Daily Career Horoscope – April 21, 2023

ARIES Daily Work Horoscope April 21, 2023
Money matters are about to hit a wall, Aries. Prepare yourself for when Mercury stations retrograde in Taurus today! Although Mercury retrograde is occurring in a fixed earth sign, there will still be some upsets despite the desire to maintain stability and security. Over the next few weeks, you may find that there are more financial errors and issues than usual during this Mercury retrograde in Taurus. So, triple-check your bank accounts to ensure that your information is safe and to avoid unexpected charges that may accidentally overdraft your account.
TAURUS Daily Work Horoscope April 21, 2023
You might feel increasingly scrambled over the next few weeks, Taurus. As of today, Mercury will station retrograde in your sign which will cause some disruptions in your work life and astrological season. Mercury retrograde is the perfect time to rethink, review, then revise, so this might be the perfect cosmic opportunity to reposition yourself at work. You may need to hold yourself accountable for how you come across, but this could help you improve your standing as a professional. It could even help you adjust your appearance to fit your new and improved professional identity!
GEMINI Daily Work Horoscope April 21, 2023
Try to keep your cool, Gemini. As a Mercurial sign, your mind is always turning and burning as you consider new outlooks at work. However, you may feel especially restless over the next few weeks when thinking about your money matters and partnerships after Mercury stations retrograde in Taurus today. Although this Mercury retrograde will be more influential on a subconscious level, you still may feel a little off as you go about work matters since so much will be on your mind. Try to find an outlet to avoid becoming mentally overwhelmed.
CANCER Daily Work Horoscope April 21, 2023
Old professional connections and dreams may come back into your life, Cancer! Do not be surprised if you get an unexpected email, DM, or cold call from a colleague you have not been in touch with now that Mercury has stationed retrograde in Taurus. These blasts from the past might be a little stressful, especially if you do not want to reconnect. But you could also use this retrograde to re-open the conversation with old work friends that you miss too! Plus, this could even be an excellent time to revisit your aspirations or goals that you may have neglected.
LEO Daily Work Horoscope April 21, 2023
What will put you in the spotlight, Leo? Be mindful of what will call your career path and status into question as Mercury stations retrograde in Taurus today. Mercury retrograde will bring back just about anything from your professional or personal life. This might be an unpredictable transit to anticipate since you could come under fire for literally anything. It might also infer that you may not receive the recognition you deserve for recent professional accomplishments, so try not to let this get you down since you have so much to celebrate.
VIRGO Daily Work Horoscope April 21, 2023
Do you like where you are at in your professional journey, Virgo? You might feel a little unsure about your physical standing or spiritual one when Mercury stations retrograde in Taurus today. Mercury retrograde may encourage you to reconsider where you are versus where you want to be. This could be a semi-stressful transit to endure, but you will come out of it better since whatever comes up will be a checkpoint for your professional journey. By the end of Mercury retrograde, you may feel more self-assured with the direction you want to go in.
LIBRA Daily Work Horoscope April 21, 2023
Financial issues may arise over the next few weeks that may cause you to feel disempowered and out of control, Libra. Since Mercury will station retrograde in Taurus today, you may feel like something is brewing. Mercury retrograde almost always causes problems, so this may affect your loans, debt, investments, and savings account. Be extra mindful of taking more out of your savings account than what you might be putting in during this time since unexpected expenses may arise. It might also be best to hold back from taking on loans or re-evaluating your debt until Mercury is direct.
SCORPIO Daily Work Horoscope April 21, 2023
What blast from the past will come back, Scorpio? Old professional relationships might come up as Mercury stations retrograde in your opposite sign, Taurus. Coworkers, clients, and supervisors may want to reconnect, but you might not feel the same way. It is okay to ignore their calls or messages if you do not want to talk! Meanwhile, it might be best to hold back from taking on new arrangements or adjusting existing ones until Mercury stations direct in a few weeks since the retrograde may lead to unexpected issues down the line.
SAGITTARIUS Daily Work Horoscope April 21, 2023
Work issues are bound to rise, Sagittarius! Mercury will station retrograde in Taurus today, so you may feel like chaos is coming your way. Mercury retrograde is infamous for plans going wrong and technical issues, so this might cause the most stress in your work life over the next few weeks. Troubleshoot these issues early on by backing up all of your files, updating your computer system, and being especially clear with expected deliverables throughout this retrograde. You may be unable to prevent every problem, so try to keep moving and grooving when issues arise.
CAPRICORN Daily Work Horoscope April 21, 2023
Uh-oh, Capricorn! Your ideas might not pan out as expected when Mercury stations retrograde in Taurus today. There is no doubt that you take your work seriously, especially creative ventures and passion projects. But Mercury retrograde may cause some issues, like having a creative block to projects going haywire. Your creative block may make it troubling to move through any issues, so walk away from the project if it gets too stressful. Mercury retrograde may also cause some unforeseen issues to pop up, so be prepared for anything!
AQUARIUS Daily Work Horoscope April 21, 2023
Your work-life balance is about to be anything but balanced, Aquarius. Prepare for a crazy few weeks after Mercury stations retrograde in Taurus today. Mercury retrograde is going to amplify personal problems, especially anything that needs your attention at your house or in your family. Since you will have a lot going on outside of work, it might be challenging to get through your workday without feeling worried about what is going on at home. So, you may find yourself taking more PTO or leaving work early to get things back in order during this retrograde.
PISCES Daily Work Horoscope April 21, 2023
Get it in writing, Pisces. Communication will not be your strong suit when Mercury stations retrograde in Taurus today. Mercury retrograde is infamous for Freudian slips, miscommunication, and missing details, so this might be what you can anticipate at work over the next few weeks. However, this Mercury retrograde is occurring in an earth sign, so having tangible evidence of a conversation may help you with work matters. Get as much as you can in writing via email, taking notes, or through texts to have something to refer to when you’re unsure of what was said.
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