Daily Horoscope Friday – Oct 18, 2019

Daily Horoscope Friday – Oct 18, 2019

Aries Daily Horoscope Friday – Oct 18, 2019
You seek to free yourself from a set of limiting beliefs about your place in the world. Perhaps you recognize that youre harboring resentments and hang-ups that you neednt hold anymore. Yet, maybe youve nursed them for so long that you dont even know how your life looks without the burden of the past. Thankfully, you can shake off the shackles of outdated thinking while the heady Gemini Moon opposes bright and hopeful Jupiter in Sagittarius. Have faith that your next steps will likely reveal themselves as you move forward into the unknown.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Friday – Oct 18, 2019
Your confidence and comfort with the overall rhythm of your life may be on the rise now. You can likely bounce and flow throughout the day with few problems that dour your mood. Thankfully, the sprightly Gemini Moon forms a stable trine to the even-tempered Libra Sun, empowering you to merrily roll along. Youre also able to encourage people and sympathize with those who need it. Strangers might even seek you out for advice since you project goodwill and friendliness. Enjoy coasting as if youre on cosmic cruise control and share the good vibes wherever you roam.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Friday – Oct 18, 2019
Addressing issues of importance at work on a need-to-know basis keeps the drama to a minimum. Although you appear to deftly respond to the shifting landscape at work, your colleagues might be confused by some of your choices. Theres no reason to avoid answering their questions about your decisions, but resist the impulse to become defensive today. You are under no obligation to ease everyones concerns as long as youre not intentionally causing their puzzlement. Stay focused on the logistics and not the feelings to quickly alleviate any lingering mix-ups. Let the facts speak for themselves

Cancer Daily Horoscope Friday – Oct 18, 2019
Permanent change rarely happens overnight. You may struggle to control cravings and curb challenging behaviors today. Its essential to be kind and patient with yourself as you face your very human shortcomings. Fortunately, you dont have to process your feelings alone. Call on friends or relatives if you need extra encouragement or just a listening ear. In fact, your desire for growth might just rub off on others. Playwright August Wilson wrote, Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing.

Leo Daily Horoscope Friday – Oct 18, 2019
Ironically, owning up to your vulnerabilities seems to be the best way to avoid getting hurt. Sometimes, when you try to fool yourself to shield your pride, you leave yourself open to being misled by others. Similarly, you could magnify a perceived slight into much more than whats there and start a needless conflict. Nevertheless, you derive benefit from talking through issues before acting them out. Ask questions when uncertain about someones intentions. Its better to know the truth than guess based on your own insecurities. Jack Kornfield wrote, Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Friday – Oct 18, 2019
Being charitable in word and deed is admirable, but trying to fix every soul in need can jeopardize your own stability. Just because youre willing to go the extra mile doesnt mean you should run a marathon when a sprint will do. Nevertheless, you might be inspired to pull someone out of a difficult situation today, no matter the cost. But as frustrating as it is to realize that you can only do so much, you must accept your own limitations. Maintaining healthy boundaries prevents people from taking advantage of you, including yourself. Thankfully, kindness is an unlimited resource.

Libra Daily Horoscope Friday – Oct 18, 2019
Creating a less detailed and more flexible schedule works to your advantage today. Unfortunately, your expectations may be dashed if your plans are too rigid or you place too much faith in a single idea. Instead, start with a general strategy and rely on your intuition to fine-tune it along the way. Improvise as needed, yet keep the integrity and feel of your overall vision. Everything flows smoothly when you use the powers of your mind to anticipate both problems and promising opportunities. Muhammad Ali said, The man who has no imagination has no wings.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Friday – Oct 18, 2019
Research and patience are necessary when youre boldly aiming for higher financial ground. Without preparation, youre probably not investing; youre gambling or just blowing money to satisfy your ego. Of course, you can choose to do whatever you want with your cash, yet its prudent to be clear about your motives before you splurge. Its all too easy to see your money growing while the fast-acting Gemini Moon opposes exaggerating Jupiter in your 2nd House of Net Worth. However, careful analysis can make all the difference between landing comfortably on more dough or on harder times. Look before you leap when your future security is at stake.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Friday – Oct 18, 2019
The only way for people not to mistake your kindness for weakness is to be discerning with your generosity. Perhaps your heart wants to share the very best that your time and money can buy, especially with your partner or other loved ones. However, you must apply the energy of the clever Gemini Moon to rapidly assess if youre giving someone an appropriate gift at the right time. Thankfully, relying on cool logic rather than heated emotions can prevent an awkward situation from catching you off guard. Poet Anatole France wrote, It is well for the heart to be naive and the mind not to be.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Friday – Oct 18, 2019
You have many profound reasons to appreciate a loved one in your life. You may intuitively know that the two of you share a higher and special purpose together. It can be magical to meet someone and feel like youve known each other all your lives — or even through other lifetimes. Never take your extraordinary connection for granted. Be vigilant with care and communication — like you would for anything else you want to last forever. The pleasure of each others company reinforces your bond and warms your heart at the same time.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Friday – Oct 18, 2019
You may be called to help manage a friends fragile feelings while youre just trying to have fun. Fortunately, your pleasure doesnt need to be hampered by their tantrums or outbursts. Theres no reason to let someone elses emotions become yours. Step back from the fray to see how you can best comfort them while they are out of sorts. Remember, the volume is turned up on everyones heartstrings while grandiose Jupiter opposes the Moon in your 5th House of Self-Expression. Although it can be challenging to be a lighthouse for others during a storm, guiding everyone into safe harbor is a win-win for all.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Friday – Oct 18, 2019
You might believe you stumbled into your own alternate reality today. You may attempt to make sense of any strange encounters or odd characters you meet by insisting that they conform to a set format or fulfill your lofty expectations. But theres no reason to assume that everything must fit into your box of logical assumptions. Instead, savor the current situation as an opportunity to see the world through an entirely different lens. Author Frank Herbert wrote, The mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.


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