Capricorn October 2022 Horoscope

Capricorn October 2022 Horoscope

The sun and seductive Venus continue their journey through a high-flying zone as October gets underway, Capricorn. This is one of the best times to promote yourself and make sure you get noticed by all the right people. Lovely Venus has grace and charm, which can help oil the wheels of commerce and give you a head start.

You’ll also be assisted by chatty Mercury as it turns direct on October 2. If you’ve been frustrated by delays to your best-laid plans, things will now get easier. Powerful Pluto and sobering Saturn also turn direct on the eighth and twenty-second, respectively, so obstacles will begin to melt away. You’ll soon be making progress.

There is the possibility of arguments at home with the full moon in Aries on October 9 bringing out everybody’s more temperamental and moody side. And it could be the little things that cause feelings to get out of hand. If you can get rid of your excess energy some other way, such as by channeling it through exercise or housework, you could avoid any fallout.

Luscious Venus and the sun move into Scorpio on the twenty-third, making this is a peak time for your social life. You usually enjoy mixing and mingling with influential people and those in positions of power, and this is an opportunity for you to do just that.

The solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 25 can be a turning point that leads to a new beginning. If you’re eager to make a start on a long-term project or bring a dream to life, you could be nudged into doing so sooner than you intended.

As upbeat Jupiter moves back into Pisces on the twenty-seventh, it gives a boost to anything involving social media, communication, networking or online businesses. Don’t wait for opportunities. Make them.

Finally, fiery Mars turns retrograde in your lifestyle sector on October 30 and remains so until January 12, 2023. This means you’ll be pushed into reorganizing your daily routines.


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