Daily Horoscope December 31, 2022

Daily Horoscope December 31, 2022

ARIES Daily Horoscope December 31, 2022

The moon moves into sensual Taurus today, dear Aries, giving you permission to slow down, indulge in fine foods, and perhaps a bit of retail therapy. Meanwhile, Venus and Pluto align in the sector of your chart that governs career, reminding you that it’s okay to exercise spending power, especially if you’ve been working overtime lately. This celestial alliance will also ask you to check in with your professional ambitions, especially if you’re unhappy with your current position. These vibes are all about seeking change if you want it, so it might be a good time to refresh your resume so you can search for new opportunities in the new year. 

TAURUS Daily Horoscope December 31, 2022

The moon moves into your sign today, sweet Bull, elevating your mind, body, and soul just in time for your New Year’s Eve festivities! Don’t be surprised if you find yourself at the center of attention right now, as your aura will be blessed with charisma, allure, and glamor. Take a moment to meditate on your goals for 2023 before heading out to celebrate, as the universe will be eager to work with you. Meanwhile, Venus and Pluto align in the sector of your chart that governs spirituality, empowering you and your ability to manifest your wildest dreams in the new year.

GEMINI Daily Horoscope December 31, 2022

You may not be in the most social mood today, dear Gemini, as the moon migrates into Taurus and the sector of your chart that governs privacy. With the new year only hours away, these vibes will ask you to reflect on the last twelve months while looking for ways to improve as 2023 rolls in. The beauty of this luminary placement is that it will support your desire to break away from patterns you need to outgrow, helping you implement healthier habits and build better relationships in the year ahead. Meanwhile, Venus and Pluto align in the sector of your chart that governs transformation, cosmically supporting your mission for change. 

CANCER Daily Horoscope December 31, 2022

You may need to take the lead on gathering your family and friends for the new year, sweet Crab, as the moon migrates into Taurus and the sector of your chart that governs community. Though you can be a solitary creature at times, this luminary placement will remind you of the important role your loved ones play in nurturing your sense of emotional stability. Meanwhile, Venus and Pluto cross paths in the sky, bringing a transformative energy to your love life. Work with this energy by taking steps toward the romance you desire, whether doing so involves you putting yourself out there, spoiling your sweetheart, or exercising healthier communication techniques. 

LEO Daily Horoscope December 31, 2022

Though the weekend has just begun, you’ll be focused on your professional ambitions, dear Leo, as the moon moves into Taurus and the sector of your chart that governs career. With the new year only hours away, it’s only natural that you’ll be thinking of ways to improve in 2023, and excelling within your field will play a major role in your personal evolution. Take a moment to outline milestones you hope to hit throughout the next twelve months, making a personal vow to meet or exceed them. Meanwhile, Venus and Pluto join hands in the sector of your chart that governs work and daily routines, suggesting that you may want to implement a more consistent schedule moving forward. 

VIRGO Daily Horoscope December 31, 2022

You’ll be blessed in the new year, dear Virgo, as the moon migrates into Taurus and the sector of your chart that governs spirituality. This luminary placement is an auspicious one for you, opening the pathways toward manifesting your dreams in the year ahead. Take a few moments to connect with your higher power before the countdown to 2023 begins, communicating your gratitude and what you hope to achieve in the next twelve months. Meanwhile, Venus and Pluto align in the sector of your chart that governs friendship and fun, giving you permission to dance away 2022 with your closest companions. 

LIBRA Daily Horoscope December 31, 2022

You’ll feel eager for change and personal upgrades today, dear Libra, as the moon moves into Taurus and the sector of your chart that governs transformation. Unfortunately, these vibes may move more slowly than you’d like, making it important that you are patient with your progress. Work with these vibes by taking small steps toward the future you want, and don’t be afraid to financially invest in these shifts. Meanwhile, Venus and Pluto form a celestial union in the sky, inspiring you to freshen up your space. Whether it’s time to purge your closet, repaint the living room, or invest in new cookware– now is the time to update your home for the new year. 

SCORPIO Daily Horoscope December 31, 2022

The vibe will be light, sweet, and harmonious today, dear Scorpio, as the moon migrates into sensual Taurus and the sector of your chart that governs love. Use this energy as an excuse to unapologetically pamper yourself, as the universes will support your mission for relaxation and luxury. If you’re in a relationship, consider bringing your sweetie along for the ride, nurturing your relationship with yummy foods or perhaps a couple’s massage. Meanwhile, Venus and Pluto align in the sky, allowing you to seriously discuss what’s in your heart, and what the future of your romantic entanglements might look like in the new year.

SAGITTARIUS Daily Horoscope December 31, 2022

The moon moves into Taurus and the sector of your chart that governs wellness today, dear Archer, asking you to prioritize your health in the new year. Whether you need to implement a more consistent sleep schedule, cut back on your vices, or exercise more, now is the time to pledge your allegiance to such changes in 2023. However, it’ll be important that you give yourself plenty of time to meet such goals, as Venus and Pluto align in your solar second house. While this celestial exchange will certainly promote the idea of transformation, the energy will move slowly, and so should you! 

CAPRICORN Daily Horoscope December 31, 2022

The energy will feel grounding yet playful today, dear Capricorn, as the moon migrates into Taurus and the sector of your chart that governs fun. Though you’re one of the most ambitious and success-oriented members of the zodiac, this luminary placement will ask that you put all of that aside for a moment, opting to focus on blowing off steam and connecting with your friends instead. Meanwhile, Venus and Pluto collide in your sign, bringing a transformative energy to your image. These vibes present the perfect excuse for indulging in a makeover, so don’t shy away from the urge to update your wardrobe or try a new hairstyle in anticipation of the new year.

AQUARIUS Daily Horoscope December 31, 2022

The moon migrates into Taurus and the sector of your chart that governs domestic bliss today, darling Water-Bearer, creating the ideal ambiance for a lazy weekend at home. Use this energy to get caught up on your favorite TV shows and podcasts, all from the comfort of your couch and coziest blankets. Meanwhile, Venus and Pluto shake hands in the sector of your chart that governs the subconscious, asking you to face your shadow with love and compassion. These vibes will support you through any emotional or mental deep diving you’re called to do, so don’t be afraid to sit in your feelings before celebrating the new year.

PISCES Daily Horoscope December 31, 2022

You’ll be in a cool, collected, and social mood today, dear Pisces, as the moon enters grounded Taurus and the sector of your chart that governs communication. Whether your new year plans involve a big night out or staying in, these vibes will encourage you to check in with your family and friends. Your words will also carry a certain weight, making it a good time to journal your resolutions for 2023. Meanwhile, Venus and Pluto shake hands in your solar eleventh house, bringing the promise of new connections throughout the next twelve months, so you may want to prepare yourself for plenty of networking. 


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