Pisces, as the planet of communication backslides into Virgo and the sector of your chart that governs love. This planetary placement could inspire an ex to reach out of the blue, though you may also need to restrain yourself when it comes to contacting or lurking on exes. Meanwhile, Venus faces off with Neptune, which could bring confusion to your own heart. Try not to pressure yourself into making any decisions around love right now, giving yourself time to fully process your thoughts and feelings before making a move.
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