Daily Career Horoscope – June 28, 2024

Daily Career Horoscope – June 28, 2024

ARIES Daily Work Horoscope June 28, 2024

Try not to take it personally, Aries. You might be more sensitive to feedback than usual when Mercury in Cancer squares Chiron in your sign. Something said to you in good faith may not be taken as such. You might be triggered by a coworker or client today. Part of this trigger could even go back to something that happened with a previous job or former coworker. If you feel hurt, then it might be worthwhile to share how you feel to correct the situation instead of stewing in your hurt feelings.

TAURUS Daily Work Horoscope June 28, 2024

How do you navigate tough conversations, Taurus? Consider how you share your innermost thoughts and feelings in a professional setting when Mercury in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries. The cosmic friction may cause you to feel unsure about being vulnerable. However, you may feel like you have no choice but to speak up if there is something you feel strongly about at work. Take your time to think about what you want to say and how you want to say it. Once you feel ready, do not be afraid to speak up.

GEMINI Daily Work Horoscope June 28, 2024

Work on communicating your financial expectations and standards, Gemini. There might be a new opportunity for you to pursue your career path. However, you may need to discuss the financial aspect of it, which could be kind of scary since Mercury in Cancer will square Chiron in Aries. Although it may seem daunting, you could benefit from this cosmic friction. Talking and negotiating compensation is an important skill to have in your work life. You will undoubtedly benefit from talking about your financial expectations, even if it is a daunting conversation.

CANCER Daily Work Horoscope June 28, 2024

Be kind to yourself, Cancer. You may have to face some professional insecurities and setbacks today when Mercury in your sign squares Chiron in Aries. Everyone has had missteps, including you. But you should not beat yourself up for these issues. As the cosmic friction builds, it might be challenging for you to be kind and compassionate to yourself. Try your best to remind yourself that it is okay to make mistakes and change things in your career path. You are allowed patience and grace as you figure out your career path.

LEO Daily Work Horoscope June 28, 2024

What are you afraid of, Leo? Being a fixed sign means that you like to know what you are getting into ahead of time. Having an idea of what is going on gives you a sense of control and security. However, you may have to get comfortable with not having all the details and information when Mercury in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries. There will be moments in your professional journey where you must be okay with the unknown. Think of today’s cosmic energy as a chance to get comfortable with not knowing what will come next.

VIRGO Daily Work Horoscope June 28, 2024

Be confident in your aspirations, Virgo. You may have intuited that a goal of yours could be successful beyond your wildest dreams. Although you may feel confident, you may also have to combat some lingering insecurities as Mercury in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries. Your professional ventures, dreams, and aspirations could lead to something incredible. You could make a ton of money or become well-known for this accomplishment. But the fear of failure may still creep in, like today. Address what you are afraid of so that you can move past it to refocus your attention back on your venture.

LIBRA Daily Work Horoscope June 28, 2024

Do not let anyone bring you down about your accomplishments, Libra. You may not receive the support you are owed when Mercury in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries. In the past, you might have been the first colleague to congratulate others. Now that you are shining for your success, you may notice that your colleagues are not showing up for you like you did for them. You might be hurt at first. But honestly, it is not worth focusing on what others are doing when you should be focused on your success. Shift gears to feel better about your accomplishments.

SCORPIO Daily Work Horoscope June 28, 2024

You can go the distance, Scorpio. Talking about your big plans and dreams may not lead to what you hoped for as Mercury in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries. A coworker or client could make you feel insecure about your plans. They may not try to do it intentionally. However, their feedback could still hurt all the same, especially if you were looking for support. It might be initially hard to overlook. However, you should not concern yourself with what others think if you feel secure in where your professional journey may lead. 

SAGITTARIUS Daily Work Horoscope June 28, 2024

How can you invest in your creativity once again, Sagittarius? You might be tempted to give a passion project your all. But an innate fear or insecurity could stall your progress as Mercury in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries. The cosmic friction may make you feel unsure about pursuing an opportunity that you feel otherwise confided about. Maybe it is time to address any self-sabotaging behaviors that could stall your opportunity to do something you love in your work life. Do some self-work so that you can confidently pursue your professional passion projects!

CAPRICORN Daily Work Horoscope June 28, 2024

A loved one may put things into a different perspective, Capricorn. As you discuss work matters, your loved one could make a surprising comment as Mercury in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries. You might be stunned and then hurt by their words. Something about their comment could make you feel initially frustrated. But as the conversation goes on, you may realize that they have a point that you could have missed. The catch-22 is staying calm enough to hear them out. If you can do that, you might have a new perspective to consider.

AQUARIUS Daily Work Horoscope June 28, 2024

Set the record straight but in a professional way, Aquarius. Work conversations could hit too close to home as Mercury in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries. You could be part of the conversation or an innocent bystander. No matter your role, you may feel like it is up to you to reset the tone. The conversation could very well escalate into a fight. Keep in mind that you are in control as long as you do not stoop to their level. Be calm, cool, and collected as you re-establish professional boundaries at work today.

PISCES Daily Work Horoscope June 28, 2024

You have good ideas, Pisces. Talking about your thoughts and feelings might be hard to do at work today since Mercury in Cancer will square Chiron in Aries. You may feel confident in an idea about a work matter. However, your coworkers or clients may not receive your ideas as expected. There might be a difference in opinion regarding how something should be handled at work. This might be disappointing, but do not let this get you down. Your next idea might be a hit, so never stop pitching them!


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