Daily Career Horoscope – December 18, 2023

ARIES Daily Work Horoscope December 18, 2023
Keep calm and carry on, Aries. Something unusual may arise in conversation today when Mercury retrograde in Capricorn trines Jupiter retrograde in Taurus. You may have had a previous conversation about a financial opportunity pre-Mercury retrograde. That conversation might be up for discussion again, but with a twist. The opportunity may no longer be on the table, like if someone was hired for the position. There could also be a financial adjustment, like receiving a smaller offer or not getting the raise that was discussed. Although annoying, you may need to find the positive to get through the transit.
TAURUS Daily Work Horoscope December 18, 2023
Triple-check your travel details today, Taurus! There might be a potential issue with an upcoming trip when Mercury retrograde in Capricorn trines Jupiter retrograde in your sign. You may have discussed a work trip or taking time off of work to travel a few weeks ago. Whatever you talked about then will come back during today’s trine, but with a twist. There could be a change of plans, like the trip getting canceled, having difficulties with booking, or even not being granted time off. Although stressful, you may have to find the silver lining to overcome the last-minute changes.
GEMINI Daily Work Horoscope December 18, 2023
Be confident in your financial plans, Gemini. You may have worked on a financial strategy or goal a few weeks ago. Said financial ambition might be back with a twist today when Mercury retrograde in Capricorn trines Jupiter retrograde in Taurus. Something might be up in the air about your finances, like seeing an abrupt change in your stock portfolio or getting unexpected news about a potential investment. No matter the change, just know that it is not permanent and that you can always brainstorm new ways to improve your financial standing.
CANCER Daily Work Horoscope December 18, 2023
There might be a slight change of plans, Cancer. You may have previously discussed a potential work arrangement that could include working with new individuals or on a new goal a few weeks back. Something may come up that could stall or change your plans when Mercury retrograde in Capricorn trines Jupiter retrograde in Taurus. You might be disappointed, especially if the other party chooses to move forward with a new candidate or a different objective at this time. Although disheartening, try not to lose hope because you could always revisit this opportunity in the future!
LEO Daily Work Horoscope December 18, 2023
Work might be crazy today, Leo. Your previous conversations about your professional goals and plans might come back with a twist when Mercury retrograde in Capricorn trines Jupiter retrograde in Taurus. Something that you mentioned weeks ago could be altered during today’s trine. You could be frustrated since something might be taken out of context or misconstrued. If you have any receipts or witnesses to back you up, then it might be worthwhile to use them if the conversation gets really out of hand. If not, then keep your head held high and let your authenticity speak for itself.
VIRGO Daily Work Horoscope December 18, 2023
Revise whatever you have going on, Virgo. There could be a chance to make incredible edits on an ongoing project when Mercury retrograde in Capricorn trines Jupiter retrograde in Taurus. You may have made adjustments to this endeavor just a few weeks ago. Although these adjustments have been substantial, you may need to take a step back and edit your previous adjustments. This might be annoying since you could feel like you are only taking steps back. But taking these steps back will eventually help you move forward with a much better outlook on your project.
LIBRA Daily Work Horoscope December 18, 2023
Financial arrangements might not be set in stone, Libra. A few weeks ago, you may have discussed plans to stabilize your assets and investments for your family. This may have included discussions surrounding wills, inheritances, and more. Whatever came up then will be the point of conversation again today when Mercury retrograde in Capricorn trines Jupiter retrograde in Taurus. The trine suggests that you may have to make some gradual adjustments to your financial plans, especially if you need to revise your will. After all, having fluid financial plans might be ideal for right now.
SCORPIO Daily Work Horoscope December 18, 2023
Talk it out, Scorpio. Negotiating might be your main theme for today when Mercury retrograde in Capricorn trines Jupiter retrograde in Taurus. There might have been a conversation regarding your professional arrangements, contracts, or an offer a few weeks ago. Now that the trine is bringing this back into focus, there might be a chance to negotiate for something that you want. You might feel more self-assured with asking for higher compensation or for saying no to certain obligations. However, it might be best to wait to commit to anything different until Mercury is direct.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Work Horoscope December 18, 2023
How do you feel about work now, Sagittarius? A previous conversation about security, stability, and values might come to mind when Mercury retrograde in Capricorn trines Jupiter retrograde in Taurus. Just a few weeks ago, you may have felt more confident in your position and work environment. But today’s trine could easily shake your faith, especially if something unexpected comes up, especially if you are hearing something through word of mouth. Although this could be stressful, you may want to find the silver lining to focus on the positives while reminding yourself that the rumor mill is not always accurate.
CAPRICORN Daily Work Horoscope December 18, 2023
Revisit the idea, Capricorn. You may have had an excellent hot take a few weeks back that should be revisited when Mercury retrograde in your sign trines Jupiter retrograde in Taurus. The trine suggests that it might be time to try something out, especially if you are at a standstill with a project at work or a creative endeavor. Taking a step back to consider something that has already come up might be the best way to go. As a result, you may find that your initial idea or feedback was the solution all along.
AQUARIUS Daily Work Horoscope December 18, 2023
What do you want to pursue, Aquarius? There might have been a recent conversation about your initial professional aspirations and path a few weeks ago. If you want to revisit this conversation, then it might be worthwhile to do so today when Mercury retrograde in Capricorn trines Jupiter retrograde in Taurus. You may feel more confident to look into an old dream or goal now. If this is something that you feel strongly about, then do not be afraid to explore this avenue more after Mercury stations direct in a few weeks.
PISCES Daily Work Horoscope December 18, 2023
Connect with an old work friend, Pisces. If someone has been on your mind over the last few weeks, then it might be time to shoot them a message when Mercury retrograde in Capricorn trines Jupiter retrograde in Taurus. You may not have worked with this person in quite some time, so it might be worthwhile to catch up with them. Think of today’s trine as a sign from the universe that reconnecting with an ex-coworker or ex-supervisor can lead to something wonderful. After all, you will not know what may happen unless you try!
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