Daily Career Horoscope – July 26, 2023

ARIES Daily Work Horoscope July 26, 2023
Dive into your inner power, Aries. You have an incredible well of tenacity, determination, and strength at your disposal. However, you may need to work on tapping into it when the fall moon in Scorpio trines Saturn retrograde in Pisces and sextiles Mars in Virgo. The lunar trine will encourage you to reflect deeply on what you need to feel secure in your ability to tap into your inner authority. Once you feel more self-assured with your capabilities, the sextile can help you ease into your abilities in your workplace.
TAURUS Daily Work Horoscope July 26, 2023
What do you want in your professional commitments, Taurus? There might be an emphasis on your partnerships and arrangements when the fall moon in Scorpio opposes Jupiter in your zodiac sign. You may feel like it is time to expand upon your commitments, especially if you want something deeper in your work life. Luckily, the moon will also trine Saturn retrograde in Pisces, so you could open yourself up to working with new colleagues and professional institutions. As long as you have an open mind, you will go incredibly far!
GEMINI Daily Work Horoscope July 26, 2023
What do you want in your work life, Gemini? Reflect on what does and does not work for your professional calling when the fall moon in Scorpio trines Saturn retrograde in Pisces. The watery trine is more intuitive, so you may need to pay attention to your bodily cues and sources of inspiration since you have an opportunity to restructure your career path during Saturn retrograde. So, this trine may encourage you to reflect on what you can do with your habits, routine, and work life to change the course of your career path.
CANCER Daily Work Horoscope July 26, 2023
You already know your next step, Cancer! As an intuitive water sign, you may feel cosmically supported when the fall moon in Scorpio trines Saturn retrograde in Pisces. The watery trine will help you feel more secure and self-assured with your intuition as you consider the next steps in your professional journey. Although there might be some changes in your professional journey, you may feel like everything will work out just fine in the end. You will be fine if you use your intuition to figure out what you want to change or focus on in your professional journey!
LEO Daily Work Horoscope July 26, 2023
You might feel more optimistic than usual, Leo! Good energy will arise when the fall moon in Scorpio opposes Jupiter in Taurus today. The lunation will encourage you to take a step back to rest since Jupiter is slowly but surely expanding your career path. With the opposition unfolding today, you may feel like you are hitting your stride with your career and work-life balance. However, the opposition will also act as a reminder since you will need to maintain a healthy balance to feel well-rested in tackling things at home and work.
VIRGO Daily Work Horoscope July 26, 2023
Who else do you want to work with, Virgo? There might be an opportunity to revise your work commitments when the fall moon in Scorpio trines Saturn retrograde in Pisces. The watery trine is intuitive, so you may already know who and what you want to focus on in your professional arrangements. Since you are in the process of revising your arrangements, you could feel more open-minded to working under different constraints or with different colleagues. Have an honest conversation about what you want to pursue or who you want to work with during the trine.
LIBRA Daily Work Horoscope July 26, 2023
What do you need to feel secure, Libra? Reflect on what you want to focus on as you reframe your work life when the fall moon in Scorpio trines Saturn retrograde in Pisces. The watery trine may encourage you to think about what you value since your work life is under construction. You may need to try something new to feel more self-assured. This could be employing new habits or switching things up in your work routine. You might even feel driven to seek out a new job to feel better about work!
SCORPIO Daily Work Horoscope July 26, 2023
Work on your means of self-expression in the workplace, Scorpio. There is always a chance to try something new if you are open to it since the fall moon in your zodiac sign will trine Saturn retrograde in Pisces. The watery trine will be cosmically supportive since you may feel like it is time to change up your professional identity and appearance. You could be more open-minded to trying something new with your look or your ability to stand out in a professional setting since that could help you feel refreshed at work.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Work Horoscope July 26, 2023
Keep some of your opportunities quiet for now, Sagittarius. As a vibrant fire sign, you can be quite loud and proud about what you have going on in your work life. However, you may feel inspired to keep some of your ambitions or opportunities quiet since the fall moon in Scorpio will sextile Mars in Virgo. It is no secret that you are a powerhouse getting a lot done in your career path. However, some of your goals may need to be private for now until you reach a certain point with your progress.
CAPRICORN Daily Work Horoscope July 26, 2023
There is so much that you could do, Capricorn! Although you are a rather serious earth sign, you may feel incredibly hopeful about what you could do in your work life when the fall moon in Scorpio opposes Jupiter in Taurus. The opposition may encourage you to focus on one or two opportunities in your work life that could be aligned with your aspirations. Once you narrow down what you want to do and decide on your course of action, you may begin to see slow but steady progress with your ventures.
AQUARIUS Daily Work Horoscope July 26, 2023
Work might be something to put on the back burner, Aquarius. You could be coming into a professional spotlight that might be overshadowed by how much you have going on in your personal life when the fall moon in Scorpio opposes Jupiter in Taurus. The opposition may have you consider if you want to prioritize your career or your personal matters today. Given that Jupiter is expanding upon your personal life, you may have some things to attend to at home and with your loved ones before you can buckle down on your professional aspirations.
PISCES Daily Work Horoscope July 26, 2023
You have what it takes to move forward, Pisces! Reflect on what you want to focus on in your professional journey when the fall moon in Scorpio trines Saturn retrograde in your zodiac sign. The watery trine may help you uncover parts of yourself that could enhance your professionalism and your journey. You have the authority to do whatever or become whatever you want as you proceed with your professional advancement. But you should reflect on what you want to take on in your journey since this could result in a change in your professional responsibilities.
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