Daily Career Horoscope – July 6, 2023

ARIES Daily Work Horoscope July 6, 2023
There might be some communication issues, Aries. It might be challenging to speak up when Mercury in Cancer squares Chiron in your sign. Taking charge of the conversation might not be easy unless you are okay with ruffling some feathers. However, the flow of the conversation might still elicit feelings of insecurity. You might be reminded of past events at work when it was like not having a voice. Instead of trying to regain control, it might be best to hang back to be an active listener.
TAURUS Daily Work Horoscope July 6, 2023
Are you ready to speak your mind, Taurus? You might feel unsure about the tone, turf, and timing when Mercury in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries. The square may elicit more stress if you are feeling frustrated with work matters or if you are struggling to assert yourself in conversation. Luckily, you can use the intuitive energy of Mercury to gauge when the right time and place would be to address what is on your mind. If it feels right, then use the square as a healing opportunity to speak your mind about work matters.
GEMINI Daily Work Horoscope July 6, 2023
See the value in what you want to do, Gemini. You will have to reframe your mindset to feel secure and stable with what you aspire to accomplish in your career path when Mercury in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries. Start by talking about your dreams. Opening up about what you want to do or who you want to work with can help you become more confident in the possibilities of making your dreams your reality. You could even go a step further to begin the planning process to feel secure with moving forward.
CANCER Daily Work Horoscope July 6, 2023
Speak kindly to yourself, Cancer. We can be our biggest critics, and you are no exception to this rule when Mercury in your sign squares Chiron in Aries. It is easy to focus on the failures or pitfalls in your career path. But instead of giving life to past pains, it might be best to use this square to reframe your mindset and how you speak to yourself about your career path. Make an active decision to rewire your mindset to yourself as a professional and your career path to focus on the positives.
LEO Daily Work Horoscope July 6, 2023
What can you look forward to, Leo? As a fixed sign, you can be a creature of habit, so taking a leap of faith can be a little scary since it may require going outside your comfort zone. When Mercury in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries today, you may need to work on adjusting your outlook on your professional journey to get excited about the future. Instead of being worried about the next steps, you could think of the square as an opportunity to embrace the unknown in your professional journey.
VIRGO Daily Work Horoscope July 6, 2023
Do not let anyone bring you down, Virgo. It might be time to adjust your friendships, especially if some professional connections are not as supportive as they could be when Mercury in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries. You may notice a lack of support or validation for your professional goals in your recent conversations. Instead of letting someone else take away your excitement, it might be best to regroup by using this square to focus on the positives. You could even use the square to distance yourself from unfulfilling professional connections, too!
LIBRA Daily Work Horoscope July 6, 2023
Speak your truth, Libra. It might be time to be open and honest about how your work commitments are impacting your career path when Mercury in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries. Talking about your career path also means considering your partnerships, obligations, and responsibilities. You may need to be direct about what you are looking for so that there are not any excuses or issues with how your current engagements will impact your career. Do not be afraid to put your foot down if it is time to speak up about your boundaries and expectations.
SCORPIO Daily Work Horoscope July 6, 2023
Do not let the fear of the future hinder your progress, Scorpio. Now is the time to begin researching the next steps of your professional journey. However, you may need to work on becoming comfortable with making changes to your daily work routine to move forward when Mercury in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries. It might be time to address your goals and plans with your supervisors so that you are on the same page. If not, try to overcome your fear of making adjustments to take charge of your work routine and professional journey.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Work Horoscope July 6, 2023
What will it take to invest in your creative endeavors, Sagittarius? Now is the time to seriously consider what you want to focus on or create in your work life when Mercury in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries. It might be daunting to put aside time, energy, and other resources to commit to your next passion project. But you have what it takes to see your creative endeavor through from start to finish. It is a matter of truly believing in yourself and trusting the process as you move forward with your next passion project.
CAPRICORN Daily Work Horoscope July 6, 2023
Be open and honest about your work-life balance, Capricorn. It might be time to speak your mind about your schedule when Mercury in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries. There might be a lot going on in your personal life that is taking a toll on you. So, work may need to go on the back burner if you need to prioritize your responsibilities. However, speaking up about what you need to focus on could create stress. Luckily, if you take the leap of faith to address what you need to focus on, it could help you feel more self-assured.
AQUARIUS Daily Work Horoscope July 6, 2023
Something might need to be addressed in conversation, Aquarius. It can be scary to say what you really think and feel about work when Mercury in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries. There might have been instances where you received backlash for speaking up about other professional matters. Instead of focusing on the past, it might be better to focus on the present since there is a strong desire to speak your mind now. Do not deny yourself the opportunity to be honest about work matters just because of past issues.
PISCES Daily Work Horoscope July 6, 2023
Be direct about what you want to feel financially secure, Pisces. Now is the time to overcome your fears regarding financial matters to speak up when Mercury in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries. It is important to establish financial boundaries early on, especially if you are being rendered for your services, talents, or skills. Do not wait until the last minute, either. Think of this transit as a do-over since this could be an excellent opportunity to be direct about the financial value of your professional skills and work upfront.
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