Daily Horoscope April 21, 2023

ARIES Daily Horoscope April 21, 2023
Mercury begins its retrograde journey in the very early hours this morning, dear Aries, which may cause you to feel a bit disorganized or out of sorts when you awaken. This planetary backspin could also lead to unwise spending and a feeling of disconnection throughout the coming weeks, making it important that you strive to stay centered and financially savvy. Meanwhile, the Taurus moon aligns with Uranus as dawn breaks, bringing an unpredictable energy to the table. A sleepy energy will find you later tonight when Lady Luna blows a kiss to Neptune, marking the perfect excuse to lay low and relax.
TAURUS Daily Horoscope April 21, 2023
The moon continues its journey through your sign this morning, dearest Taurus, crossing over Mercury just before it enters its retrograde motion. Use this planetary backspin as an excuse to refine and edit your image, taking care to improve upon your current situation before pushing for more. Expect the unexpected when you awaken from your slumber and Luna aligns with revolutionary Uranus, propelling you into the future while encouraging you to break away from the status quo. A dreamy energy will settle in later tonight as Neptune becomes active in our skies, blanketing the world with a surreal and soft ambiance.
GEMINI Daily Horoscope April 21, 2023
The moon continues its journey through Taurus and the sector of your chart that governs the subconscious, dear Gemini, crossing over Mercury early this morning just before the planet of communication enters its retrograde motion. This celestial exchange could trigger strange and confusing dreams, and you’ll find yourself sorting through old memories and reevaluating your behaviors throughout the coming weeks. Meanwhile, Luna and Uranus align at daybreak, triggering new insights when you open your mind to the unconventional. Take a moment to meditate on your professional ambitions later tonight when Neptune becomes active overhead, bringing a visionary energy to the table.
CANCER Daily Horoscope April 21, 2023
Mercury begins its retrograde journey early this morning, dearest Cancer, bringing miscommunications, technological malfunctions, and social snafus to the collective. This planetary backspin could bring a few tangled webs to your extended social sphere, and you may want to guard your words when interacting with acquaintances you don’t quite trust. It would also be wise to monitor your news intake throughout the coming weeks, taking care to seek out uplifting stories anytime you feel disappointed with the trajectory of society. Opportunities for enlightenment will find you tonight as Neptune becomes active in the spiritual sector of your chart, especially when you commune with kindred spirits.
LEO Daily Horoscope April 21, 2023
Your guards will come up and down throughout the coming weeks, dear Leo, as Mercury begins its retrograde motion through your solar tenth house. Important lessons around boundaries will come into play, and you’ll want to be mindful of who you do and do not trust. This planetary backspin will also ask you to meditate and reflect on your professional ambitions, though you may want to hold off on making any changes until Mercury heads direct once more. Consider powering down your devices later tonight when Neptune becomes active overhead, bringing forth a cleansing energy that’s perfect for recharging.
VIRGO Daily Horoscope April 21, 2023
Mercury begins its retrograde journey early this morning, dearest Virgo, asking you to reflect on your spirituality and personal philosophies throughout the coming weeks. This planetary backspin is perfect for making peace with what you cannot control, trusting that the universe has your back even in times of strife. Keep your eyes peeled for synchronicities and messages of encouragement from beyond when you awaken and the Taurus moon aligns with Uranus. A romantic energy will fill the air later tonight when Luna blows a kiss to Neptune, marking the perfect excuse to indulge in a date night, an extended yoga session, or a steamy bubble bath.
LIBRA Daily Horoscope April 21, 2023
You may feel less patient than usual throughout the coming weeks, dear Libra, as Mercury begins its retrograde journey through Taurus and your solar eighth house. Though you’ll be eager to transform and evolve your circumstances, this planetary backspin will require that you clear away dead weight first. Luckily, epiphanies about what should stay and go will find you this morning when the Taurus moon aligns with Uranus, bringing forth a cleansing energy that’s perfect for moving on. Do something nice for your body later tonight when Neptune becomes active in the sector or your chart that governs health and wellness.
SCORPIO Daily Horoscope April 21, 2023
The moon continues its journey through Taurus and the sector of your chart that governs love, dearest Scorpio, crossing over communicative Mercury just before it enters its retrograde motion early this morning. This planetary backspin could bring forth confusion within matters of the heart, and you’ll likely hear from more than one ex throughout the coming weeks. Meanwhile, Luna and Uranus align as dawn breaks, encouraging you to embrace the weird that lives within as an act of self-love. A romantic and creative energy will fill the air later tonight when the moon and Neptune align, so be sure to direct your focus toward the activities or relationships that lift you up most.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Horoscope April 21, 2023
Mercury begins its retrograde journey through Taurus and the sector of your chart that governs health this morning, dear Sagittarius, asking you to get serious about your wellness journey in the weeks ahead. Small aches and physical discomfort could lead to something bigger if you don’t take care to address such issues when they arise, making it important that you are proactive about treating your body well. Luckily, a helpful connection between the Taurus moon and Uranus will help you snap out of any unhealthy routines you’ve fallen into, so be sure to follow the path that’s most supportive to you.
CAPRICORN Daily Horoscope April 21, 2023
You may find yourself revising your friendship circle throughout the coming weeks, dear Capricorn, as Mercury enters its retrograde journey through your solar fifth house this morning. This planetary placement will encourage you to move away from anyone who doesn’t support your highest good, thinning your patience for drama and negativity. On a personal note, these vibes are perfect for revisiting old hobbies and passion projects, so be sure to invest your energy accordingly. An inspired energy will find you later tonight when Neptune becomes active overhead, encouraging you to run with your imagination and seek a bit of fun.
AQUARIUS Daily Horoscope April 21, 2023
Mercury enters its retrograde journey through Taurus and your solar fourth house early this morning, dear Aquarius, which could bring a messy energy to your heart and home through the coming weeks. Try not to fight what you’re feeling during this time, but be mindful of how you express frustrations or disappointment, as it would be easy to come off more harshly than you intended. Luckily, you can use the energy at play productively by taking on spring cleaning projects and taking more time out to nurture your mind, body, and soul. Plan on embracing a bit of decadence later tonight when Luna and Neptune align overhead.
PISCES Daily Horoscope April 21, 2023
Brace yourself for yet another Mercury retrograde, dear Pisces, as the planet of Brace yourself for yet another Mercury retrograde, dear Pisces, as the planet of communication enters its celestial backslide early this morning. Your solar third house will be targeted during this time, leading to brain fog, miscommunications, disorganization, and perhaps a bit of clumsiness. Nature will act as a saving grace anytime your mind needs clearing, so be sure to log some extra hours in the great outdoors. Pay attention to your thoughts but avoid speaking impulsively when you awaken and the Taurus moon aligns with Uranus, bringing an unpredictable energy to the table. Plan on doing something nice for your mind later tonight when Luna blows a kiss to Neptune.
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