Daily Horoscope August 22, 2023

Daily Horoscope August 22, 2023

ARIES Daily Horoscope August 22, 2023

The moon continues its journey through Scorpio today, dear Aries, intensifying interactions while heightening your intuition. Meanwhile, Venus retrograde squares off with Jupiter, which could cause you to invest in relationships before genuine stability is forged. Watch out for deception this afternoon when Mars faces off with hazy Neptune, bringing foggy energy to the table. You may also want to touch base with your own goals and behaviors, acknowledging if a lack of organization or dedication has held you back. Tensions may rise later tonight when a harsh t-square forges overhead, threatening to trigger disruptive spending sprees, power struggles, or self-doubt.

TAURUS Daily Horoscope August 22, 2023

Your emotions may feel disorganized and spread thin today, dear Taurus, as Venus retrograde squares off with expansive Jupiter. Do your best to stay centered, as it would be easy to get carried away by your heart and mind. Watch out for phony friendships or hidden enemies this afternoon when Mars and Neptune face-off, guarding your mental wellbeing and personal secrets. A competitive element could also come into play, but try not to get sucked into petty squabbles with your peers. Consider hiding away at home and practicing self-care when a harsh t-square forms later tonight.

GEMINI Daily Horoscope August 22, 2023

Look for ways to support your body throughout the day, dearest Gemini, as the moon continues its journey through Scorpio and your house of wellness. You’ll be particularly vulnerable to burnout as afternoon settles in and Mars faces off with Neptune, causing a heavy and confusing energy. Moodiness could also come into play, especially if you’re not properly fed and hydrated. Watch out for tension later tonight when a harsh t-square forms overhead, bringing a tense and overwhelming energy to the table. Consider carving out some alone time to work on a creative project or personal errands, giving your mind something to latch onto without the stress of social interaction.

CANCER Daily Horoscope August 22, 2023

Your most authentic self will shine through today, dearest Cancer, as the moon continues its journey through Scorpio and your house of self-expression. These vibes pair well with good style and creative projects, adding some extra sparkle to your day. Be mindful of your audience when Mars and Neptune face off this afternoon, understanding that not everyone will feel as elevated as you do. Rather than forcing social interaction, consider carving out some time for meditation or journaling. Take a step back from your social media pages later tonight when a harsh t-square forms overhead, bringing tension to the table. 

LEO Daily Horoscope August 22, 2023

Emotions will run high as the moon continues its journey through Scorpio, dear Leo, heightening sensitivities while bringing a moody energy to the table. Meanwhile, Venus retrograde squares off with expansive Jupiter, making it important to touch base with your composure throughout the day, especially in professional settings. Avoid frivolous shopping once afternoon settles in, and Mars faces off with Neptune, as it would be easy to spend beyond your means. It may also be wise to avoid business negotiations or major deals, understanding that it may be difficult to see the full picture. Tensions rise tonight when a t-square forms overhead, making it a good time to lay low at home. 

VIRGO Daily Horoscope August 22, 2023

The moon continues its journey through Scorpio and your solar third house, dear Virgo, strengthening your poker face and ability to read others. You may also find yourself in an investigative headspace, though you’ll want to watch out for obsessive behaviors as well. A deceptive energy creeps in this afternoon when Mars faces off with Neptune, making it easy for others to pull the wool over your eyes. Keep your eyes peeled for manipulative or gaslighting behaviors, keeping your defenses up around people you don’t fully trust. Plan on embracing solitude and spirituality later tonight when the moon aligns with Venus retrograde and Jupiter. 

LIBRA Daily Horoscope August 22, 2023

Don’t let others push you around today, dear Libra, as the moon continues its journey through Scorpio and your solar second house. This lunar placement gives you permission to move slowly, though a harsh opposition between Mars and Neptune suggests not everyone will be in a patient mood. These vibes could also lead to disorganization and mistakes, so be sure to stay focused on your tasks and responsibilities. Tension brews later tonight when Luna, Venus retrograde, and Jupiter form a t-square overhead, making it a good time to embrace solitude while treating yourself to an evening of creature comforts. 

SCORPIO Daily Horoscope August 22, 2023

The moon continues its journey through your sign, dear Scorpio, giving you a cosmic edge within personal and professional goals. Unfortunately, deceptive and hazy energy manifests this afternoon due to a harsh opposition between Mars and Neptune. Do your best to keep your wits about you right now, and consider drafting a to-do list to help you stay on track. Miscommunications online and within your closest friendships could also come into play, so remember to think before speaking. Feel free to set boundaries in the name of self-care later tonight when a harsh t-square forms overhead, bringing tension to the collective. 

SAGITTARIUS Daily Horoscope August 22, 2023

It may be hard to focus as the moon continues its journey through Scorpio, dear Archer, putting you in a pensive and private mood. Do your best to stay organized and optimistic as Venus retrograde and Jupiter square off overhead. Emotions will heighten as afternoon settles in and Mars faces off with Neptune, bringing a hazy and competitive energy to the table. Miscommunications could lead to agitation within yourself and others but try to stay patient when tensions rise. Do something to relieve stress later tonight when a t-square forms, finding harmony within your heart, mind, and body. 

CAPRICORN Daily Horoscope August 22, 2023

You should feel connected with the world around you today, dear Capricorn, as the moon continues its journey through Scorpio and your house of community. Be mindful of the subtle symbols your body sends this afternoon when Mars faces off with Neptune, as it would be easy to ignore signs that you need stretching, hydration, or nutrients. Look for ways to calm your mind during this time as well, but avoid the temptation to fully zone out. Tensions rise tonight when the moon enters a harsh t-square overhead, making the perfect excuse to lay low with a passion project. 

AQUARIUS Daily Horoscope August 22, 2023

Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty at work today, dear Aquarius, as the moon continues its journey through Scorpio and the sector of your chart that governs career. Important figures will take notice of the hard work that you do, helping you get ahead professionally. However, you may want to pull back to ground and relieve stress when Mars faces off with Neptune this afternoon, bringing a hazy energy to the table. Be extra mindful to double-check your work before turning it in, understanding that the collective will be more prone to mistakes. 

PISCES Daily Horoscope August 22, 2023

Lean into your spirituality throughout the day, dearest Pisces, as the moon continues its journey through Scorpio and your house of personal philosophies. Luck will be on your side right now as well, making it important that you look at life as a collaborative effort with the other side. Don’t trust everything you see or hear this afternoon when Mars faces off with Neptune, bringing a hazy and deceptive energy to the table. You may begin to feel out of sorts, especially if you’re overdue for a prolonged self-care session. Watch out for tension tonight when a harsh t-square forms, finding ways to maintain your own sense of peace. 


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