Daily Career Horoscope – August 28, 2022

Aries Daily Career Horoscope – August 28, 2022
Are you having any fun, Aries? More often than not, one may not associate pleasure or joy with work. But that does not mean that your workdays have to be dull, uneventful, and bland. You should consider prioritizing ways to enjoy your work when Venus in Leo opposes Saturn retrograde in Aquarius. Take a step back to consider who and what you look forward to at your job. Maybe a friend, project, or opportunity will come to mind. No matter what it might be, you should make the best of your situation!
Taurus Daily Career Horoscope – August 28, 2022
Do you like the work-life balance that you currently abide by, Taurus? You have a rare opportunity to reform your commitment to your social life, family, home, and career path as Venus in Leo opposes Saturn retrograde in Aquarius. However, the catch is being comfortable with change, which may not come easily to a fixed sign like you. Even though change can be scary, you should consider this opposition as a chance to restructure your work-life balance according to your current desires. Assume your inner authority to call the shots in a charming yet serious manner!
Gemini Daily Career Horoscope – August 28, 2022
Have an open mind, Gemini. As a mutable air sign, you tend to be relatively considerate of differing opinions or avenues. However, you may want to remember this now more than ever when Venus in Leo opposes Saturn retrograde in Aquarius. Something said or offered in conversation might not be what you are looking for as you consider your professional trajectory. While you might be quick to write it off, you should put a pin in the conversations instead. Mull over what your colleagues are advising, offering, or saying before making a decision.
Cancer Daily Career Horoscope – August 28, 2022
What can you do to feel financially secure, Cancer? You may need to make some revisions to your personal and shared finances when Venus in Leo opposes Saturn retrograde in Aquarius. Venus is gracing your bank account with abundance and confidence! But Saturn retrograde is demanding your attention so that you can reconsider aspects of your investments, assets, or debts. It might be time to meet with a financial advisor either at your bank or your job to ensure that your money matters are secure. Feel free to meet with anyone who influences your financial freedom as well!
Leo Daily Career Horoscope – August 28, 2022
How do you feel about your professional commitments, Leo? It might be time to loosen the reins as Venus in your sign opposes Saturn retrograde in Aquarius. As a fixed sign, you may like to feel in control by having the final say with your obligations, arrangements, and professional commitments. But you should consider focusing on yourself instead of mutual agreements or partnerships instead. Taking a step back to let your professional commitments flesh out will allow you to release any stress from trying to remain in control at all times. Let the chips fall where they may!
Virgo Daily Career Horoscope – August 28, 2022
A positive perception can turn the turn of your workspace in an instant, Virgo. With changes being made to your daily habits and work environment, you may find that your inner monologue can greatly influence how you view these adjustments. As Venus in Leo opposes Saturn retrograde in Aquarius today, you should use this energy to actively retain a positive outlook on your ever-changing work life. Lean into the charm of Venus so that you can use your hidden optimism and talents to instill a sense of cheerfulness throughout your workday.
Libra Daily Career Horoscope – August 28, 2022
Who will support you in your endeavors, Libra? Focus on the friends who have your back while you navigate your career path when Venus in Leo opposes Saturn retrograde in Aquarius. The opposition plays upon your relationships and passion projects, suggesting that you may see your work friend’s true colors as you revamp your ventures. You have the opportunity to focus on projects that spark joy and inspiration. But making these adjustments may not come easily, so you may need to lean on your support system as you figure out your next move!
Scorpio Daily Career Horoscope – August 28, 2022
Shine like a superstar, Scorpio! Let go of your inhibitions when Venus in Leo opposes Saturn retrograde in Aquarius. You may restrict yourself, either purposefully or unexpectedly, from achieving new heights in your career. Luckily, Saturn retrograde encourages you to loosen your reins just a bit so that you can fully step out with Venus on your side. It is your time to enjoy the fruits of your labor without feeling insecure, doubtful, or dissatisfied with your work. Allow Venus to usher you into the glow of the limelight so that you can bask in the recognition that you deserve!
Sagittarius Daily Career Horoscope – August 28, 2022
Loosen the reins on your conversations, Sagittarius! Speak openly and brightly when Venus in Leo opposes Saturn retrograde in Aquarius. Instead of being overly serious or “business only” in conversation, you should allow yourself to open up a bit more to your professional constituents. Professional boundaries can be maintained despite enjoying a more open-minded conversation with your colleagues. You might hear more about someone’s education, professional experiences, mentors, or belief systems. Something said during the opposition could even give you food for thought as you reflect on your own professional development.
Capricorn Daily Career Horoscope – August 28, 2022
Money matters are brighter than you think, Capricorn. You might need to disconnect from your finances when Venus in Leo opposes Saturn retrograde in Aquarius. With Saturn retrograde encouraging you to lighten up about your money, you might feel a little out of control or lacking authority. However, this is not a bad thing as others could add to your sense of wealth and security with Venus blessing your shared assets. Leaning on others for support is possible if you are ready to share your sense of authority with another party.
Aquarius Daily Career Horoscope – August 28, 2022
Have a positive outlook on your professional commitments, Aquarius! Do not be afraid to feel confident about your arrangements and working relationships as Venus in Leo opposes Saturn retrograde in your sign. As you loosen up during Saturn retrograde, your fears or worries may also subside. Now is the time to be 100% authentic in all that you do moving forward without fear of judgment from your professional connections. Since Venus is gracing your professional partnerships with confidence, you can feel rest assured that you are supported in the workplace.
Pisces Daily Career Horoscope – August 28, 2022
Free yourself, Pisces! You can enjoy your work as you embrace your secret self when Venus in Leo opposes Saturn retrograde in Aquarius. As these two celestial bodies eyeball one another, you might be wondering if you will fit in your workplace if they knew the real you. Debuting your secret talents, inner weirdo, and more is always a little frightening as being authentic requires vulnerability. However, Venus’s influence suggests that you are in a welcoming environment or surrounded by loyal friends who will support your unique professionalism. Show your job what you are made of!