Daily Career Horoscope – November 29, 2022

Aries Daily Career Horoscope – November 29, 2022
Do not be surprised if there is a difference in opinion today, Aries. You might be caught off guard by the defensiveness or authority that could come out while talking to colleagues when Mercury in Sagittarius opposes Mars retrograde in Gemini and sextiles Saturn in Aquarius. Although there might be various opinions to consider, you should still stand by your professional aspirations if you feel strongly called to explore a pursuit or opportunity further. Just take what others say with a grain of salt to avoid entertaining any potential discourse.
Taurus Daily Career Horoscope – November 29, 2022
Be open to switching things up for the sake of professional and financial security, Taurus. Keep an open mind when Mercury in Sagittarius opposes Mars retrograde in Gemini. You might have some strong opinions regarding your finances, especially if you are trying to actively work toward a financial goal or to alleviate any debt. However, the opposition could lead to some potential tension if you are not careful! Since Mercury also sextiles Saturn in Aquarius, you should consider what financial outlets would be ideal for long-term success, especially if it relates to your career path.
Gemini Daily Career Horoscope – November 29, 2022
Try not to be so defensive in conversation today, Gemini. As Mars retrograde in your sign opposes Mercury in Sagittarius, you may notice that an initially upbeat discussion could go sideways if you are not careful. Conversations with colleagues, clients, and supervisors might be a bit more heated than usual. Since everyone has something to say, you may want to reconsider how defensive you are. Be open to what others have to contribute to the conversation since it could give you a greater perspective of your work moving forward. But do not let anyone walk all over you either!
Cancer Daily Career Horoscope – November 29, 2022
Address any issues in a professional manner, Cancer. It might be time to clear the air when Mercury in Sagittarius opposes Mars retrograde in Gemini and sextiles Saturn in Aquarius. There might be lingering issues involving assets, property, or even control. Instead of letting your frustration build up over time, you should use these transits to let your colleagues know where you stand. However, keep your tone, turf, and timing in mind so that the conversation does not go awry. If you are not careful, there might be a clash of strong opinions at work today.
Leo Daily Career Horoscope – November 29, 2022
Conspire with your colleagues and work friends about the next step, Leo! It is time to share your goals, aspirations, and ideas when Mercury in Sagittarius opposes Mars retrograde in Gemini and sextiles Saturn in Aquarius. Play around with a few different ideas during these talkative transits. You may find that there is some editing left to do before you commit to an aspiration or passion project. But be mindful of how defensive you may get over your professional ambitions. Not everyone will have the same vision as you do!
Virgo Daily Career Horoscope – November 29, 2022
Something has to change if you want to reach new heights in your career path, Virgo. Think about what you want to strive for when Mercury in Sagittarius opposes Mars retrograde in Gemini and sextiles Saturn in Aquarius. If you want to move toward a new aspiration, accomplishment, or career path, then you may need to adjust elements in your professional foundation that sustain your work ethic. Figure out if you are being supported by your right work environment and if you are focusing on the right things as you move forward.
Libra Daily Career Horoscope – November 29, 2022
Try to avoid unnecessary conflict today, Libra. Usually, you are the last sign to engage in discourse, but you might feel differently when Mercury in Sagittarius opposes Mars retrograde in Gemini and sextiles Saturn in Aquarius. You may feel notably defensive when speaking about the long-term possibilities of your passion projects, ideas, and means for self-expression in the workplace. Try not to get discouraged if others do not see the potential in your vision as you do. Focus on what you want to achieve and use this momentum to prove everyone wrong!
Scorpio Daily Career Horoscope – November 29, 2022
Money matters might be the prime topic of conversation, Scorpio. As Mercury in Sagittarius opposes Mars retrograde in Gemini, you might feel a little uncertain about your opportunities to invest or move forward without taking on extra debt. The conversational tone is curious, forthright, and direct – perfect for being open about what you may want or need. Since Mercury also sextiles Saturn in Aquarius, this may relate to securing assets, property, and inheritances that could affect your home and family. Use these transits to navigate touchy financial subjects with blunt honesty.
Sagittarius Daily Career Horoscope – November 29, 2022
Steer clear of fighting, Sagittarius! Since Mercury in your sign opposes Mars retrograde in Gemini, there might be a conversation, opinion, or question that is taken the wrong way. When you are talking to your professional partnerships or about your commitments, be mindful of your tone, turf, and timing. While you may mean well, you might be surprised by how quickly the conversation could turn on a dime. Since Mercury also sextiles Saturn in Aquarius, it might be best to immediately own whatever you say to rectify the situation to move forward on a better note.
Capricorn Daily Career Horoscope – November 29, 2022
Is it time to voice your opinion, Capricorn? With everything going on at work right now, you might feel like you are in a tailspin with Mercury in Sagittarius opposing Mars retrograde in Gemini. Today’s opposition is encouraging you to pause for the cause. Instead of saying “yes” to new opportunities or more work, you may want to reconsider how much more you take on with everything else on your plate. Do not be afraid to ask for help, or to let your colleagues know if you are floundering. You do not have to do everything by yourself!
Aquarius Daily Career Horoscope – November 29, 2022
Move forward with excitement about what is to come in your work life, Aquarius. There is so much that you can accomplish and explore when Mercury in Sagittarius opposes Mars retrograde in Gemini. Share your ideas with your work friends during this chatty opposition, especially if you are in-between opportunities, ideas, or pursuits to commit to. Since Mercury also sextiles Saturn in your sign, you may find that it is relatively easy to consider others’ opinions while still adhering to your judgment. After all, you will have the final say!
Pisces Daily Career Horoscope – November 29, 2022
Think about what you need to work on in your work-life balance, Pisces. Conversations about where you could go, what you have accomplished, and what you could pursue in your career might pop up when Mars retrograde in Gemini opposes Mercury in Sagittarius. Although optimistic, you may find that something has to change or adjust in your work-life balance to give your home, family, and career your all. Since Mercury also sextiles Saturn in Aquarius, it might be time to adopt a more unique, if unconventional, approach to your work-life balance.
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