Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 06, 2019

Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 06, 2019

Aries Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 06, 2019
Practice, of course, makes perfect, and you could say that perfect practice makes it even better. Unfortunately, fretting about whether youre doing a newly learned task well wont help you master it any faster. In fact, stressing out about your performance just slows you down. Relax and trust that you will improve organically. Leave your worries behind; keep refining your skills and success will arrive in due time. Golf champion Gary Player said, The harder you work, the luckier you get.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 06, 2019
Your diligence and discipline with a creative project pay off. Your rewards could be financial or simply the satisfaction that youre growing in competence. Be grateful for the progress without quibbling over what more you need to do or what you havent done. Ambition is admirable, but sometimes its possible to rush the cart before the horse, making a mess of everything. Fuel your aspirations with appreciation and your doubts will disappear. Watch your joy and possibly your bank account increase, instead. Celebrate where you are right now.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 06, 2019
You might need more human connection now to restore a work-life imbalance. Although there are always more chores to do, warm your heart and hearth by spending precious moments with the people you adore. Err more on the side of overplaying with loved ones than overworking at your desk today. Let them know how much you love them and how important they are in your world. Author Stephen Covey wrote, “Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.”

Cancer Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 06, 2019
People strike you as infinitely more interesting and enjoyable than the work on your plate now. Your plans seem to contain too many parts to manage and juggle, possibly leaving you overwhelmed and perplexed. You yearn for more simplicity, familiarity, and comfort. You might find it easier to reach satisfaction by eating foods you love and relaxing at home. Unfortunately, you cant put too much work on the backburner today. So, recharge your spirit by engaging in activities that are revitalizing and then return to the important business at hand. When life gets blurry, adjust your focus.

Leo Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 06, 2019
One persons trash equals another persons treasure. Saving a valuable item that someone intends to throw out today might make sense. Youre not inclined to give up easily and youre optimistic enough about your future that youre willing to extend your confidence to nearly anything or anyone now. A serious Sun-Saturn trine testifies that your intuition is on point. What you want to renew could take time and effort, but recycling is wiser than throwing in the towel. Author Marie Forleo wrote, Its not about your resources. Its about your resourcefulness.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 06, 2019
You may want to travel in multiple directions simultaneously. You might have trouble at first performing your daily chores today, shuffling between creative license and rigorous precision. Survey your options to know whats exactly right for you. However, you could be too wound up now to map out a practical strategy. Snap out of the tension by freeing yourself from the idea that there is only one efficient way to execute any task. Infuse innovative energy into existing dull duties for maximum productivity. Allow yourself the space to explore alternative realities.

Libra Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 06, 2019
Its safe to assume that not everyone can be trusted with certain details. But there is no need to be paranoid about a breach of confidence now. You may not be sure how much you want to divulge to inquiring minds about your personal life. However, keeping everything close to your chest might feel like youre sealed in a prison cell. Be brave with the right people, those folks who have proven true in the past. Trust your intuition to lead you toward freedom with a person who can handle it. Shakespeare wrote, Discretion is the better part of valor.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 06, 2019
Your time and energy are finite resources. The truth is youre not sure if you can come to the aid of an associate or ally today. Someone may request your help financially or emotionally, and you might not know if you possess the bandwidth to respond sufficiently. If your comrade becomes too clingy, be patient yet firm as you encourage them to fly on their own. In the final analysis, all you can do is to generously contribute what you can and wish them the very best. Muhammad Ali said, Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 06, 2019
Keep an open heart and mind, but dont be empty-headed about it. Your confidence and sense of integrity doesnt mean you should expect others to possess the same traits. However, its best to meet people where they are, not where you want them to be. If you perceive others arent being as gracious as you, move on to those folks who are. Your time is precious. Author John Spence wrote, If you expect the world to be fair with you because you are fair, you’re fooling yourself. That’s like expecting the lion not to eat you because you didn’t eat him.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 06, 2019
You reap what you sow. Although you might not feel ready to demonstrate your skills or share your expertise, youre probably a lot more prepared than you think now. You are inclined to fuss over every little detail or imagine a worst-case scenario rather than focus on the most important part of your presentation: yourself. Visualize your success and follow through with a sustainable plan. Proceed with confidence and the rest will fall into place. Your energy introduces you before you even speak.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 06, 2019
Youre liable to find money in unanticipated places today. These cosmic blessings might occur in mundane settings, such as when you plop down on the couch or race to catch the train to work. Maybe you feel self-conscious about these small windfalls and even suspicious over your good luck. Perhaps you believe that you should get only what you earn with your own hands. But when youre flowing and aligned with a sense of purpose, the cosmos can give you what you need and even more. Consciously become a magnet for your success and prosperity. A grateful mind is a powerful mind.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Friday – Sep 06, 2019
Your friendliness could backfire if you assume too much familiarity with someone today. They may either take offense or, in turn, cross one of your boundaries. Instead, get to know people individually rather than jumping to conclusions. Ask more questions, especially about their preferences. For example, err on the side of caution and respect by waiting to use a nickname until invited to do so. Once you open the portal to connect, you both might be surprised by how easily the energy flows. Communication is the key to emotional intimacy.


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