Capricorn March 2019 Love Horoscope

MONTH OF MAR 2019: Happy March! Mercury goes retrograde on March 5, dishing out its usual helping of problems, but you’re not in a defeatist mood. You’re determined to find a solution on your own before Mercury heads direct on March 28.
The sun-Saturn sextile on the ninth puts you back in control somewhat and helps eliminate feelings of hopelessness. Whatever you’re going through, Capricorn, believe in yourself. You have the drive and determination to make it through this rough patch.
Mercury is still retrograde when it sextiles your ruler Saturn on March 20, so you might miss some details you would normally catch. It’s not the end of the world, but whether you make a faux pas in front of a first date or a long-time partner, you’re equally embarrassed. Laugh it off if possible.
Love goddess Venus enters creative Pisces on the twenty-sixth, allowing you to express a side that you either keep hidden or didn’t even know you had. Cook or dance with a date or partner. The more you use your hands, the better!
The motherly moon moves through your practical sign from March 27 through March 29, but nurturing isn’t always your style. But just because you aren’t overly demonstrative doesn’t mean you don’t care. Show your love in other ways.
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