Daily Horoscope Friday – September 16, 2022

Daily Horoscope Friday – September 16, 2022

Aries Daily Horoscope Friday – September 16, 2022

You may have a hard time finding your motivation this morning, dear Aries, as passionate Mars squares off with harmonious Venus throughout the day. This cosmic climate could leave you feeling overwhelmed by the details of your daily tasks, threatening to put you in a bit of a frenzy. Staying organized and writing out your duties for the day can help you stay on track, though remembering to breathe and staying grounded will act as invaluable tools of comfort. Luckily, a sweetness will fill the air this evening when Luna blows a kiss to Chiron, helping you clear your mind of any anxiety it may have been harboring earlier in the day.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Friday – September 16, 2022

Your inner strength may be tested today, sweet Bull, as Venus and Mars form a harsh connection in the sky. Controlling your temper may feel more challenging than normal, and your ego will be more susceptible to bruising. Though challenges are likely to fall in your path, do your best to remember how far you’ve come up until this point, drawing from that natural resilience that you’ve built up over the years. Luckily, a helping hand from the Nodes of Fate can provide you with a little confidence boost, though you’ll need to reclaim your sense of personal balance first.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Friday – September 16, 2022

You may feel more emotional or irritable today, dear Gemini, as Venus and Mars form a tense aspect in the sky. Struggles around what your heart wants versus what you know is good for you may also come into play, but try not to make any impulsive decisions that could drastically derail your path. Luckily, you’ll have an opportunity to shake off these funky vibes when Luna blows a kiss to Chiron later in the evening, making it a great time to lean into love and the people who bring you support, laughs, and a sense of community.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Friday – September 16, 2022

Your dreams may be more emotional and memorable this morning, dear Cancer, as the Gemini moon blows a kiss to communicative Mercury in the very early hours. Take a moment to appreciate any pleasant astral realm encounters you may have had, as the universe is likely trying to send you comfort and healing. Unfortunately, rocky vibes will manifest as Venus and Mars square off in the sky, threatening to place you at a standstill, especially if you pander to feelings of unworthiness or personal fears. Luckily, you’ll have an opportunity to move away from this funk when Luna connects with Chiron this afternoon, helping you set healthy boundaries with your psyche.

Leo Daily Horoscope Friday – September 16, 2022

Feeling undervalued within your community could trigger anger within you today, sweet Lion, as Venus and Mars square off in the sky. This cosmic climate could also lead to social anxiety or drama within your friendship circle, making it a good time to lay low and focus on yourself. Luckily, good news in the form of professional or monetary opportunities could bring a welcome distraction, thanks to a helping hand from the Nodes of Fate. Connecting with your spirituality will bring major healing later this evening, when Luna blows a kiss to Chiron, activating your solar ninth house.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Friday – September 16, 2022

Unhealthy professional setting could eat away at your sense of self today, dear Virgo, as Venus and Mars form a tense square in the sky. This celestial snafu could also cause others to push your boundaries, causing you to assume a defensive position when conflict arises. Luckily, you’ll have an opportunity to lean into positive thinking and peace as Venus connects with the Nodes of Fate, though you may need to take a time out in order to connect with your spirituality or meditative practices. Good vibes will flow this evening when Luna blows a kiss to Chiron, permeating the air with love and harmony.

Libra Daily Horoscope Friday – September 16, 2022

Try not to fight against your intuition today, sweet Libra, as Venus and Mars square off in the sky. This cosmic climate could bring through gut feelings and prophetic omens, though a denial about what these messages mean could result in a block to your psychic gifts. Luckily, a helping hand will come when Venus aligns with the Nodes of Fate, empowering you to see reality in an honest yet calculating way, ultimately allowing you to find your footing. An opportunity to unwind will manifest when Luna blows a kiss to Chiron this evening, though you’ll need to focus on love and nurturing your spirit.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Friday – September 16, 2022

Messages of empowerment from loved ones that have crossed over my creep into your dreams in the very early hours this morning, darling Scorpio, as the Gemini moon shares a sweet connection to communicative Mercury. Take a moment to recall your astral realm encounters when you wake up, taking note of any significant experiences that took place. Be careful who you trust as the day continues to unfold, as a harsh square between Venus and Mars could bring some haters out of the woodwork. Luckily, a helping hand from the Nodes of Fate will provide you with an opportunity to move away from toxic connections in order to make more space for love.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Friday – September 16, 2022

Professional stress may have a negative impact on your love life today, dear Archer, as Venus and Mars square off in the sky. This cosmic climate could put you in an irritable mood, especially if pressure at work has been weighing on your psyche. Try not to lash out at your loved ones even if you’re more tense than usual, and be sure to take time out for solitude if you’re worried about maintaining good manners. Luckily, you’ll have a chance to reclaim grace through a creative outlet or by blowing off steam with your bestie, when Luna blows a kiss to Chiron.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Friday – September 16, 2022

Watch out for tension at work today, dear Capricorn, as Venus and Mars square off in the sky. This cosmic climate could also cause you to become a bit distracted within your tasks, as your mind drifts toward fantasies of what you’d rather be doing. However, arming yourself with crystal or other spiritual tools can help you stay on track. Watch out for confusion later this evening when the Virgo sun faces off with Neptune, and don’t feel guilty if you decide you’re in need of a social time out, even if doing so requires you to cancel existing plans.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Friday – September 16, 2022

Venus and Mars square off in the sky today, dear Aquarius, bringing an intensity to your aura. Unfortunately, you may not be everyone’s cup of tea at the moment, making it important that you know your audience and adjust your words accordingly. Try not to let your feelings get hurt if others aren’t receptive to your charms, looking for ways to feel confidence within yourself regardless of what others think. Creative ideas will flow freely this evening when the Gemini moon connects with Chiron, providing you with an opportunity to find healing through an artist outlet or passion project.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Friday – September 16, 2022

Look for ways to guard your aura today, dear Fish, as Venus and Mars square off in the sky. These rocky waters threaten to disrupt harmony, especially when it comes to your romantic or domestic life. This cosmic climate also cautions against playing the role of peacekeeper, as it may be difficult to stay neutral while helping others untangle their own conflicts. A foggy vibe will hit later in the afternoon when the Virgo sun squares off with Neptune, which could stir up gaslighting or dishonest behaviors within yourself or your significant other, making it important that you prioritize the truth.


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