Daily Career Horoscope – March 17, 2023

ARIES Daily Work Horoscope March 17, 2023
Talking is not easy, Aries. You have a lot on your mind, but it might not come out right no matter how much you mentally rehearse as Mercury in Pisces conjuncts the sun in Pisces and squares Mars in Gemini. Although running through what you want to say is easy, getting it off your chest is another thing. Plus, there is only so much that you can do since your coworkers may not understand. Luckily, you could create a visual representation to help get your point across since Venus in Taurus will also sextile Saturn in Pisces.
TAURUS Daily Work Horoscope March 17, 2023
Connect with other professionals in your greater community on and offline, Taurus. Be open to networking near and far, despite some potential differences in perspectives as Mercury in Pisces conjuncts the sun in Pisces and squares Mars in Gemini. You may experience communicative issues since you and another may value different things in your career path. Ultimately, these differences will give you a greater perspective of who you want to work with or which professional dreams you will pursue since Venus in your sign will also sextile Saturn in Pisces.
GEMINI Daily Work Horoscope March 17, 2023
How you see yourself may not be how others view you in a professional setting, Gemini. Your professional reputation and status will come up in conversation, which might throw you for a loop when Mercury in Pisces conjuncts the sun in Pisces and squares Mars in your sign. The transits suggest that your rose-colored glasses will be snatched off, so you might be caught off guard when receiving feedback about your decorum in a professional setting. Try not to get defensive since this feedback could be what you need to improve as a professional.
CANCER Daily Work Horoscope March 17, 2023
Where will your professional journey lead, Cancer? Think about all that you could do to progress in your career path when Mercury in Pisces conjuncts the sun in Pisces. There are so many possibilities for you to explore, such as traveling for work or learning something new to enhance a professional direction that you may want to go in. Do not be afraid to commit to investing in an opportunity that can help you move forward in your career path. But before you do, run it by a friend to see what they think.
LEO Daily Work Horoscope March 17, 2023
You can do it, Leo! Try not to lose sight of what you want to invest in since it could help you stabilize the career path that you want to be on as Mercury in Pisces squares Mars in Gemini while Venus in Taurus sextiles Saturn in Pisces. There are so many opportunities for you to develop, but it may be daunting to sort through each possibility. Instead of becoming overwhelmed, take a step back to review what feels aligned for you and your career path. Listen to your intuition!
VIRGO Daily Work Horoscope March 17, 2023
Which professional commitment is worth pursuing, Virgo? Expect to feel somewhat overwhelmed by how many obligations, responsibilities, and partnerships are on your plate when Mercury in Pisces conjuncts the sun in Pisces and squares Mars in Gemini. As a busy bee, you try to take on as much as you can to help your career path progress in every way possible. But you might be stressed with how much you have going on. Think of today as the perfect time to narrow down the arrangements that you want to focus on.
LIBRA Daily Work Horoscope March 17, 2023
Do not make haste today, Libra. You may feel like it is now or never to act on your ideas if you want to make progress in your professional journey as Mercury in Pisces conjuncts the sun in Pisces and squares Mars in Gemini. Although it is tempting to dive right into whatever you want to do, it may not pan out as desired if you are impulsive. Work out all the details throughout your workday to ensure you are accounting for every aspect of your professional plans.
SCORPIO Daily Work Horoscope March 17, 2023
Figure out what you need to get in order, Scorpio. There are a few creative Ventures that are worth investing your time, energy, and resources into. However, you will need to work out all of the kinks before taking the sleep of faith, as Mercury in Pisces conjuncts the sun in Pisces and squares Mars in Gemini. Be clear and concise about what you want to invest in so that you have an idea about how your plans will turn out. Taking your time can also help you offset the potential for unforeseen costs and debt.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Work Horoscope March 17, 2023
It might be time to carve out more space for home and family, Sagittarius. You have been notably professionally active, so you may feel like you need to prioritize your personal time as Mercury in Pisces conjuncts the sun in Pisces and squares Mars in Gemini. Talking about what you can do with your schedule is one thing, but making the changes is a whole other ball game. You might be somewhat stressed if you have to take some commitments off your plate to enjoy a better work-life balance. Don’t worry. Everything will work out as intended.
CAPRICORN Daily Work Horoscope March 17, 2023
Something might get lost in translation, Capricorn. Expect to be somewhat confused when discussing work matters or talking to coworkers, as Mercury in Pisces conjuncts the sun in Pisces and squares Mars in Gemini. If you are trying to multitask while holding these conversations, you may not have enough energy to divert your attention from the conversation to your task. So, you may miss some crucial piece of information or mishear something that is said. Do not beat yourself up if there is miscommunication. Just apologize, hold yourself accountable, and ask for clarification!
AQUARIUS Daily Work Horoscope March 17, 2023
Get organized, Aquarius. Your passion projects could be incredibly prosperous, but you do need to figure out the details to make everything come to life as Mercury in Pisces conjuncts the sun in Pisces and squares Mars in Gemini. There are so many possibilities and opportunities for you to pursue. Instead of diving right in, think about what feels right and matches up with the rationale behind your ideas. Ask questions, have conversations, and formulate a plan to stabilize the progression of your passion projects. Doing so can bring in more abundance!
PISCES Daily Work Horoscope March 17, 2023
Lean into your inner authority, Pisces. You may feel more communicative than usual as Mercury in your sign conjuncts the sun in your sign. Talking about what you want to pursue and sharing your feedback at work will come rather naturally. Your coworkers will be more than happy to listen to what you have to say since you will have an air of authority, given that Saturn in your sign is forming a sextile with Venus in Taurus. Use both transits to put yourself in a position of power if you want to take on more responsibility at work!
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