Daily Horoscope December 26, 2024
ARIES Daily Horoscope December 26, 2024
You may require some extra privacy this morning, darling Aries, as the Scorpio moon and Saturn align. Remember that it’s okay to put your healing first when Chiron stirs this afternoon, examining if you’ve been sacrificing yourself to nurture others. Your mind will be a busy place this evening when Mercury enters a t-square with Saturn and Jupiter, but practicing mindfulness and connecting with your spirituality can help you stay afloat. Examine who contributes to or takes away from your sense of emotional security later tonight when Luna squares Venus and opposes Uranus, bringing dynamics to a breaking point.
TAURUS Daily Horoscope December 26, 2024
The Scorpio moon aspects Saturn early this morning, dearest Taurus, encouraging you to invest in building solid friendships or romantic bonds. Just remember to honor your own needs when Chiron stirs this afternoon. You may find yourself bargaining with others when Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter form a t-square this evening, though it’ll be vital that you master compromise without letting yourself down. Consider what you truly need to feel stable and secure, building from this baseline. Don’t hesitate to draw lines with loved ones who have overstepped while Luna squares Venus and opposes Uranus later tonight.
GEMINI Daily Horoscope December 26, 2024
Be responsible with your time as the Scorpio moon and Saturn align this morning, darling Gemini, nudging you to take care of business. Social grief could throw you off guard when Luna and Chiron form an unbalanced connection this afternoon, but keeping busy and tending to your wellness goals can help you rise above these funky vibes. Advocate for yourself within close relationships when Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter enter a tense t-square this evening, but give others the courtesy to do the same. Meditate on how your dreams and reality might align when the moon aspects Venus and Uranus tonight.
CANCER Daily Horoscope December 26, 2024
As the Scorpio moon and Saturn align, now is a good time to examine your philosophies and how they’re put into action. The more structured you are in your spiritual practices, the more you will benefit from the universe’s blessings. Remember that success isn’t always measured by recognition when Luna and Chiron form an unbalanced aspect this afternoon, focusing on ways to boost your confidence internally. Mercury enters a harsh t-square with Jupiter and Saturn this evening, but chipping away at personal goals can help you stay afloat. Watch out for gossip or competition amongst peers when Luna squares Venus and opposes Uranus tonight.
LEO Daily Horoscope December 26, 2024
Your emotional strength shines through as the Scorpio moon and Saturn align, dearest Leo, putting you in a position to nurture and build upon intimate relationships. Bring spirituality into your space when Chiron stirs midafternoon, especially if you’re still winding down from the holidays. Avoid comparing your path to those who seem further along than you when Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter enter a t-square this evening. Finding personal balance may take some extra effort on your end when Luna aspects Venus and Uranus later tonight, but consider asking loved ones for support if you need additional comfort.
VIRGO Daily Horoscope December 26, 2024
The Scorpio moon and Saturn form a supportive connection this morning, dearest Virgo, asking you to speak up when it comes to building friendships or romantic partnerships. You may feel slightly behind when Luna and Chiron form an unbalanced aspect this afternoon, but try to pursue change in small steps. Cultivate structure at home to reclaim a more consistent sense of harmony when Mercury opposes Jupiter and Squares Saturn this evening. Start by playing with your nighttime routines as the day comes to a close, and Luna enters a t-square with Venus and Uranus to revolutionize your cycles and self-care game.
LIBRA Daily Horoscope December 26, 2024
The Scorpio moon and Saturn align to promote health and wellness, dearest Libra, and we are asking you to take a leisurely approach toward living your best life. Acknowledge if certain relationships have caused you to move slowly within manifestation goals when Luna and Chiron form an unbalanced aspect this afternoon, setting down new groundwork if necessary. Talk about your dreams, but remember that strategizing for tomorrow is an essential and drawn-out process when Mercury enters a t-square with Saturn and Jupiter this evening. Cut ties with self-doubt or toxic situations tonight while the moon squares Venus and opposes revolutionary Uranus.
SCORPIO Daily Horoscope December 26, 2024
The moon continues its journey through your sign, dearest Scorpio, forming a sweet connection with Saturn that will bring confidence and strength your way. You’ll place high expectations on yourself but should be mindful to keep reasonable goals when Chiron activates this afternoon. Try not to let your ego talk you into making unnecessary purchases when Mercury enters a t-square with Saturn and Jupiter, which may cause you to lose your financial savvy temporarily. Restless vibes flow when Luna squares Venus and opposes Uranus, but try not to let your relationships suffer as your soul searches for excitement.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Horoscope December 26, 2024
Give yourself space to fully recharge at home and release holiday-related stress, darling Sagittarius, as the Scorpio moon and Saturn align. Working with a creative outlet can help you find healing when Chiron activates this afternoon, though you’ll need to embrace solitude to avoid distraction. Recognize if you’ve pulled away from loved ones when Mercury enters a t-square with Saturn and Jupiter this evening. Though it’s important to take space to soothe the heart, remember that others are ready and willing to nurture you as well. Try to reclaim order in your home by tidying up when Luna squares Venus and opposes Uranus tonight.
CAPRICORN Daily Horoscope December 26, 2024
The Scorpio moon and Saturn, your planetary ruler, form a sweet connection this morning. Use this energy to carve out a position for yourself, dearest Capricorn, climbing the social ladder without forgetting your true friends. You may require some extra downtime at home when Chiron activates this afternoon, but you should avoid zoning out with your electronics. Get organized to avoid overstimulation or stress this evening when Mercury enters a t-square with Saturn and Jupiter. Try working with your hands and reconnecting with artistic outlets later tonight when Luna squares Venus and opposes Uranus, bringing out creative genius through self-expression.
AQUARIUS Daily Horoscope December 26, 2024
Let things progress at their own pace this morning, darling Aquarius, as the Scorpio moon and Saturn align. Trust that time is on your side, moving methodically toward your highest aspirations. Watch your words and take advice from others with a grain of salt when Luna and Chiron form an unbalanced aspect this afternoon. Put away your devices to reconnect with your surroundings when Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter form a harsh t-square this evening. Don’t let unrealistic expectations hinder your confidence when Luna squares Venus and opposes Uranus tonight, considering how you can build yourself up while working around roadblocks.
PISCES Daily Horoscope December 26, 2024
The universe sends strength and wisdom your way this morning, beloved Pisces, as the Scorpio moon squares Saturn. Find healing through gratitude practices as afternoon settles in while Chiron stirs, and new blessings could blossom. The atmosphere thickens this evening when Mercury enters a t-square with Saturn and Jupiter, swelling emotions that may cause you to shut down. If you find it’s necessary to confront certain feelings, try to do so from a measured and pragmatic headspace. Take time to be alone with your thoughts and consider journaling when Luna squares Venus and opposes Uranus later tonight.
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