Daily Horoscope Friday – March 11, 2022
Aries Daily Horoscope Friday – March 11, 2022
Pay attention to your dreams this morning, dear Aries, as a sweet connection between the Cancer moon and communicative Mercury may have ushered in messages from beyond the veil, as you traversed the astral realms in your sleep. However, it’ll be important that you don’t spend too much time trying to decode any strange encounters you had while asleep, or it could get in the way of your activities for the day, thanks to an unbalanced aspect between Luna, Venus, and Mars. Unexpected events could manifest this evening, as Luna enters a sweet connection to unpredictable Uranus, blessing you with pleasant surprises.
Taurus Daily Horoscope Friday – March 11, 2022
Your words will be filled with compassion and understanding today, dear Taurus, as the Cancer moon activates the sector of your chart that governs communication. Unfortunately, this could cause others to come to you with their issues, which threatens to get in the way of your professional productivity. While it’s certainly important to show up for your friends and family when they need you, it’ll be important that you keep an eye on your to-do list as well. If someone you care for requires your advice or emotional support, try to schedule such conversations for later in the evening.
Gemini Daily Horoscope Friday – March 11, 2022
The moon makes its way through nurturing Cancer today, sweet Gemini, which will have a calming and stabilizing effect on your emotions. Use this cosmic climate as an excuse to pamper yourself while embracing the finer things in life, especially if it’s been a while since you’ve treated yourself. This evening will bless you with good vibes and emotional breakthroughs, as Luna forms a sweet aspect to revolutionary Uranus. Unfortunately, a difficult connection to the healing asteroid, Chiron, could threaten to put a damper on this energy, making it essential that you lean into love and an appreciation of your personal strength.
Cancer Daily Horoscope Friday – March 11, 2022
You may need to take extra steps to stand up for yourself this morning, sweet Cancer, as the moon travels through your sign, forming unbalanced aspects to Venus and Mars. While confrontation often makes you feel uncomfortable, try not to sacrifice your own needs in favor of being agreeable, and don’t run away from your personal authority. Make an effort to connect with your family and friends this evening when Luna shares a sweet connection to unpredictable Uranus. This cosmic climate will bless you with pleasant surprises or unexpected news, especially if you socially engage with your loved ones.
Leo Daily Horoscope Friday – March 11, 2022
You’ll be deep in thought today, sweet Lion, as the Cancer moon illuminates the sector of your chart that governs the subconscious. Unfortunately, these vibes could take away from your ability to be present within your love life, thanks to an unbalanced connection between Luna, Venus, and Mars. It’s okay if you’re feeling uninspired, emotionally closed off, or as though you need some time alone since this energy could get a little intense and disorienting. Luckily, you’ll have an opportunity to shake off this funk later in the evening, when the moon forms a helpful connection to wild Uranus, encouraging you to mix up your routine.
Virgo Daily Horoscope Friday – March 11, 2022
Your social media pages will benefit from a nice celestial boost today, dear Virgo, as the Cancer moon activates your eleventh house. Unfortunately, this cosmic climate could cause you to lose track of time, thanks to an unbalanced aspect between Luna, Venus, and Mars. While the desire to scroll your feed will be almost compulsive, try to limit your screen time right now, especially if you have a to-do list that needs tending to. Excitement will find you this evening, as the moon shares a sweet connection to wildcard Uranus, making it essential that you keep your eyes peeled for synchronicities and blessings from beyond the veil.
Libra Daily Horoscope Friday – March 11, 2022
What you want to do and what you’re professionally required to do could be at odds this morning, dear Libra, thanks to an unbalanced aspect between the Cancer moon, Venus, and Mars. Dissatisfaction within your professional path could also put a damper on your disposition, making it important that you find ways to feel fulfilled outside of work. Luckily, you’ll have an opportunity to feel alive and in tune with the universe this evening when the moon shares a sweet connection to wildcard Uranus. Use this cosmic climate as an opportunity to shed any people or situations that are no longer serving you, even if it involves embarking upon a new job search.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope Friday – March 11, 2022
The universe will come alive around you today, sweet Scorpion, as the Cancer moon brings her luminance to the sector of your chart that governs spirituality. Unfortunately, an unbalanced aspect between Luna, Venus, and Mars could have you questioning your intuition, just as the universe is looking for ways to guide you. If you feel lost on your path, take some time out to meditate today, and don’t be afraid to ask the other side for clarity if you’re unsure of whether or not you’ve received a message. Luckily, you should feel more aligned with your physic abilities this evening, helping you recommit to or change up your path moving forward.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Friday – March 11, 2022
You won’t be in the mood to negotiate today, dear Sagittarius, as the Cancer moon shines a light in your eighth house, eliciting a no-nonsense disposition within you. However, you may want to pause implementing your will without consideration for the people around you, as Luna forms an unbalanced connection to Venus and Mars. While you certainly will feel sure of yourself and your choices right now, it would still be wise to listen to the ideas and perspectives of the people around you, as there could be facets of your plan that aren’t completely clear to you yet.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope Friday – March 11, 2022
You’ll be in the mood for love today, dear sea-goat, as the Cancer moon illuminates the sector of your chart that governs matters of the heart. Unfortunately, you may not feel totally confident in where you stand with that special someone, thanks to an unbalanced aspect between Luna, Venus, and Mars. Luckily, this energy will begin to dissipate later in the afternoon, though you should spend this time looking for ways to nurture and build yourself back up. Fun will find you later in the evening when the moon shares a sweet connection to unpredictable Uranus, but you’ll need to be willing to break out of your comfort zone to make the most of this cosmic climate.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope Friday – March 11, 2022
Double-check your to-do list this morning, dear Water-bearer, as the Cancer moon forms an unbalanced aspect to Venus and Mars, who are currently residing under your sign. These wonky vibes could make it a little too easy for you to drop a few balls, making it important that you don’t take on more work or responsibilities than you can handle. You’ll also want to check in with your physical and emotional needs throughout the day and avoid neglecting yourself while handling your personal or professional tasks. As the day comes to a close, plan on spending the evening at home, catching up on some much-deserved rest and relaxation.
Pisces Daily Horoscope Friday – March 11, 2022
You’ll be full of creative ideas and inspiration today, dear Pisces, as the moon makes its way through Cancer and the sector of your chart that governs personal expression. Unfortunately, an unbalanced connection between Luna, Venus, and Mars could cause you to hold yourself back, especially if you pander to any subconscious feelings of unworthiness. Try not to let fear or self-doubt hold you back from sharing your brilliance with the world, even if putting yourself out there feels a little scary. Luckily, a sweet connection between Luna and revolutionary Aquarius will bring out your wild side, pushing you to take a few chances.