Daily Career Horoscope – September 12, 2022

Aries Daily Career Horoscope – September 11, 2022
Focus on healing, Aries. You might feel surprisingly tender as the moon in your sign conjuncts Chiron retrograde in your sign. Raw and vulnerable, it might be challenging to present yourself with confidence in a professional setting. It may feel like everyone knows your struggles or weak points as a professional during the conjunction. Although it is easy to get down on yourself, you could use this conjunction to actively heal yourself. Ask yourself why you doubt your abilities and what you can do to feel more self-assured as a professional.
Taurus Daily Career Horoscope – September 11, 2022
Focus on your mindset, Taurus. Your perception and inner monologue could play a significant role in your career path as the moon in Aries sextiles Saturn retrograde in Aquarius. Think about how a positive, assertive approach differs from an angry, aggressive approach to your career. Which approach serves you better in your quest to be professionally unique and respected? You may notice that it is time to let go of any underlying frustrations or stressors so that you can build the career path that you deserve. Do not let your anger get the best of you today!
Gemini Daily Career Horoscope – September 11, 2022
Do you stop yourself short from following your dreams, Gemini? Think about how you respond to your professional aspirations and networking opportunities when the moon in Aries conjuncts Chiron retrograde in Aries. It might be a sore spot for you as the conjunction may bring up past pains and failures. However, you could use the conjunction as a way to reflect so that you do not repeat old mistakes. You could even reach out to other professionals with whom you may have had a falling out to set the record straight.
Cancer Daily Career Horoscope – September 11, 2022
Do you feel secure in your career path, Cancer? Something about your legacy, accomplishments, or reputation could be a sore spot for you as the moon in Aries conjuncts Chiron retrograde in Aries. The conjunction may bring up past failures or dead-ends in your professional legacy. It could even address some aspects that may taint your professional reputation. If this is the case, you need to focus on using this conjunction to assert yourself as a professional. Since the moon also sextiles Saturn retrograde in Aquarius, you must tap into your inner authority.
Leo Daily Career Horoscope – September 11, 2022
Where could your relationships head, Leo? Ideally, you should have a clear perspective of the trajectory of your professional bonds, commitments, or arrangements. However, there might need to be some editing before you forge forward with the moon in Aries forming a sextile to Saturn retrograde in Aquarius. Typically, you are not a huge fan of change. But this sextile can encourage you to be a little more open-minded about revising your professional commitments so that you can explore new pathways. Flexibility is key to maneuvering the commitments involved in your professional journey!
Virgo Daily Career Horoscope – September 11, 2022
Harness your power, Virgo. You might feel a bit sore as the moon in Aries conjuncts Chiron retrograde in Aries. The conjunction brings up financial handicaps, obstacles, and failures. You might feel a loss of power if you are struggling to assert yourself in your financial constraints, especially if you are working with another party such as a bank. Instead of becoming overly aggravated about what you may not be able to control, you should use this conjunction to take action. Asserting yourself as a financially ambitious individual with goals to meet can make a difference.
Libra Daily Career Horoscope – September 11, 2022
Old relationship wounds may resurface, Libra. Handling your professional commitments and partnerships needs to be done with care as the warring moon in Aries conjuncts soulful Chiron retrograde in Aries. Expect to feel surprisingly tender as the conjunction instills a little lunar pain. Instead of pointing the finger or engaging in conflict, you could use this energy to heal your working relationships. If you do fight, make sure it is productive, constructive, and purposeful. Say “sorry” for what you did or said. The more you work on your professional commitments, the better it will be in the long run.
Scorpio Daily Career Horoscope – September 11, 2022
How can you achieve your ideal work-life balance, Scorpio? You may notice some issues arising as the warring moon in Aries sextiles Saturn retrograde in Aquarius. The combative lunar energy may impose a sense of momentum at work that can help you overcome your hurdles. However, the sextile with Saturn retrograde infers that it might be time to reconsider how much you take on and how you go about your routine. Setting aside time to enjoy your social life is important, so use this sextile to revamp your work-life balance.
Sagittarius Daily Career Horoscope – September 11, 2022
What do you hold near and dear to your professional heart, Sagittarius? Passion projects are of the utmost importance when the moon in Aries conjuncts Chiron retrograde in Aries. However, the conjunction alludes to feeling notably sensitive or even hurt as you stand by your talents, skills, and ideas. Not everyone will see your vision or appreciate what you bring to the table. But this does not mean that you have to let others’ two cents bring down the value of what you are working on. Remain positive about the success of your passion projects!
Capricorn Daily Career Horoscope – September 11, 2022
How can you live within your means but still enjoy your life, Capricorn? With the energetic moon in Aries sextile Saturn retrograde in Aquarius, you may feel like it is time for a change. You might feel particularly passionate about investing in your foundation, sacred spaces, and home. However, your budget will need to be revised to account for your potential expenses or financial goals. Since the sextile infers revision, you could use this energy to scale back in some areas to refocus your financial outlook for other opportunities. Play around with your budget to see what works!
Aquarius Daily Career Horoscope – September 11, 2022
Do not take it personally, Aquarius. This might be easier said than done as the moon in Aries conjuncts Chiron retrograde in Aries, bringing forth a combative, direct lunar energy. You might be surprisingly sensitive to what your coworkers have to say to you or even about you during this warring conjunction. Although the conjunction could excite the possibility of firing back and hurt feelings, you may want to pause for the cause instead. Defend yourself if necessary, but do not try to be overly defensive if you are given professional feedback.
Pisces Daily Career Horoscope – September 11, 2022
Money matters may sting a little, Pisces. You could be feeling the pain in your bank account when the moon in Aries conjuncts Chiron retrograde in Aries. As the conjunction forms, you may feel notably sensitive about your budget, financial goals, and money pits. A hole may burn through your pocket as you could try to spend more money to relieve some of these negative feelings. If anything, you should take a step back today to use this conjunction to refocus your finances. Be confident that you can bounce back instead of falling into a financially aggressive state.
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