Daily Career Horoscope – January 18, 2022

Aries Daily Career Horoscope – January 18, 2022
Major changes are ahead, Aries! Uranus stations direct in Taurus today, which will slowly but surely challenge your financial status. Now direct, Uranus is ready to roll out a fiscal revolution, bringing unexpected changes to your bank account and a sense of value. On top of this, the north node retrograde enters Taurus, putting the south node retrograde in Scorpio. The new nodal axis straddles your two financial sectors, which may pose as a catalyst to focus more on your means than joint assets. Between Uranus and the nodes, you are destined for fiscal redirection. Start saving!
Taurus Daily Career Horoscope – January 18, 2022
Taurus, are you ready for your close-up? As of today, Uranus is direct in your sign, encouraging you to slowly but surely change your sense of identity and perception. Who you are and how you present yourself at work now may be incredibly different over the next few months! Redirection seems to be fated as the north node retrograde moves into your sign, which means the south node retrograde is in Scorpio. Fate and destiny with your commitment to your independent career path versus your professional commitments will change with the new nodal shift.
Gemini Daily Career Horoscope – January 18, 2022
Gemini, gear up for a change in your perception of value, security, and relationships as Uranus stations direct in Taurus. Now direct, a slow but sure redirection and revolution are about to occur subconsciously. As a catalyst for change, the north node retrograde is also in Taurus. However, everything will manifest in your job and routines because the south node retrograde is now in Scorpio. As you change your perception of security, it will cause disempowerment and transformation in your professional life. Try to be open to letting go of old structures that no longer work.
Cancer Daily Career Horoscope – January 18, 2022
Forward movement is sure to occur in your greater communities, dreams, and online presence now that Uranus is direct in Taurus. Cancer, get ready for unexpected networking opportunities on and offline that could get you closer to reaching your professional dreams! With this occurring, the nodes also shift into the Taurus/Scorpio axis. The north node retrograde in Taurus will work alongside Uranus to bring valuable, fated changes in your networks and dreams. However, you may have to use your south node retrograde in Scorpio as a catalyst for professional passion.
Leo Daily Career Horoscope – January 18, 2022
Are you ready for your professional come-up, Leo? Uranus in Taurus is now direct, causing a valuable revolution in your sector of career, public image, and accomplishments. Moving forward, you may see significant changes in your career, possibly redirecting how you are known and what you are known for. Each change could seem fated, as the north node retrograde is now in Taurus, which affects the same sector of Uranus. As a result, the south node retrograde in Scorpio may be your catalyst to step out of your private life for professional growth.
Virgo Daily Career Horoscope – January 18, 2022
Time to get a move on, Virgo! Now that Uranus in Taurus is direct in your sector of exploration and expansion, you may be ready to reach new, if unexpected, heights in your career. Opportunities to learn, grow, and travel may come out of the blue! All are part of your professional destiny thanks to the north node retrograde entering Taurus and the same sector as well. But to get there, you should use the newly minted south node retrograde in Scorpio as your catalyst to get out of your comfort zone and into the world.
Libra Daily Career Horoscope – January 18, 2022
Are you ready for changes in your finances, Libra? As of today, Uranus is direct in Taurus, hitting your hidden sector of merged assets and joint investments with a wave of rebellion. Uranus is slowly but surely quaking with change, taking your money in new directions. It may feel fated or destined as the north node retrograde is also in Taurus, meaning it is in the same sector of Uranus. The catalyst for change may be more personal as the south node retrograde in Scorpio shakes up your bank account, encouraging you to seek power through joint accounts.
Scorpio Daily Career Horoscope – January 18, 2022
New commitments are heading your way, Scorpio! Now that Uranus is direct in Taurus, change is occurring in your relationship sector. Following today, you may begin to see old relationships and obligations crumble as better ones come in. Consider these changes to be fated as the north node retrograde is in Taurus now, fueling Uranus’s desire for redirection. As a result, the south node retrograde is in your sign, which is your catalyst to seek out working relationships that challenge you to grow as a professional. Your best bet is to let the universe work its magic!
Sagittarius Daily Career Horoscope – January 18, 2022
Sagittarius, it is time to change your perception of your job. Today, Uranus stations direct in Taurus, invoking change in your daily sector of work and routine. Slowly but surely, you will walk away from aspects of your (maybe even the job itself) towards a better professional life. Since the north node retrograde is also in Taurus, redirection is fated. But the catalyst for such is your underlying perception, thanks to the south node retrograde being in Scorpio. The karmic node is your subconscious view of power and resources, which will trigger your destined node to go in a different direction.
Capricorn Daily Career Horoscope – January 18, 2022
A new wave of creativity is here at last, Capricorn! As of today, Uranus is direct in Taurus, which brings a new mentality into your sector of self-expression and artistic talents. Slowly but surely, your style and branding may begin to change as you may come to value different means of professional expression. Since the north node retrograde is in Taurus, it could better align you with a fated professional style — perhaps, something you become well-known for over time. As a result, the south node retrograde in Scorpio is your catalyst to leave your comfort zone to pursue your dreams!
Aquarius Daily Career Horoscope – January 18, 2022
Aquarius, your work-life balance is about to change! When Uranus stations direct in Taurus today, it evokes a revolution in your private sector of home and family. It may be time to consider different ways of balancing your home and your work. Plus, the north node retrograde in Taurus indicates that these changes are fated. This means that the south node retrograde is likely the catalyst for change as you may feel called to focus more on your domestic duties than your professional path, especially if you have been a workaholic for some time now.
Pisces Daily Career Horoscope – January 18, 2022
Where do you go from here, Pisces? Today, Uranus stations direct in Taurus while the north node retrograde enters Taurus, highlighting your sector of local communities, commute, and conversation. The cosmic impacts in this sector are destined as you are about to grow professionally in your immediate community and likely through the power of communication. But this will come as a result of the south node retrograde entering Scorpio. When this occurs, your catalyst will result from needing to scale down and focus on what is right there in your office or the professional opportunities in your area.