Daily Career Horoscope – May 25, 2023

ARIES Daily Work Horoscope May 25, 2023
Speaking from the heart may not be easy today, Aries. Typically, your coworkers can count on you to be a straight shooter since you are usually direct about your thoughts and feelings at work. However, something that you say today may miss the mark as the moon in Leo squares Mercury in Taurus. Defensiveness may rise, especially if you feel extra protective of your ideas, passion projects, or finances. Instead of doubling down on whatever you say, you could use this square as an opportunity to open your mind to new avenues in your creative processes at work.
TAURUS Daily Work Horoscope May 25, 2023
Get it off of your chest, Taurus! You might be harboring some feelings about work, which could come out in conversation today as Mercury in your sign squares the moon in Leo. The square is emotionally tough to go through, so it could be a lot to come to terms with since you may need to work through how you feel before saying whatever is on your mind. Once you find your mental and emotional peace, then it will be much easier to speak up while remaining detached from whatever your coworkers say in return.
GEMINI Daily Work Horoscope May 25, 2023
What is on your mind, Gemini? Mull over whatever is being discussed at work or with coworkers when the moon in Leo squares Mercury in Taurus. Some people might come across as more egotistical or theatrical than usual during this square, which could be potentially aggravating. Instead of letting your coworker’s tones, turfs, and timings get the best of you, you can use this square to find inner peace. Try not to let any comments get under your skin since it will not be worth it to hold a grudge.
CANCER Daily Work Horoscope May 25, 2023
What do you need to voice, Cancer? You might be a little concerned with the financial stability and security of potential ventures when the moon in Leo squares Mercury in Taurus. The square suggests tension, so it could be challenging for you to negotiate the financial components of potential opportunities. For example, you may have a chance to work with a professional or the opportunity to pursue an aspiration, but the nuances of the agreement might be unclear. If so, overcome any doubt or inhibition to clarify the terms of a potential agreement.
LEO Daily Work Horoscope May 25, 2023
How do you feel about your professional presentation, Leo? There might be mental struggles associated with your professional path and standing when Mercury in Taurus squares the moon in your sign. You might be a little self-conscious about your professional standing. But voicing these concerns might be challenging, especially if you do not want to put how you are feeling out there for the world to see. If you are not ready to talk about how you feel, then you could use this square to work through your feelings by meditating, writing, or talking to a trusted confidant.
VIRGO Daily Work Horoscope May 25, 2023
Slow down, Virgo. There is so much to do, see, and explore in your professional journey. However, you may need to take a moment to consider what you want and need to do to make progress when Mercury in Taurus squares the moon in Leo. The square will affect you subconsciously, so you might be a little more introverted when reflecting on your options. Although challenging to do so, you may need to begin by clearing your mind of any anxiety or stress to have a clearer perspective of what you may want to pursue.
LIBRA Daily Work Horoscope May 25, 2023
Sort through the details, Libra. Instead of getting lost in your feelings, try to work through how you feel to separate your emotions from work matters when Mercury in Taurus squares the moon in Leo. The square is emotionally challenging, especially if you feel highly connected to your professional aspirations and opportunities. While it is good to be emotionally invested, you may find that you are too close to your professional matters. Work through any entanglements you may have by clarifying boundaries and expectations to move forward on a better note.
SCORPIO Daily Work Horoscope May 25, 2023
What do you need in your professional arrangements, Scorpio? Instead of waiting for the other party to intuitively know what you want or need, it might be time to voice your desires when the moon in Leo squares Mercury in Taurus. Life is too short to wait for someone to notice what you desire, especially if you want to progress in your career path. Be open and direct about your expectations for your professional arrangements. It might be weird to be so vulnerable, but being upfront can save you a headache or two down the line.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Work Horoscope May 25, 2023
Be open about what you want to do with your work life, Sagittarius. Now is the time to be direct and concise about your professional plans, especially if you want your professional journey to go in a certain direction. However, it might be challenging to articulate your thoughts and feelings when Mercury in Taurus squares the moon in Leo. Although the square could be mentally and emotionally frustrating, it might be the cosmic boost you need to overcome any inhibitions about voicing your desires for your professional journey.
CAPRICORN Daily Work Horoscope May 25, 2023
Is it time for you to invest your resources into more fulfilling professional avenues, Capricorn? You might be wondering when it will be time for you to focus on your passion projects or to have some more fun with your work. Since Mercury in Taurus will square the moon in Leo today, this could be your cosmic cue to begin working through the tough details of investing your resources into your passion projects, ideas, and other sources of fun in your work life. Be open and direct about what you want to do!
AQUARIUS Daily Work Horoscope May 25, 2023
What kind of work-life balance do you want to have, Aquarius? There might be some tension with deliberating what you will need or want to prioritize in your schedule. On the one hand, personal matters should come first. But on the other hand, you do have professional obligations to fulfill as well. Expect to feel a little mentally and emotionally stressed when Mercury in Taurus squares the moon in Leo. You can still maintain your commitments, but you may need to come to terms with moving some things around or adjusting your priorities to have a better work-life balance.
PISCES Daily Work Horoscope May 25, 2023
Be open and honest about work matters, Pisces. You may not feel a-okay with your work life, which might be challenging to articulate as Mercury in Taurus squares the moon in Leo. Everyone has periods of frustration with work, and you are no exception. However, you may need to find a healthy way to express what you are thinking and feeling to avoid becoming overwhelmed with your workplace frustrations. It might be best to talk to a friend outside of work or have a journaling session to get everything off of your chest.
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