Daily Career Horoscope – November 17, 2022

Aries Daily Career Horoscope – November 17, 2022
Speak excitedly for what is to come, Aries! There is so much to think and talk about when Mercury enters Sagittarius. Your mind might be expanding every moment as you consider new professional heights to reach. Since Mercury in Sagittarius can be direct and honest, expect to speak with certainty about what you want to explore in your professional journey. However, Mercury in Sagittarius can be overly idealistic, even zealous, so be mindful of how you express yourself and your hopes to expand your career. After all, you will want to avoid foot-in-mouth syndrome!
Taurus Daily Career Horoscope – November 17, 2022
Express yourself, Taurus. As Mercury enters Sagittarius today, you might be ready to take a leap of faith with your abundance. Mercury and Venus are working together to bring more money your way, but you may need to have an open mind about what that fortune may look like. If you want to be more direct or upfront, then Mercury in Sagittarius can help you speak openly about what you need to ensure that your financial investments never become an unnecessary entanglement. Consider new opportunities and speak frankly to have a clear perception of what you will get into.
Gemini Daily Career Horoscope – November 17, 2022
Negotiate your terms of the agreement, Gemini. Now that Mercury is entering your opposite sign, Sagittarius, you might be more direct with your line of questioning and asserting your opinion. Expect to feel strongly about your professional commitments, especially if you want to capitalize on a partnership or responsibility. Instead of being fickle, you may find that it is easier to be upfront about what you are looking for during this Mercurial transit. However, do not forget to allow the other party to speak up, too, since they may also have strong thoughts and feelings about your partnership.
Cancer Daily Career Horoscope – November 17, 2022
See where your conversations will go, Cancer. As Mercury enters Sagittarius today, you might be ready to take off with your new thoughts and ideas at work. Mercury in Sagittarius will expand your outlook on your routines, habits, and practices that could influence the trajectory of your work life. However, this “big picture” mentality can be somewhat consuming. It is important to feel elated by the possibilities of what could be, but you will need to remain somewhat realistic. Remember that your dreams for a more productive work life cannot be accomplished without taking action and figuring out the details.
Leo Daily Career Horoscope – November 17, 2022
What do you want to pursue first, Leo? Expect to explode with new ideas when Mercury enters Sagittarius today! It will be hard to not feel optimistic about every passion project, curiosity, or possibility during this Mercurial transit. However, you will need to focus on one thing at a time so that you do not get carried away by your whimsy. While Mercury in Sagittarius is great for seeking new inspiration, it can also be challenging to finish whatever you started. Devise a game plan to keep you on track if you want to fulfill a creative endeavor at work.
Virgo Daily Career Horoscope – November 17, 2022
How can you change your tune, Virgo? Usually, you are a thoughtful earth sign who greatly considers thinking before speaking. However, you might feel surprisingly direct with Mercury entering Sagittarius. Your typical refinement may burn away during this blazing Mercurial transit. Expect to be more honest, unfiltered, and unedited. Although potentially freeing, you might want to corral your otherwise bold conversational style during this transit to avoid any potential falling victim to the foot-in-mouth syndrome. Aside from this, you might feel more optimistic about work matters and professional correspondences thanks to Mercury in Sagittarius!
Libra Daily Career Horoscope – November 17, 2022
Be blunt, Libra. Prepare to shock yourself with how direct you are to your colleagues when Mercury enters Sagittarius today. Typically, you like to be inoffensive and peace-seeking, but this Mercurial transit may say otherwise! Instead of beating around the bush, Mercury in Sagittarius can help you positively and warmly express your thoughts. You might feel more direct asking questions, coming to a conclusion, or letting others know what the 411 is at work. Since this can be an exceptionally funny Mercurial transit, you might be like the workplace comedian!
Scorpio Daily Career Horoscope – November 17, 2022
Prepare to negotiate, Scorpio! How you value your time, energy, and effort will be directly communicated when Mercury enters fiery Sagittarius today. You will become more upfront about what you want or need in the coming weeks, especially with your compensation. Since Mercury in Sagittarius is idealistic, it can even help you explore other options to make more money elsewhere. You are a dynamic, versatile individual who has a knack for creating positive opportunities at work. Use this transit to communicate your desires to expand your financial abundance and sense of professional security!
Sagittarius Daily Career Horoscope – November 17, 2022
Be loud and proud, Sagittarius! With Mercury entering your sign today, you might feel more expressive than usual. Typically, it does not take much for you to speak up and stand out. So, now that the cosmic messenger is expanding and exploring in your sign, you might feel more verbally direct than usual. Although your honesty is greatly appreciated, you will want to ensure that you are considering your tone, turf, and timing. You are coming across as an assertive verbal figure in a professional setting, so be mindful of what and how you express yourself.
Capricorn Daily Career Horoscope – November 17, 2022
How can you speak more positively to yourself about work and as a professional, Capricorn? Now that Mercury is in Sagittarius, you need to air on the side of optimism. Since you are an earth sign ruled by Saturn, you might struggle with being kind to yourself, especially in a professional environment. However, Mercury in Sagittarius might be your cue to change your inner tune. Thinking and speaking positively can make a significant difference in your subconscious approach to professionalism. Challenge yourself to have a more joyful perspective during this Mercurial transit.
Aquarius Daily Career Horoscope – November 17, 2022
Be socially active, Aquarius. You may find that your networking opportunities are off the charts incredible once Mercury enters Sagittarius today. Connecting with work friends on and offline has never been so easy. Mercury in Sagittarius is ready to make leaps and bounds, allowing you to expand your greater professional community. Do not be surprised if you are a busy bee with a full schedule! Everyone is going to love having you in their on and offline networking events. As a result, you may find that it is easier to capitalize on a professional dream!
Pisces Daily Career Horoscope – November 17, 2022
What do you want to be known for, Pisces? As Mercury enters Sagittarius today, you may want to think before you speak so that you are known as a positive professional life force. Your reputation is ever-expanding, especially as you speak up and stand out. You might be known for an incredible pitch, speech, teaching moment, belief system, or written work. No matter what, you will want to ensure that you are seen as an optimistic influence in your field or industry. Broaden your reach by being mindful of what you put out into the world!
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