Daily Career Horoscope – May 6, 2023

ARIES Daily Work Horoscope May 6, 2023
Time to blast off, Aries! After yesterday’s eclipse, you could feel more rejuvenated since you may have let go of a cycle that tested your sense of control and power. Now that the moon has entered Sagittarius, your fiery vitality will return. The warmth of this lunation will empower your sense of adventure, so you could feel like there is something on the horizon with your career path. Allow the inspiring lunar energy to fill you with optimism and confidence to pursue new opportunities to progress in your professional journey.
TAURUS Daily Work Horoscope May 6, 2023
Go deep, Taurus. Yesterday’s eclipse may have left you with a lot to mull over since you may feel more introspective when considering your professional commitments. But these feelings may not have gone away so easily, so you may need to take a step back to consider what you want to continue pursuing when the moon enters Sagittarius. Although the moon in Sagittarius is more optimistic, you may still need to work through the logistics of what you want to invest in. Mull over your options in private to find the courage to move forward with some of your commitments.
GEMINI Daily Work Horoscope May 6, 2023
Enjoy your connections, Gemini. After the eclipse yesterday, you may feel more empowered and in control of your work life. Since the eclipse could leave you feeling better than usual, this could help you pursue new professional commitments and partnerships when the moon enters your opposite sign, Sagittarius. The fiery lunation will fill you with unbridled confidence to go after new arrangements, especially if you want to expand upon your partnerships and obligations. You could even use this to launch new commitments if you feel ready to take on more work!
CANCER Daily Work Horoscope May 6, 2023
Yesterday and today will feel totally different, Cancer. You might have gone through some intense feelings yesterday that could have awakened something within you. Allow yourself to feel deeply about your work life as the moon enters Sagittarius today. Since the lunation will go from intense to optimistic, you may feel more self-assured that you can accomplish anything that you set your mind to. It is a matter of taking a leap of faith, like applying to a new position or starting a new work routine. You can do it!
LEO Daily Work Horoscope May 6, 2023
Come out of your shell, Leo. Yesterday may have been incredibly intense, so you might have gone into full-on hermit mode during the eclipse. Luckily, this energy will subside as the moon enters fiery Sagittarius. The expansive lunar energy might be just what you need since you could be overdue for a pick-me-up. You may feel more confident and optimistic as you dive into your creative opportunities at work. Lean all the way into your passion projects during this lunation since it might be the inspiration you have been waiting for.
VIRGO Daily Work Horoscope May 6, 2023
It might be time to fly solo, Virgo. The eclipse could have been incredibly intense yesterday, so you might be ready to retreat to reflect on what came up. Luckily, the moon will be in Sagittarius today, so retreating is not necessarily due to your low energy. If anything, you might be feeling more motivated than ever before to move forward. Since the lunation will also highlight your private life, you might be ready to make some moves in silence instead of letting your colleagues in on your work plans.
LIBRA Daily Work Horoscope May 6, 2023
You are not stopping anytime soon, Libra. The eclipse might have been a whirlwind yesterday, so you could feel a little breathless. Although you may want to cool down, the opposite will likely happen since the moon will be entering fiery Sagittarius. As the expansive lunation takes over, you could feel more inclined to strike up conversations about work and explore your local community with some work friends. The “go, go, go” mentality of the lunation will keep you on your toes, so remember to catch your breath every once in a while!
SCORPIO Daily Work Horoscope May 6, 2023
Enjoy today’s cosmic shift, Scorpio. Your workweek likely went out with a bang since the eclipse yesterday was quite intense – especially for you! Luckily, the moon will leave your sign and enter Sagittarius today, so you may begin to feel lighter as this lunar shift unfolds. Your mood will turn around, so expect to feel more optimistic and confident about your work life. Opportunities to manifest more financial and professional security may even be possible during this happy-go-lucky lunation. Lean into the fiery lunar vibe to feel more uplifted about your work and money!
SAGITTARIUS Daily Work Horoscope May 6, 2023
Come out of hiding, Sagittarius. Yesterday may have been intense due to the eclipse, which would have awoken something subconsciously. Now that the eclipse’s effects are subsiding with the moon entering your sign, you could feel more uplifted. The moon in your sign may enhance your own positivity and confidence, so you could feel more like your usual self at work today. Your coworkers may even notice the shift in your mood and socialness as well, so do not be surprised if someone comments on how much you have changed in the last day.
CAPRICORN Daily Work Horoscope May 6, 2023
Take a step back to reflect, Capricorn. Some people’s true colors may have come out during the eclipse yesterday, which may have left you stunned by who is actually in your corner as you move forward in your career path. Now that the moon is in fiery Sagittarius today, it will light up a subconscious fire as you mull over what has come to fruition at work this week. Sagittarius can be a heavily opinionated zodiac sign, so you might have some strong feelings and thoughts to work through during this lunation.
AQUARIUS Daily Work Horoscope May 6, 2023
Get connected, Aquarius! After the incredible eclipse yesterday, you may feel more professionally empowered now than ever before. Luckily, the moon will enter Sagittarius today, so your feelings of elation and confidence will be amplified. You could feel cosmically supported to follow your aspirations during this optimistic lunation, especially if you want to go after your dreams and expand your greater professional community. Use this momentous lunar energy to make leaps and bounds by putting yourself out there. You might be surprised by how far you can go during this transit!
PISCES Daily Work Horoscope May 6, 2023
What do you want to be known for, Pisces? After the eclipse yesterday, you may feel more empowered to make something of your professional journey. A strong desire to be accomplished and recognized may have arisen, which could carry through to the moon enters Sagittarius today. The fiery lunation will illuminate your professional standing and career path. You might be more aware of what you want to accomplish in your career path, especially if you want to alter how you are known or what you are known for in your professional setting.
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