Daily Horoscope December 20, 2022

ARIES Daily Horoscope December 20, 2022
A sparkling and supportive energy will find you when Jupiter, the planet of luck and growth, enters your sign. This planetary placement is poised to turn the wheels of fortune in your favor, so be sure to pursue your goals enthusiastically. Meanwhile, the Scorpio moon squares off with Saturn, highlighting how your social life has become too distracting. Luckily, the vibe will lighten just before afternoon settles in, bringing forth inspiration when Luna blows a kiss to dreamy Neptune. You’ll feel a shift as the witching hour nears and the moon enters Sagittarius, activating the spiritual sector of your chart.
TAURUS Daily Horoscope December 20, 2022
You’ll begin to feel hope where there was once only darkness, dear Taurus, as optimistic Jupiter moves into Aries and your solar twelfth house. This planetary placement is meant to restore your faith in the universe, even if you’re still troubled by certain aspects of life. Give yourself permission to escape into your own social bubble as the Scorpio moon blows a kiss to Neptune, asking you to cherish your community. Your soul will crave meaningful connection this evening when Luna shares a sweet exchange with Pluto, so be sure to let down your guard with someone who cares for you.
GEMINI Daily Horoscope December 20, 2022
You’ll have an opportunity to expand your social reach throughout the next several months, dear Gemini, as Jupiter enters Aires and the sector of your chart that governs community. However, you’ll want to help others make connections as well, as this planetary placement values the concept of both giving and receiving. Meanwhile, the Scorpio moon shares a sweet exchange with Neptune, asking you to pull back on unhealthy habits. Luckily, you’ll feel motivated to embrace change when Luna blows a kiss to Pluto, helping you release what is no longer serving you. The vibe will shift later tonight when the moon enters Sagittarius, bringing excitement to your love life.
CANCER Daily Horoscope December 20, 2022
Kindness and generosity will earn you respect throughout the next several months, dear Cancer, as benevolent Jupiter moves into Aries and your solar tenth house. These vibes will also bring support to your professional ambitions as long as you’re willing to work hard and take the initiative. A spiritual energy will come into play as the Scorpio moon blows a kiss to ethereal Neptune, making it a good time to disconnect from the real world in order to nurture your spirit. You’ll notice a shift as the witching hour nears and the moon enters Sagittarius, pushing you to get organized within your dreams throughout the next two days.
LEO Daily Horoscope December 20, 2022
Your spirit will become invigorated as Jupiter re-enters Aries this morning, dear Leo, bringing an abundance of auspicious energy to your solar ninth house. Don’t be afraid to trust in a higher power throughout the next six months, as the universe will be eager to guide and support you. Good vibes will continue to flow as the Scorpio moon blows a kiss to Neptune, providing you with an opportunity to honor your emotions while following your heart. Take a moment to tidy your space this evening when Luna aligns with Pluto before migrating into Sagittarius and the sector of your chart that governs fun.
VIRGO Daily Horoscope December 20, 2022
You’ll feel optimistic about the future and your ability to evolve today, dear Virgo, as lucky Jupiter moves into Aries and the sector of your chart that governs transformation. The universe will support your quest for self-improvement right now, though elevating your circumstances may require you to cut unhealthy ties. Meanwhile, the Scorpio moon blows a kiss to Neptune, bringing a romantic and dreamy energy to the air. Don’t be afraid to share your feelings with someone special, especially if you’ve been dancing around the issue lately. You’ll notice a shift just before midnight when the moon enters Sagittarius, drawing you to the comforts of home throughout the next two and a half days.
LIBRA Daily Horoscope December 20, 2022
Blessings will come to your love life throughout the next several months, sweet Libra, as Jupiter enters Aries and the sector of your chart that governs matters of the heart. These vibes will ask you to be generous with your love. However, try not to give too much time and attention to lopsided dynamics. Meanwhile, the Scorpio moon forms a sweet connection with Neptune, asking you to spoil your body with some wellness-oriented self-care. You’ll feel a shift as the day closes and Luna moves into Sagittarius, bringing optimism to your mind while amplifying your voice.
SCORPIO Daily Horoscope December 20, 2022
You’ll feel invigorated to nurture your health moving forward, dear Scorpio, as Jupiter enters Aries and the sector of your chart that governs wellness. Be nice to your body while working hard for your goals, and the universe will surely reward you. Meanwhile, the moon continues its journey through your sign, forming a sweet aspect with dreamy Neptune. This energy will bring a mystical energy to your aura, helping you enchant the people you encounter. Feel free to speak frankly this evening when Luna connects with Pluto, helping you find power through words. Try to cut out some time for luxury as the day comes to a close and the moon enters Sagittarius.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Horoscope December 20, 2022
You’ll feel your star rising today, dear Sagittarius, as Jupiter enters Aries and your solar fifth house. This planetary placement will ask you to nurture your creative side, as doing so will help you develop a thriving image and healthy ego. Meanwhile, the Scorpio moon blows a kiss to Neptune, helping you lay to rest any unresolved issues that have been plaguing your psyche recently. The stars will ask you to think deeply this evening when Luna aligns with Pluto, stirring your heart and mind. Luckily, you’ll have a chance to lean into the lighter side of life just before midnight when the moon migrates into your sign.
CAPRICORN Daily Horoscope December 20, 2022
Jupiter, the planet of luck, enters Aries and the sector of your chart that governs domestic bliss, asking you to focus on your home life throughout the next several months. This planetary placement will also bring sacredness to your space, helping you find spiritual fulfillment and peace from the safety of your four walls. Consider confiding your dreams in a trusted ally as the Scorpio moon blows a kiss to Neptune, helping you gain support from those who care for you most. You’ll feel a shift as the witching hour nears and the moon moves into Sagittarius, putting you in a private and solitary headspace.
AQUARIUS Daily Horoscope December 20, 2022
The stars will ask you to use your voice in the coming months, dear Aquarius, as Jupiter moves into Aries and the sector of your chart that governs communication. These vibes are perfect for expressing your wants and desires, as people and the universe will be more receptive to such wishes. Meanwhile, the Scorpio moon blows a kiss to ethereal Neptune, giving you permission to unplug from the outside world in order to focus on art, beauty, and luxury. You’ll notice a shift as the witching hour approaches and the moon enters Sagittarius, bringing a buzz to your social life in the coming days.
PISCES Daily Horoscope December 20, 2022
Financial gains are headed your way, sweet Fish, as Jupiter migrates into Aries and the sector of your chart that governs money. Opportunities are likely to manifest quickly, so prepare yourself for a busy couple of months. Meanwhile, the Scorpio moon blows a kiss to ethereal Neptune, helping you connect with your spiritual side. These vibes work especially well with meditation or candle magick, so be sure to dedicate some time to your mystical practice. You’ll feel a shift as the moon enters Sagittarius, asking you to get serious about your hopes and dreams.
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