Daily Career Horoscope – November 12, 2024

ARIES Daily Work Horoscope November 12, 2024
Let go of your fears, Aries. Think positively of your professional future, as Mercury in Sagittarius squares Saturn retrograde in Pisces. You might initially feel optimistic about what the future may bring. It could be exciting to think about the travel possibilities, educational opportunities, and more in your professional journey. However, some of your excitement might dampen when you think about the logistics of what a potential venture may entail or when you think about the timing of it all. Do not let the reality of your situation deter you from feeling hopeful about your professional future.
TAURUS Daily Work Horoscope November 12, 2024
Who makes you feel empowered or disempowered, Taurus? Recent conversations will give you a new perspective on some of your connections, as Mercury in Sagittarius squares Saturn retrograde in Pisces. Think about how your latest conversation with a so-called work friend went. Did you come out of that interaction feeling supported, or was this person not very optimistic about your professional goals? Depending on the tone, turf, and timing, your work friend might have shown their true colors. Do not let any colleagues take away from your power, especially as you pursue your dreams.
GEMINI Daily Work Horoscope November 12, 2024
Be loud and proud about your accomplishments, Gemini. Do not be afraid to speak up about your career path and accolades when Mercury in Sagittarius squares Saturn retrograde in Pisces. Someone else might deter you from speaking up about a recent feat. You could even deter yourself if you lack the confidence to show off what you have achieved. Do not let this energy get in the way of what you have completed or gained in your career path. You deserve to speak highly of yourself and all that you have done.
CANCER Daily Work Horoscope November 12, 2024
Everyone will have something to say: Cancer. It might be overwhelming to hear so many thoughts and opinions since Mercury in Sagittarius will square Saturn retrograde in Pisces. A seemingly simple conversation could turn into a full-blown debate. Different coworkers might have their two cents to add, which could be overwhelming. Some professionals might even stand their ground if they feel strongly about their opinions, beliefs, and more. If the conversation is too much to handle, you should back away and resume your work. Do not engage in silly disagreements or arguments at work today.
LEO Daily Work Horoscope November 12, 2024
Keep your ideas to yourself, Leo. Resist the temptation to air your creative thought process when Mercury in Sagittarius squares Saturn retrograde in Pisces. Ideally, you may want to shout from the rooftops about what you plan on accomplishing and pursuing in your work life. However, something is holding you back. It would be wise to listen to this gut feeling. Talking about your ideas might draw unwanted attention, such as negative feedback from other professionals or even the dreaded evil eye. Make your moves in silence if you want to be successful with your passion projects.
VIRGO Daily Work Horoscope November 12, 2024
Do not share your personal goals and plans with your coworkers, Virgo. Keep your personal life private when Mercury in Sagittarius squares Saturn retrograde in Pisces. There might be something exciting to share with others. Maybe you have planned a trip or have something fun coming up with your family. Although it is a positive thing to talk about, you may want to reserve this topic of conversation for your friends instead of your coworkers. Telling your professional relationships about your personal business may not go over well in the long run.
LIBRA Daily Work Horoscope November 12, 2024
Communicative tension may arise at work today, Libra. Try as you may, some conversations will not go as planned when Mercury in Sagittarius squares Saturn retrograde in Pisces. You may struggle to talk to your coworkers, especially if there’s a question of authority and power. Someone may try to boss you around, or they could feel like you are being too bossy. It might also be challenging to defer and assign responsibilities to your team. At some point, you may have to decide if specific battles are worth fighting if these conversations hinder your overall productivity.
SCORPIO Daily Work Horoscope November 12, 2024
A question of financial compensation may come up, Scorpio. Do not sacrifice your financial worth when Mercury in Sagittarius squares Saturn retrograde in Pisces. Asking for what you deserve is not easy, especially if you are in a creative role or if you provide services that you genuinely enjoy. However, just because you enjoy your work does not mean you should not be paid accordingly for your work. Stand your ground. Do not let anyone make you feel guilty or ashamed for asserting your financial worth. You deserve to be paid for your time, talents, and creativity.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Work Horoscope November 12, 2024
There might be some issues with talking to authoritative figures at work today, Sagittarius. It might be a struggle to meet in the middle with someone else when Mercury in your sign squares Saturn retrograde in Pisces. Usually, you may not pay much attention to someone who is trying to bring you down. However, it might be challenging to ignore when someone is openly challenging you at work today. If there is a problem, do not be afraid to address it. You can do so in a way that is professional yet assertive.
CAPRICORN Daily Work Horoscope November 12, 2024
How can you think more positively about work matters, Capricorn? It might be challenging to pivot your attitude and mindset when Mercury in Sagittarius squares Saturn retrograde in Pisces. You may feel uninspired at work. Focusing on your projects and responsibilities might be frustrating if you feel lackluster about them. Likewise, it could be equally challenging to work with your coworkers if they are not supportive or helpful. Luckily, you have a chance to change the way you view your work situations. Challenge yourself to think more positively so that you can be more successful in your endeavors.
AQUARIUS Daily Work Horoscope November 12, 2024
Who will inspire you to own your worth, Aquarius? Talk to a work friend who supports you when Mercury in Sagittarius squares Saturn retrograde in Pisces. As of recently, you may have struggled to feel worthy. These feelings of inadequacy could have deterred you from making more money, be it going after a raise or pursuing a new financial opportunity. Thankfully, you have some work friends who can help you feel more positive and self-confident. Let your confidants be there for you. These individuals can inspire you to feel more self-assured in your worth to pursue financial opportunities.
PISCES Daily Work Horoscope November 12, 2024
Who speaks kindly of you, Pisces? Reflect on who supports you when you are not present, as Mercury in Sagittarius squares Saturn retrograde in your sign. As of right now, you might feel a little down on yourself. You might struggle with self-doubt, anxiety, or imposter syndrome. Luckily, this could turn around when you catch wind of positive feedback and words of affirmation. You may have a coworker, supervisor, or client who speaks highly of you when you are not around. Be grateful for this support, even if it is at a distance.
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