Capricorn 2020 September Monthly Horoscope

Capricorn 2020 September Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF SEP 2020: You don’t lose your composure very often, but when passionate Venus teams up with exciting, spontaneous Leo on September 6, you come close! This transit encourages you to loosen up some of the rules you’ve set for yourself and live in the moment instead. Lose yourself in the excitement of love!

The new moon in strict Virgo on the seventeenth encourages you to tie up loose ends that might have gotten overlooked at the beginning of the month and pay attention to the details of any projects you’re working on. The future looks bright as long as you’re focused on what really matters.

A Mercury-Pluto (in your sign) square on September 20 imposes its own set of restrictions on communications, especially personal interactions. Your tendency to overthink what’s really going on can interfere with a close relationship that has always been built on trust. Avoid going to extremes without getting input from all relevant sources, Capricorn.

Your home planet Saturn goes direct while in your hardworking sign on the twenty-eighth, which is a major signal for you to get back on track. Your future goals are crystal clear, and you have the strength and patience to see them through to fruition. A raise, promotion, or similar advancement is likely in the near future.