Daily Horoscope December 31, 2023

Daily Horoscope December 31, 2023

ARIES Daily Horoscope December 31, 2023

The moon enters Virgo this morning, dear Aries, strengthening your resolve to enter the new year with a newfound devotion to wellness. Unfortunately, your patience may be tested as Luna forms a t-square with Venus and Saturn, especially if your hard work has been taking too long to pay off. Trust that blessings are on the way, and turn to your spirituality if you need extra support. A lucky energy lingers this afternoon when Luna blows a kiss to expansive Jupiter, asking you to consider how you can grow financially as we enter 2024 and what planning still needs to be done.

TAURUS Daily Horoscope December 31, 2023

You’ll be eager to close out 2023 with your party pants on, dearest Taurus, as the moon enters Virgo and your house of recreation. Unfortunately, not everyone will seem as chipper and eager to connect when Luna squares off with Venus and Saturn, making it important that you choose your New Year’s Eve crew wisely. Get creative with your resolutions when Luna blows a kiss to Jupiter this afternoon, encouraging you to set goals that nurture your creative spirit and desire to be recognized. Kiss your favorite people as the clock strikes midnight, celebrating friendship with the dawn of 2024.

GEMINI Daily Horoscope December 31, 2023

The moon enters practical Virgo and your solar fourth house, dear Gemini, putting you in the mood to get organized for the new year. Lean into these vibes by focusing on your home and how new structures or routines can make each day easier. Try not to get frustrated if loved ones are operating on a different wavelength when a harsh t-square forms between Luna, Venus, and Saturn. Avoid compromising with others who wouldn’t do the same, understanding the importance of holding your ground. Good vibes flow this afternoon when Jupiter activates, helping you see the lighter side of life.

CANCER Daily Horoscope December 31, 2023

Your wits sharpen as the moon enters Virgo, dear Cancer, inspiring you to connect with friends before 2023 comes to a close. Just be sure to manage your schedule wisely as Luna squares off with Venus and Saturn, especially if you intend on hosting this evening or still need to firm up plans. You should also watch out for temperamental behaviors within others, offering to lend a hand when loved ones seem overwhelmed. The energy sweetens later in the afternoon when Jupiter activates, making it a good time to set resolutions around expanding your network and community in 2024.

LEO Daily Horoscope December 31, 2023

Don’t put pressure on yourself to move too quickly today, dear Leo, as the moon enters Virgo and your house of leisure. Watch out for big egos, power struggles, and stubbornness as Luna forms a harsh t-square with Venus and Saturn, threatening the harmony within your closest companionships. You should also take care to address your spending limitations and create a budget if you plan on going out tonight. Set intentions around prosperity, career growth, and success later in the afternoon when Jupiter activates. You may also see growth within your public life, especially if you’ve been investing in getting noticed.

VIRGO Daily Horoscope December 31, 2023

The moon drifts into your sign this morning, dear Virgo, bringing auspicious energy your way as we enter the new year. An increase in your popularity can build confidence, though a harsh t-square between Luna, Venus, and Saturn threatens to trigger unwanted attention as well. Avoid anyone who lashes out at you unfairly or those with a penchant for negativity and grudge-holding. Your spirit sparkles when the moon and Jupiter share a sweet exchange later this afternoon, bringing extra luck to any resolutions you set for 2024. Shoot for the stars, trusting that good things are in store.

LIBRA Daily Horoscope December 31, 2023

Give yourself space to quiet down and hear your own thoughts before New Year’s Eve festivities commence, dear Libra, as the moon enters Virgo and your house of introspection. Listen to your heart if it’s telling you to take it easy tonight, even if doing so requires missing out on some fun. Try not to feel overwhelmed by your to-do lists when a harsh t-square forms between Luna, Venus, and Saturn, bringing a stressful energy to the table. Make resolutions around the power of transformation when auspicious Jupiter activates later this afternoon, encouraging personal growth as we enter 2024.

SCORPIO Daily Horoscope December 31, 2023

Your community bustles with the excitement of an impending new year, dear Scorpio, as the moon enters Virgo and your solar eleventh house. Unfortunately, it could get exhausting trying to keep up with the array of social options you have to choose from, as Luna squares off with Venus and Saturn. Don’t feel like you need to make multiple stops when preparing to ring in 2024, considering who or what brings the most joy, even if you end up laying low from home. Make resolutions around love and personal balance later in the afternoon when Jupiter activates to promote harmony.

SAGITTARIUS Daily Horoscope December 31, 2023

The moon enters Virgo and your solar tenth house this morning, dear Archer, putting you in a serious and ambitious headspace. Though you’ll be focused on where success can be found as we enter the new year, try not to let these themes preoccupy your thoughts as Luna squares off with Venus and Mars. A moody energy could come into play if loved ones feel neglected, and you’ll want to find a balance between catering to your goals and, most importantly, companionship. Set intentions around wellness goals for 2024 when the moon blows a kiss to Jupiter this afternoon.

CAPRICORN Daily Horoscope December 31, 2023

The universe will be on your side as the moon enters Virgo and your house of expansion, dear Capricorn, bringing an auspicious spin to your New Year’s Eve. However, you may feel slightly closed off as Luna forms a t-square with Venus and Saturn, and it would be wise to find some time for solitude before diving into the night’s festivities. Recommit to your personal goals when Jupiter activates later this afternoon, even if they’re slightly ego-driven. These vibes also pair well with the pursuit of creative projects, so be sure to direct your 2024 resolutions accordingly.

AQUARIUS Daily Horoscope December 31, 2023

You’ll be eager to release any drama or stress 2023 brought, dear Aquarius, as the moon enters Virgo and your house of transformation. As you look toward a new year, use this energy to let go, even if doing so causes you to question and redefine who you are. Just try not to let social pressures push you further in a direction you’re not happy with, as Luna forms a harsh t-square with Venus and Saturn. Boundaries will be important when dealing with stubborn or judgmental peers. Set your resolutions when Jupiter activates this afternoon, focusing on family and the home.

PISCES Daily Horoscope December 31, 2023

The moon enters Virgo and your solar seventh house this morning, dear Fishy, bringing sweet endings to your 2023 story. However, you may be forced to acknowledge which relationships are struggling and where boundaries are needed most as Luna squares off with Venus and Saturn. These vibes also pair well with temporarily escaping the outside world in order to practice personal pampering. Your voice grows this afternoon when Luna blows a kiss to Jupiter, bringing an element of luck to your words. Use this energy to communicate your 2024 resolutions to the other side, asking for help and guidance.


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