Daily Career Horoscope – May 17, 2024

ARIES Daily Work Horoscope May 17, 2024
An intense revelation might be shared today, Aries. You might become privy to private information when Mercury in Taurus squares Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. The cosmic energy may present a clash, especially if you are finding something out about a former colleague or client. It could be direct or indirect, depending on how you come by the information. Regardless, you might be surprised to hear about a former connection’s values, finances, or overall integrity. Make sure you remember whatever comes up since it could give you perspective as you revise your connections in your professional community.
TAURUS Daily Work Horoscope May 17, 2024
What do you figure out, Taurus? An intense download may occur when Mercury in your sign squares Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. As of right now, Pluto retrograde is helping transform your career path. But this process is not easy, especially as the cosmic energy unfolds throughout today. The changes in your career path might present information that could be a hard pill to swallow. You may realize that you do not like something about your career path or professional reputation. Instead of beating yourself up for it, use this insight to help you make purposeful changes to your career path.
GEMINI Daily Work Horoscope May 17, 2024
Address your self-sabotaging behaviors, Gemini. You might have to overcome some hidden thoughts and tendencies when Mercury in Taurus squares Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. The cosmic energy is stressful since it may show you your own true colors. You may realize that some of your attitudes, behaviors, and more are self-sabotaging. As a result, this could hinder your professional journey. When you recognize this within yourself, you have a chance to transform how you act. Do not let the opportunity pass you by. Make an effort to change your tune to advance in your professional journey.
CANCER Daily Work Horoscope May 17, 2024
What are you afraid of, Cancer? A colleague may accidentally touch upon a secret fear of yours when Mercury in Taurus squares Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. You might be secretly afraid of people finding out about your professional dreams, entanglements, or financial status. As you talk to a work friend today, they may say something that could easily put you in a tailspin. However, it might be coincidental, and they may not know about your secret fears. If it feels right, you should consider confiding in your work friend. They might help you more than you know!
LEO Daily Work Horoscope May 17, 2024
The comments about your professional commitments might be eye-opening, Leo. There might be some chatter about your contracts, partnerships, and more when Mercury in Taurus squares Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. Although it might be annoying, you should not pay any mind to what others have to say about your professional commitments. It might be challenging to keep quiet, but doing so would be best. If you speak up, it could confirm something in the rumor mill or accidentally add more fuel to a fire. You may feel more empowered when you say nothing at all.
VIRGO Daily Work Horoscope May 17, 2024
What are you afraid of, Virgo? Your work life is changing, but this might be a scary thought to process as Mercury in Taurus squares Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. As of right now, you may suspect that your work life is bound to go in a new direction. But instead of feeling excited, you might be scared and worried. Changing your work life and professional trajectory is not an easy feat. Although it can feel daunting to face, you should make an effort to address your fears. By doing so, you may feel better about your future.
LIBRA Daily Work Horoscope May 17, 2024
Talk about why you are afraid to pursue something that you enjoy doing, Libra. It is time to open up when Mercury in Taurus squares Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. Part of you may have wanted to pursue a hobby, talent, or creative venture as a professional opportunity. However, something may have held you back from doing so. Maybe it was the possibility of failure or not making money. As the cosmic energy unfolds, this might encourage you to make an effort to revisit this passion and overcome the fears that hold you back.
SCORPIO Daily Work Horoscope May 17, 2024
Open up about what you need, Scorpio. In past professional arrangements, you might have been punished for being direct about your expectations, boundaries, and more. So, it might be scary to speak up about what you want in your current commitments and partnerships when Mercury in Taurus squares Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. At first, you may not know how or when to ask for what you need. But once you do so, you may find that it is worthwhile to speak up about your desired boundaries and expectations for your professional commitments.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Work Horoscope May 17, 2024
An intense conversation may arise at work today, Sagittarius. You might notice that there is a high level of tension in your professional discussions when Mercury in Taurus squares Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. The cosmic energy can be terse, so it might heighten everyone’s annoyances and sensitivities. As a result, you might pick up on how coworkers feel about you and each other. It might become glaringly obvious that there are power and control issues in certain dynamics. Try your best to stay neutral to avoid any unnecessary aggravations and frustrations.
CAPRICORN Daily Work Horoscope May 17, 2024
Talk about what you value, Capricorn. Do not be afraid to talk about the changes occurring in your value system when Mercury in Taurus squares Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. As of right now, you may feel differently about what would make you feel secure and stable in your work life. Your value system might be changing due to your wants and needs. It could be kind of scary, especially if you are considering a new professional direction. But you do not have to face it alone if you are open to talking about it.
AQUARIUS Daily Work Horoscope May 17, 2024
What do you want to focus on, Aquarius? It might be time to discuss your change of heart when Mercury in Taurus squares Pluto retrograde in your sign. The cosmic energy is tense since you may have to come to terms with your realizations. As of lately, you might have felt a need to adjust your work-life balance and priorities. A huge part of this might be accepting the fact that you want to take a step back from work. Although challenging to discuss, you may benefit from sharing what you are feeling with someone you trust.
PISCES Daily Work Horoscope May 17, 2024
Your secret suspicions could be confirmed, Pisces. A slip of the tongue might tell you everything you need to know when Mercury in Taurus squares Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. You may have intuited something about a coworker or work matter despite not having proof to back up your intuition. Luckily, there might be a chance to confirm what you know during the tense cosmic energy today. Someone may say something out of pocket, or you could find information that confirms what you always knew. Take whatever comes up and allow it to guide you through your work situation.
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