Daily Career Horoscope – September 7, 2023

ARIES Daily Work Horoscope September 7, 2023
Try your best to talk things through at work today, Aries. You may struggle to convey your thoughts and feelings appropriately at work when the moon in Gemini squares Neptune retrograde in Pisces. The square could be tense since it may allude to wanting to share what is on your mind but not being able to do so in a way that captures what you are thinking. Luckily, you may find that you are working with the right professionals who will understand you no matter what since the moon will also sextile the North Node in your zodiac sign.
TAURUS Daily Work Horoscope September 7, 2023
Someone may say something serendipitous at work today, Taurus. It may feel like your coworker or client is reading your mind when the moon in Gemini sextiles the North Node in Aries. You may be going about your business as usual when the other party says something so scarily on point that it may spook you. Take it as a sign to open up to this person if you are not close already. You may find that you and the other person have more in common than you think, which could enhance your work life.
GEMINI Daily Work Horoscope September 7, 2023
You will find your groove, Gemini! The professional path is becoming clearer and clearer, but it might be a source of tension today when the moon in your zodiac sign squares Neptune retrograde in Pisces. You might be waiting for a more direct sign or synchronicity that you are on the right track. Instead of waiting, use the square to adjust your perception of your career path. As a result, you may feel like it is your professional destiny to work with a colleague or pursue a particular dream since the moon will also sextile the North Node in Aries.
CANCER Daily Work Horoscope September 7, 2023
Try not to overthink, Cancer. You might be overly concerned with the future of your professional journey when the moon in Gemini squares Neptune retrograde in Pisces. The square will be intense since you may have to confront the fear of the future and your lack of control at this time. But once you begin to work through it, you may feel less stressed and more hopeful about what is to come in your professional journey. Whatever happens will be meant to be since the moon will also sextile the North Node in Aries.
LEO Daily Work Horoscope September 7, 2023
Who do you trust, Leo? Think about which friends or colleagues are true to their word when the moon in Gemini squares Neptune retrograde in Pisces. You may feel paranoid about sharing your plans and dreams with certain individuals since something could feel off about the other person. If you are unsure about confiding in friends about your professional aspirations, then it might be best to say nothing at all for the time being. Wait it out. You might be surprised by what comes up later and if it confirms your current suspicions.
VIRGO Daily Work Horoscope September 7, 2023
How do you want to proceed, Virgo? The state of your career path and how your commitments influence your trajectory might become clearer as the moon in Gemini squares Neptune retrograde in Pisces. However, the square can be stressful to navigate since you may have to remove your rose-colored glasses to see your arrangements and partnerships for their true nature. Take a step back and watch everything unfold during this square. It might help you figure out how you want to proceed in your career path with your commitments in mind.
LIBRA Daily Work Horoscope September 7, 2023
Issues surrounding your advancement could be cleared up today, Libra. You might be ready for the next steps in your professional journey, but something may need to be cleared first when the moon in Gemini squares Neptune retrograde in Pisces. The square will be stressful to navigate since you might have to be honest about your shortcomings or where you need to adjust to see progress in your professional journey. With the right people to support you, just know that you can do anything in your professional journey.
SCORPIO Daily Work Horoscope September 7, 2023
The right opportunity is destined to come along, Scorpio. A chance to feel professionally and financially empowered could arise when the moon in Gemini sextiles the North Node in Aries. The sextile will feel good-natured since you might be surprised by what you can do with your work life. You may feel like this is a chance to take on another job, or you could be ready to invest more of yourself into your current position. Whatever you decide to do will lead you to where you need to be in your work life.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Work Horoscope September 7, 2023
Let go of the past, Sagittarius. You may feel uncertain about your professional future since you may need to go through issues that might be holding you back when the moon in Gemini squares Neptune retrograde in Pisces. A colleague might be increasingly open about frustrations with you or a commitment that they have to work on with you during this square. You may also need to let go of how past paraprofessional relationships affect you during this transit. Either way, you should clear the air and then move on to focus on other things in your work life.
CAPRICORN Daily Work Horoscope September 7, 2023
The work that you are doing now will pay off later, Capricorn. As a hardworking earth sign, there is no stopping you on your way to the top as you go after your ambitions. Your drive is what will help you move forward in your career path and allow you to live the life that you want, which is evident as the moon in Gemini sextiles the North Node in Aries. It will take a lot to get to where you want to be, but you have what it takes to make exceptional progress.
AQUARIUS Daily Work Horoscope September 7, 2023
The supposed value of your creativity and talents might be up in the air, Aquarius. Eventual clarity may come throughout today since the moon in Gemini squares Neptune retrograde in Pisces. The square will be stressful since you may have to take off your rose-colored glasses. You will have to be honest with yourself about what you can offer in your work life and what you think your talent is truly worth. Once you do so, making consistent money from your creative endeavors might be easier.
PISCES Daily Work Horoscope September 7, 2023
A financial opportunity is destined to come your way, Pisces. Your desire to live the life that you dream of will come to fruition. But you do need to think about how to make the money that you need for the life that you want to live when the moon in Gemini sextiles the North Node in Aries. If you take the initiative today, you may create your own destiny by going after opportunities that could be incredibly financially fulfilling. Be confident and bold when you pursue incredible financial possibilities.
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