Daily Horoscope December 21, 2022

Daily Horoscope December 21, 2022

ARIES Daily Horoscope December 21, 2022

The sun moves into serious Capricorn and the sector of your chart that governs professional ambitions this morning, dear Aries, marking the dawn of spring while triggering changes within your career. Use this energy to step into the limelight at work, showcasing your steadfastness, work ethic, and ability to complete tasks. Just be mindful that you don’t make claims you can’t back up, as a square between the sun and Jupiter could cause you to overshoot. Be sure to put yourself first this evening when the Sagittarius moon connects with Chiron and Mercury, making it a good time to unplug while focusing on your spiritual well-being. 

TAURUS Daily Horoscope December 21, 2022

The sun migrates into Capricorn and your solar ninth house today, dear Taurus, ushering in the dawn of winter and the most spiritually significant time of year for you. You’ll feel more connected with the other side in the coming weeks. So, be sure to reconnect with your favored meditation, divination, prayer, or magickal practices. A celestial exchange between the sun and Jupiter suggests that answers can be found from within right now, so be sure to listen to your intuition. Consider taking a cleansing salt bath later this evening when the Sagittarius moon connects with Chiron and Mars.

GEMINI Daily Horoscope December 21, 2022

You’ll start to view things in a very black-or-white manner, dear Gemini, as the sun enters pragmatic Capricorn and your solar eighth house. This solar placement will clarify which areas of your life need transforming, helping you cut ties with anyone or anything that’s not working in your best interest. These sentiments will apply to your community as the sun squares off with Jupiter, making it a good time to purge your contacts list and social media feeds. However, you’ll want to show love and appreciation for the people that lift you up later this evening when the Sagittarius moon blows a kiss to Chiron.

CANCER Daily Horoscope December 21, 2022

A harmonious and stabilizing energy will find you today, dear Cancer, as the sun enters Capricorn and the sector of your chart that governs love. This solar placement can help you feel rooted in your most valued relationships, so be sure to nurture the most important dynamics. Meanwhile, the moon continues its journey through Sagittarius, asking you to eat well, exercise, and hydrate. Try not to be overly critical of yourself or others this evening when Luna faces off with Mars, which could cause you to see the world through a more pessimistic lens. 

LEO Daily Horoscope December 21, 2022

The universe will ask you to get organized within your professional ambitions throughout the next month, dear Leo, as the sun enters Capricorn and the sector of your chart that governs work. Wellness should also be a priority, so be sure to nurture your body as often as you do your career. Don’t be afraid to call on the other side for guidance as the sun aligns with Jupiter. However, remember to stay grounded in reality when tapping into the ethereal realms. Consider unplugging from your devices this evening when the Sagittarius moon connects with Chiron and Mars, asking you to focus on what’s real. 

VIRGO Daily Horoscope December 21, 2022

You’ll feel both playful and serious in the coming weeks, dear Virgo, as the sun enters Capricorn and your solar fifth house. This solar placement will ask you to prioritize creativity and fun, though abandoning your responsibilities in the meantime would be a mistake. Meanwhile, the Sagittarius moon connects with Mars and Chiron this evening, encouraging you to lay low from the comfort of home. As you relax from the safety of your space, look for ways to shake off any work-related stress that may have been plaguing you, and don’t be afraid to set boundaries with anyone or anything that’s been generating frustration. 

LIBRA Daily Horoscope December 21, 2022

Creating a stable and steady home environment will be important to you throughout the next month, dear Libra, as the sun enters Capricorn and the sector of your chart that governs domestic bliss. Use this energy to update your space and spend more time indoors as the stars push you toward the comfort of your four walls. You may also feel inspired to showcase your success through interior design choices, making it a good time to invest in any high-end goods you’ve been fantasizing about. You’ll find yourself in a social and flirty mood this evening when the Sagittarius moon connects with Chiron. 

SCORPIO Daily Horoscope December 21, 2022

It’s time to get serious about turning your ideas into reality, dear Scorpio, as the sun enters Capricorn and your solar third house. These vibes are all about backing up your thoughts with tangible action, especially when it comes to expanding your knowledge base or improving upon your professional standing. You’ll also notice that others are more responsive to your words, making it a good time to express your goals and needs. Give yourself permission to slow down and nurture your body this evening when the Sagittarius moon blows a kiss to Chiron, asking you to prioritize wellness. 

SAGITTARIUS Daily Horoscope December 21, 2022

The universe will ask you to slow down and find your center today, dear Archer, as the sun moves out of your sign and into stabilizing Capricorn. This solar placement can also bring financial gains your way, making it a great time to plant seeds for the future. A rush of playful energy will wash over you as the sun and Jupiter align. However, you’ll want to be mindful of your audience, as it would be easy to lose touch with your self-awareness. Plan on dedicating your evening to a passion project or creative outlet when Luna blows a kiss to Chiron. 

CAPRICORN Daily Horoscope December 21, 2022

Go ahead and do a happy dance today, dear Capricorn, as the sun enters your sign, ushering in winter and your time to shine. you should feel energized, creative, and adored throughout the coming weeks, as doors open and people rally around to lift you up. Just try not to get overwhelmed by the idea of another candle landing on your cake or a square between the sun and Jupiter could cause you to become emotional and nostalgic. Plan on scheduling some quiet time from the comfort of home this evening when the Sagittarius moon blows a kiss to Chiron. 

AQUARIUS Daily Horoscope December 21, 2022

Boundaries will be a major theme for you in the coming weeks, dear Aquarius, as the sun enters Capricorn and the sector of your chart that governs privacy. This solar placement will coax you to go within so that you can sort through your deepest thoughts and feelings. However, embracing quiet and introspection will also require that you take space from your social sphere, but try not to ice out your family and friends without explanation. Luckily, you’ll find yourself in a chatty mood this evening when the Sagittarius moon connects with the healing asteroid, Chiron. 

PISCES Daily Horoscope December 21, 2022

You’ll be the glue that holds your social group together, dear Pisces, as the sun enters Capricorn and the sector of your chart that governs community. Whether you find yourself organizing gatherings, smoothing out conflict, or helping others make connections, the stars will ask you to bring people together. The vibe could get a bit emotionally charged this evening when the Sagittarius moon faces off with Mars, threatening to trigger mood swings within yourself and others. Luckily, you’ll have a chance to ground in the present by indulging your senses, thanks to a helping hand from the healing asteroid, Chiron.  


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