Capricorn June 2019 Monthly Love Horoscope

MONTH OF JUN 2019: You get a chance to give your love life some breathing room during the Gemini new moon on June 3. The Twins have a carefree attitude toward love, so you aren’t in a hurry to put anything in writing. Attached Goats are somewhat less responsible now, which could worry your partner.
You might also show a lack of motivation during a lazy sun-Neptune square on the ninth, and your enthusiasm toward someone new wanes the more you get to know them. Are you at a stopping point or just taking a break? There’s no reason to make any major love-related decisions right now, Capricorn.
Your power planet Saturn is retrograde this month, and your frustration builds when someone tries to stand in your way during the Saturn-Mars opposition on June 14. When this person insists on interfering with some aspect of your love life, stand your ground.
A second opposition, this time between Mars and Pluto retrograde on the nineteenth, shifts the focus toward your internalized passionate desires. You know that almost-primal urge you get around someone with whom you have intense chemistry? As you fight against those drives, think carefully about what acting on them will mean for your romantic future.
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