Daily Horoscope Friday – December 24, 2021

Daily Horoscope Friday – December 24, 2021

Aries Daily Horoscope Friday – December 24, 2021

Take some time to tidy up your workspace this morning, little ram, as the Virgo moon shares a sweet connection to the Capricorn sun, activating the sectors of your chart that rule organization and career. As the day continues, you’ll want to listen to your gut and watch for signs from the universe, thanks to a gentle connection between Mars and the healing asteroid, Chiron. Remember to believe in yourself and your dreams right now. Remember to keep a healthy balance when shooting for the stars and acknowledging the work that goes along with it. Your potential is pretty limitless right now, but you’ll need to make a solid plan on how to reach your goals.

Taurus Daily Horoscope Friday – December 24, 2021

Tension from yesterday could boil over into today, thanks to the continuation of a stressful square between Saturn and Uranus. Luckily, you should be able to ride any waves the universe throws at you—but only if you find your center and try not to let the tension get the best of you. If you feel physical symptoms of stress creep up, take a few minutes for deep breathing while you make a conscious effort to relax your body. While the moon’s placement in Virgo might leave you striving for perfection, you’ll want to avoid putting too many expectations on yourself or the people around you.

Gemini Daily Horoscope Friday – December 24, 2021

Domestic tension could manifest for you today, lovely Gemini, as the Virgo moon shines a light on the sector of your chart that rules the home. If you’re gearing up for Christmas Eve, you might begin to feel overwhelmed by all of the preparations you must tend to. To survive these high-stress vibes, you should consider making a to-do list to help you stay organized and on track. It’ll also be important that you don’t put too many responsibilities on yourself, or you could hit a wall this evening when the moon forms a harsh square to Mars.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Friday – December 24, 2021

Showing love to the people you care about will come naturally this morning, little crab, as the Virgo moon shares a sweet connection to the Capricorn sun, highlighting the sectors of your chart that rule communication and love. Physical touch, small gestures, and gift-giving are great ways to express your feelings without using actual words. Just don’t go overboard catering to others, and make sure to set aside some TLC for yourself this evening. Be sure to tap into your gratitude while watching out for synchronicities and small blessings as the day comes to a close when Luna and Uranus share a gentle cosmic connection.

Leo Daily Horoscope Friday – December 24, 2021

Things will be busy but move slowly this morning as the Virgo moon travels through Taurus, activating your solar second house. Your to-do list might seem expansive, but you’ll also have the luxury of taking on tasks one by one, with a bit of leisure time sprinkled in between duties. Just try not to tense up or close off from your loved ones if you find yourself immersed in tasks—as the continued square between Saturn and Uranus could lead to explosive arguments if you’re not able to practice patience—and show affection to your nearest and dearest. In turn, you’ll want to make sure you don’t expect too much from the people around you, as everyone will be carrying their own burdens and stress.

Virgo Daily Horoscope Friday – December 24, 2021

Today, the moon enters your sign, darling Virgo, sharing a sweet connection to the Capricorn sun as you stir from your slumber. This energy is perfect for unleashing your sassy and creative side, though you’ll also feel grounded and at peace with who you are. While you’ll still be aware of how you wish to change and evolve in the future, you’ll feel content knowing that you’re exactly where you need to be in this moment. A helpful connection between Mars and the healing asteroid, Chiron, will accentuate these sentiments, bringing you the motivation to transform at a healthy and reasonable pace.

Libra Daily Horoscope Friday – December 24, 2021

You’ll have a lot on your mind today, sweet Libra, as the moon makes its way through Virgo, activating the sector of your chart that rules the subconscious. Try not to let holiday pressure get the best of you, and don’t feel obligated to deliver on extravagant gifts, food, or decorations if it comes at the expense of your mental health. Keep in mind that the people you surround yourself with love you no matter what you bring to the table, and that the expectations you’ve set for yourself do not necessarily match up with what others think you must produce.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope Friday – December 24, 2021

Your social life will be buzzing right now as the Virgo moon connects with the Capricorn sun, bringing a burst of cosmic energy to your inner and outer friendship circles. While your phone and social media inbox will likely be flooded with good tidings and sweet sentiments, don’t feel obligated to give everyone your focus all at once. It’s totally acceptable to unplug right now, so you can give your full attention to the people closest to you. However, if you do want to reach your casual friends and colleagues, go ahead and shoot out a sweet post on your favored public profiles.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Friday – December 24, 2021

Do your best to stay organized throughout the day, especially if you’re preparing for a large holiday gathering, as the moon makes its way through Virgo. While you’re one of the few signs that can thrive in chaos, things could get exhausting if you don’t run a tight ship, especially this afternoon when the moon forms a harsh square to Mars. Luckily, you should be able to get some aid from your best buds, thanks to a helping hand from the healing asteroid, Chiron. Don’t let holiday pressure get in the way of a good time, and feel free to laugh at yourself if you’re wrapping or cooking executions come out a little wonky.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope Friday – December 24, 2021

Take a second to connect with your gratitude this morning, as the Virgo moon shares a sweet connection to the Capricorn sun, showering you with warmth and divine support. While this day might feel high stress and perhaps a bit chaotic, you should be able to make it through to the evening fairly unscathed—but only if you stay centered and invite joy into your heart. Just try not to fixate on small details and appreciate your home and the people you fill it with. A connection between Mars and the healing asteroid, Chiron, will be especially healing for you, though you’ll need to relax and embrace domestic tranquility.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Friday – December 24, 2021

Don’t feel guilty about taking an authoritative role today, dear Aquarius, especially if there’s much to be done around your home in preparation for the holidays. Be sure to dish out tasks to the people you cohabitate with, dividing up the abundance of cooking, cleaning, or decorating that must be seen to. Look for ways to embrace small pleasures this evening when the Virgo moon shares a sweet connection to your ruling planet, Uranus. You might also receive a surprise or two, as these joyous vibes could inspire the people you love to present you with an unexpected or early holiday gift.

Pisces Daily Horoscope Friday – December 24, 2021

While holiday stress will be at a high today, you should be able to fit in some time for romance this morning, as the Virgo Moon shares a sweet connection to the Capricorn sun. These vibes are also perfect for bringing structure to your self-care regime, which means you might want to draw yourself a bath or get in a serious nature walk before you take on your tasks for the day. Just try not to lose yourself in these dreamy vibes, or you could end up feeling overwhelmed this afternoon when the moon enters a harsh square with Mars.