Daily Horoscope Friday – May 8, 2020

Aries Daily Horoscope Friday – May 8, 2020
You might have an opportunity to teach someone a skill now. While your energy and enthusiasm make you a great instructor, impatience can cause problems today. Break lessons down into small steps. It may take weeks for someone to absorb everything you are sharing, so don’t expect your pupil to become an overnight success. Think back to a coach or instructor whose calm demeanor made it easy to understand what was being shared. Take a few pages from this sages book. This is your chance to prove you really can slow down and enjoy the journey.
Taurus Daily Horoscope Friday – May 8, 2020
You should trust your intuition about an ethical matter. If youre dealing with a crisis of conscience today, stop agonizing over what everyone will think about your choice. Simply pick the path that resonates with your desire for justice. Some people might complain about your decision, but you can’t please everyone. An authority figure who observes how you deal with this dilemma might approach you with an interesting opportunity. Thats because theyre impressed by your integrity. Youre not afraid to champion the rights of the underdog, even when pressured to do otherwise.
Today you may be especially responsive to the needs of others. When the attentive Moon moves through your 7th House of Partnerships, its easy to meet the needs of your closest associates. Engage in lighthearted banter with a coworker. Give sincere compliments to a friend. Send a thoughtful gift to a relative. You have great instincts about how to brighten peoples lives. Because you are so closely attuned to peoples feelings, its especially important to show respect for others right now. Being a good citizen is an act of kindness.
Cancer Daily Horoscope Friday – May 8, 2020
Because your mental and physical health are closely linked, its important to maintain a positive attitude today. If you catch yourself brooding over upsetting thoughts, do something that lifts your spirits. Call a friend who always makes you laugh. Make a long list of things for which you are grateful. Maintaining an upbeat attitude takes practice, but it can be done. Treat the process like a game. Dont be surprised when you find hidden resources after being relentlessly optimistic. Positive energy is an abundance magnet, so be what you want to attract.
Leo Daily Horoscope Friday – May 8, 2020
Expressing yourself may be your top priority today. It doesnt matter what it is you choose to do; what’s important is to let your imagination run wild. If that means putting chores on the back burner, so be it. Don’t worry about what doesn’t get done. The dishes can be washed and the laundry can be done another day. Youll be delighted to discover that someone close to you fully supports you pursuing artistic endeavors. They know youre happiest when building castles in the air.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Friday – May 8, 2020
You may react differently than most to something you see or hear today. Thats because youve always been good at pinpointing peoples motives. What seems inexplicable to the majority can seem utterly logical to you. As a result, you can be kind and compassionate toward those who are scorned. This capacity to treat everyone with dignity is admirable, and it could even lead to a new career path. Be open to working with those who are often treated like social outcasts. These individuals can be your best teachers.
Libra Daily Horoscope Friday – May 8, 2020
Someone with your intellect is always looking for new subjects to study and explore. While you cant take any formal classes, it is possible to use online resources to study on your own. Give yourself permission to make mistakes with this new undertaking. The more encouraging you are toward yourself, the more likely you will gain mastery of this topic, skill, or process. You may want to pattern your behavior after someone youve always admired who always gets back up after they’ve gotten knocked down. The lessons they’ve learned could help illuminate your path forward.
Spending so much time at home may have changed your values. Slowly but surely, youve realized that you have what you need to be happy. This could be a liberating revelation, and it could make feeling connected to the past increasingly important to you. Make it your goal today to connect with a person who brings you joy. This could be anything from calling a relative to thank them for past kindnesses to texting a good friend you haven’t spoken to in a while. You don’t need to leave home to walk down memory lane.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Friday – May 8, 2020
Theres nothing wrong with wanting to be admired and appreciated. In fact, you may have wonderful ideas about bringing people together to make the world a better place. Promoting a foundation or launching a fundraiser could potentially attract acclaim; if youre going to be widely known, it should be for your philanthropy. Its possible the current news cycle is making you downhearted. Watching an uplifting show or documentary can renew your commitment to charitable works, allowing you to see there are good people doing good in the world. Let them serve as inspiration.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Friday – May 8, 2020
Sneak off to a quiet spot where you can hear yourself think, as the solitude will allow you to work out any problems you’re experiencing. In the past, you may have put too much emphasis on other peoples opinions, but that is starting to change now. The older you get, the more you realize that all the answers you seek lie within the recesses of your heart. While money might be tighter than usual right now, there is a silver lining: you’re realizing that cash isn’t the be-all and end-all of your happiness.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Friday – May 8, 2020
Even though you might not be able to congregate with your favorite people, you can still connect with your nearest and dearest today. If youre not in the mood to talk or video chat, write an old-fashioned letter. Youve always expressed yourself beautifully with words. Setting pen to paper could be liberating. Best of all, the recipient of your note will have something to keep forever. You may not realize it, but people take great comfort from your friendship. Thats because you manage to be both inspiring and reassuring with every communication.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Friday – May 8, 2020
Now that the reactive Moon is touring your 10th House of Reputation, you could be wondering what your legacy will be. Your unconditional acceptance of people is one of your nicest traits. Even loners and outsiders find a friend in you, so take some time today to provide relief to a group that has been rejected. This could include anything from dropping off toiletries to a homeless shelter to asking someone to set a kinder tone on social media. Anonymous acts of kindness are especially powerful in these uncertain times.