Capricorn 2022 January Monthly Love Horoscope

Capricorn 2022 January Monthly Love Horoscope

Ready to try new things? Maybe you aren’t the most experimental lover, but when your ruler Saturn spends time in innovative Aquarius this month, you’re open to expanding your romantic repertoire. The key is not to let your ego get involved, Capricorn. There’s nothing wrong with admitting that maybe you could learn a thing or two!

You have the first Mercury retrograde cycle of the year to deal with starting on Jan. 14, and, because Mercury is accompanied by tech guru Aquarius, this one might not be as bad as usual. Even if your phone and other tech gadgets you rely on to keep in touch with your current and/or potential partners are glitchy, this quick-witted combo helps you come up with alternate solutions to those types of dilemmas.

Intense Mars teams up with your hardworking sign on the twenty-fourth, so there’s very little you can’t accomplish once you decide on a plan. The only issue now might be getting everyone else on board with what you have in mind. Even though you’re more than capable of doing things on your own, when it comes to love, you need to work as part of a team.