Daily Horoscope Friday – July 05, 2019

Daily Horoscope Friday – July 05, 2019

Aries Daily Horoscope Friday – July 05, 2019
The more energy you put into connecting with your past, the more fun you have today. You remember untraveled pathways and imagine how life might have turned out if they were pursued. The truths you discover about your lineage pose some challenges to your current public persona. Your hidden facets are ready to emerge; however, it is not yet clear how you make this internal shift happen. For now, enjoy retracing the possibilities and uncovering the realities of who you can become. The future begins in your imagination.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Friday – July 05, 2019
You toy with crossing thresholds of safety and security today. Your home ensconces you in a world you feel you can control. The second you step outside, all sorts of rules crash down around you, whether it is the proclivities of neighbors or even the laws of the land. Further afield are foreign adventures, which both beckon you and also seem to threaten your comfort zone. By widening your perspective, you become more at ease in the world at large. Adventure starts where plans end.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Friday – July 05, 2019
Conversations with other people help clarify what you want. If the discussion gets heated today, it most likely points to an area you care more deeply about. In the spectrum of your diverse desires, you adopt a myriad of positions simultaneously. However, variety is your kryptonite. Rather than narrowing down your options, create a greater organizational scheme. Acts of mental alchemy help you turn your vice into a boon and transform you into a virtuoso of variance. There is magic to be found in structure.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Friday – July 05, 2019
You connect powerfully to others when you share your resources with them. Trouble brews when you decide to keep something to yourself after folks have grown accustomed to your generosity. Of course, you are allowed to have your private share in the midst of supporting those around you. However, when you express possessiveness, you may repel the grifters who only show up for a freebie. Let them go. Deepen your relationships with people who are sincerely interested in you and watch the reciprocity blossom.

Leo Daily Horoscope Friday – July 05, 2019
Your roar commands an audience. The bolder you get, the more you enter an internal feedback loop between your expressions and your imaginal dreamscapes. Some deeply embedded strands of your subconscious yearn to connect with your conscious mind. You resonate so clearly on your own today that colleagues and coworkers may get restless. Try to speak with people rather than at them, and give others ample time to respond. Learning how your message is being received can only benefit you moving forward.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Friday – July 05, 2019
Skirmishes in your blind spot may drive you closer to certain people in your social circles. Conflict relies on having at least two sides that need to resolve an issue. Finding resolution with others in times of stress cements relations, no matter which side you are on. The allies who help you through your struggle can see vantage points that you might not notice. Ask for assistance, and you could walk away with a new lifelong friend or two, as well as an answer to your problem. No risk, no reward.

Libra Daily Horoscope Friday – July 05, 2019
You may tighten the reins on your personal network today. As long as people mind their manners, you are welcoming to an array of individuals from all walks of life. However, the second anyone begins to reflect negatively on your standing in the public eye, you start to have second thoughts about keeping them in close orbit. Sometimes, you have to let someone go their own way. You face a fork in the road of your fate. No matter which path you choose, you receive the support you need to reach your destination.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Friday – July 05, 2019
You throw all your weight into your professional pursuits now. Nothing delights you more than tackling things on your own; however, you may find yourself unable to escape from people who show up to assist you today. These advocates provide new frames of reference that have an indelible effect on your work. You might begrudgingly budge from your resistance to include new perspectives, which, in turn, enables you to reach new minds. Go with the flow and grow.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Friday – July 05, 2019
The intrepid explorer discovers fresh territories and unfathomable theories. Feats of endurance and displays of mental acuity all have one thing in common: stories told about them seek to pass the test of time. You might count yourself amongst this group of immortals today. Your level of personal satisfaction may be tied to how many of your own adventures you successfully complete. Spend some time in quiet reflection so you can appreciate your past experiences and identify which ventures to pursue next. Confucius wrote, Wherever you go, go with all your heart.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Friday – July 05, 2019
An important relationship consumes your undivided attention now. The closer you get to someone, the scarier it can become. Their investment in you could trigger worries of losing their support one day. It might seem easier to reject help outright than to accept that anyone has even a smidgen of influence over your direction in life. Paradoxically, any anxiety you may feel is actually an indication of your inner transformation. Lean on each other and push forward; even positive change is stressful. Author Jack Canfield wrote, Everything you want is on the other side of fear.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Friday – July 05, 2019
Acts of service put you in touch with the public today. Some people might not care about your personal sacrifice and thus cannot express gratitude for your efforts. Any tension that arises says more about them than you. But many folks are grateful for your contributions; there are even those who actually spur you on to a near-mystical experience of selflessness. Lead with love and others will follow. James Keller said, A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Friday – July 05, 2019
You can escape from an onerous task today by adopting a spirit of play. In fact, one after another, you accomplish your duties without feeling the typical burden brought on by repetition. You exude a quality of amusement about you now, which transforms usual chores into a game. However, you might have to keep your joy under wraps, lest you raise ire in anyone expecting you to perform in a serious manner. Thankfully, flexibility is your secret weapon.


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